Chapter Two: Aim of my Game

Commander Arch was put on a steel table, waiting for automation to begin.

“Sir, we’re going to first have to rip any tendons and/or flesh that isn’t necessary.” One doctor said.

“It won’t be pretty.” Another doctor said, putting a mask on him.

A few moments later:

“He’s asleep. Begin.”

One doctor stood over a control panel with two levers. A mechanical arm with a drill attached, descended to the Commander’s empty socket. It began to drill right by the bone, scooping up dead flesh, and unnecessary nerves and tissue.

The doctors put a mechanic skeletal limb on the remaining bone, with no panels.

“It’s a good fit. Are the panels finished?” The main doctor asked.

“Most of them. Only three are left remaining.”

One hour later:
“There, finished.” The main doctor said.

“Looks good, no?” The assistant doctor said.

“He’ll be out for a while longer. Let’s leave him here for now.”

Two hours later:
The commander awoke on an operating table, and got up. He immediately focused his attention on his arm. He was quickly able to move it.

“Look’s like the doctor will have his life spared after all.” Arch

PV Temple, Graveyard:
The body from the Nomad’s victim was being buried. The diggers had the face of a run over pit bull. Most fighters stayed clear out of their path, and kept to themselves.

“I hope you are reincarnated into a fighter who does not shoot off his mouth. Rest in pieces.” The Nomad Predator struck fear into all warriors of the Pit Vipers. The one who fought him seemed quite bold, and fearless. A nameless rookie who cursed at the wrong face. And he paid the ultimate

Another match would soon take place. Here in the Graveyard, hushed whispers would gloom in the darkness.

Crowds gathered for the fight soon after, and saw the one called Predator. Many looked at him, and quickly withdrew their eyes from him.

The Klan’s leader: Venom soon entered with his bodyguards. The crowd cheered at his arrival, and he soon began to speak. Soon after the battle came underway between several fighters in their own groups.It was a brutal match. Mortals pitted at one another. Scream’s, and blood letting are common in this place.After a long and exhausting match, one group was eradicated.

The fight was over.

Predator was one of them who fought. He withdrew his blades. He mask was torn on one side, so he ripped it off. His Nomadic face drenched in blood, some being his own. His uniform was torn and ripped. He walked out of the arena, hissing as he went. At the entrance he saw a young mother with her six year old child. They both were in shock of the Nomad’s face, since they have never seen one his kind. They didn’t move. And Predator being the uncaring one as he is, shoved the child to the side. Most of the crowd still there gasped, as they saw the little child cry.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” The young mother said, holding her child at her side.

Predator looked down on her, and released his blades.

“I hold no value for mortal life. You want me to slice you in half.?”

The young woman held her child tightly, and curled up in the stadium corner. A single tear fled down her face. Predator upped his blade to her chin, droplets of blood seeping to the ground.

“Don’t get me mad bitch. I won’t hold back just because you’re a woman.” Predator said, bringing his blade to his side. He quickly sliced in thin air. The woman’s head being flung back.

Her left cheek was sliced up to the point where blood seeped even inside her mouth.

He downed his blade to her torso, and began to cut off the buttons to her dress. “You still wanna play don’t you?” Predator said.

“Leave my mommy alone!” The child said, smashing her small fists at Predator’s legs. Predator was about to kick the kid away, when someone drop kicked him in the head.

“What the fu--?” Predator began to say until that someone knocked him out with the handle of his weapon.

It was the leader of the Klan, Venom himself. She covered her exposed breasts by closing her opemed garments with her hand.

Venom extended his hand in offer to help her up, but refused.

“Ma’am, I’m very sorry, he…”

“Fuck you!” She shouted.

“Lady, listen I’m sorry…..”

She shoved Venom aside, and took her child with her.

His bodyguards came to help him up, while suggesting to kill the woman who knocked him down.

“You will do no such thing. Take this sorry ass Nomad to the medic. I’ll deal with him later.”

Outworld, Wastelands:
Milenna moaned as she awoke. The sun arose. She was in the main chamber. Sleeping on a stone slab bed.She noticed her naked body, and calmly put her fighting garbs on. A big smile spread on her face.

She saw Baraka on a ledge outside, looking plainly out at nothing.“I leave you satisfied lover?”

“Wake everyone up. They’re coming.” Baraka went back into the chambers, and disappeared into its dark halls.

Several miles away:
Arch marched with his remaining squadron, along with the deceased Captain’s squad to head a full-scale assault on the Nomads. They finally appeared in sight of the Nomad’s territory.All Nomad’s wore shrouds to confuse, and to hide its leader. The one called Milenna was the only one who stood out.

He aimed his arm at the Nomads, and two small machine guns were came out, and was pointed at them.“The game has begun. Let’s see how my aim is.”

To Be Continued...