Chapter Twelve: The Nightmare Ends

“You think you are evil personified, don’t you?” Skr’nal said, looking boldly into the mutant’s eyes.

“Fool, I have seen greater evil than you. I have seen things that would sicken even you!” Skr’nal snickered.

Baraka threw his hand back, and forced it forward, slamming his fist into Skr’nals face. The demon was hurled into a nearby wall, nearly breaking down the whole thing. He got up, his mask hanging off his face. His mouth trickled with blood, and fire raged in his eyes.

“Bastard. You bastard!!!” Skr’nal yelled. He charged at the mutated Nomad, and attempted a flying roundhouse. Baraka ducked, and uppercutted the sorcerer in the abdomen. Skr’nal bent forward on Baraka’s fist, blood gushing out of his mouth. He fell onto the floor, clutching his gut. His
breathing became labored.

“Damn.” Skr’nal said calmly. He got up, staggering to his feet. He looked at Baraka menacingly. “Good, not bad.” He said, tearing off his mask. “I didn’t know you could be so careless.” Skr’nal laughed a bit. Baraka looked at him, and snickered. The demon couldn’t admit he was losing. The same as when Sub-Zero destroyed the sorcerer Shang Tsung. The sorcerer couldn’t admit defeat. And that cost him his life.

Skr’nal jumped into the air, and extended his leg. He dived forward, trying to connect to Baraka’s skull. Baraka grabbed his foot, and threw him to the ground. Baraka raised his leg, and threw it behind him, smashing it into Skr’nals neck.

At this time, the demon’s vision became blurry. A few more kicks flew at his face, keeping him on the floor. A large swollen bump appeared around his cheek. His teeth loosened, and his nose was pointed the wrong way. He laid on the ground for a few seconds, and kicked himself back up. Baraka looked behind him, and saw Skr’nal back on his feet. The demon cracked his next, and faced the mutant.

“Round two?” Skr’nal said, a large smile forming on his face.

Arch could see the castle in the distance. The squads were relived, and happy to be out of the caverns. “The Nightmare will finally end.” Arch said quietly.

Predator scouted ahead, checking for any enforcers. None were found so far. Arch smiled a bit, excited toFight Baraka.

Back at Sindel’s Castle:
Skr’nal jumped up, and double-kicked Baraka in the chest. The nomad staggered back about a foot back. A blade spurted out of his arm. He let the spark fly, the shadow blade heading towards the demon sorcerer.Skr’nal jumped out of the way at the last second, barely missing the spark. Skr’nal jumped forward, and dived down at the last second, tripping the mutant. Baraka fell forward, smashing his face against the ground.

Skr’nal kicked his way up, and taunted the Nomad to get back up. Baraka got up, and kicked back like a donkey. Skr’nal was booted in his face, thrown a few feet. Baraka got up slowly, since he was a huge mass.All the spikes from his arms shot out, hurling a barrage of deadly spikes at Skr’nal. The demon couldn’t stop from what would happen next. The first wall of spikes hit him, impaling him. The second threw him into the debris of the other floors. His eyes widened, and a single tear of blood rushed out of his eye. He rolled his eyes into the back of his head, and his weight collapsed
onto the spikes.

Baraka cackled, as more spikes emerged on his arms.

Outside the castle:
Skr’nals two companions could hear someone talking, and they went to go see what was going on. The first Necrolyte demon stepped out of the shadows, looking around. The smell of smoke didn’t help him. A lone spark flew at him, missing him by just half an inch.

“Damn.” Predator said. He jumped out of the cover of debris before the demon. “Sup?” Predator yelled, diving into the demon, blades forward. The sorcerer grabbed both of the Nomad’s wrists. The demon threw himself back, hurling Predator into a building. Predator lunged up, and stared coldly into the eyes of the darkness.

Predator charged forward, slicing into the air a few times. The sorcerer took out a jagged sword, and blocked the swipes with it. He turned his wrist, catching Predator’s blades. He twisted his wrist throwing the Nomad to the ground. The sound of metal scarping against pavement was heard as
Predator rolled on the ground.

The sorcerer loomed around Predator, and raised his sword in the air. “Think I’m stupid, don’t ya?” You expect me to do this.” The sorcerer said, picking Predator up. He slammed his right fist into the Nomad’s nose, spurting some blood unto Predator’s mask.

“There’s no time for this!” Arch came out of nowhere. His frag slugs popped out, and he shot wildly.Several bullets hit the sorcerer. He screamed in pain, and hit the ground, holding one of his worst wounds.“You forgot this.” Predator said, ramming the sorcerer’s own sword into his chest. Blood spurted out of his body, and unto Predator’s uniform.

Arch continued forward to the gates of the Castle. “Where’s everyone else?” Predator asked. “I sent them to several sides of the city. Not to let anyone else in.” Arch answered.

Arch started to talk again when the second sorcerer companions of Skr’nal jumped out. He threw his weight unto Arch’s, slamming him unto the ground. Arch kicked him off, having him land on his feet. “Who the hell are you?” Arch said.

“The master does not want anyone to interfere with his plans.” He charged, only to get kicked in his chest.

‘Fool!’ A voice surrounded the three warriors. ‘That is my son.’ Baetal said. The demon growled slightly. ‘Don’t lead yourself into your own demise.’ Baetal finished.

The sorcerer stopped, and motioned Predator and Arch to follow him.

Predator looked at the smoke of burned out fires. The stench of decaying bodies loomed around the three warriors like death, and none of them could stand it. Arch covered his mask with his hand, trying to keep the smell from seeping in. Predator couldn’t stand it as much, as it was strong. But it was a stench he remembers as far back as he could remember. That stench is of victory. Or so the Nomad thought.The demonic sorcerer moved stealthy and quietly. He would jump from pillar
to stone, and stone to wall. He landed at the entrance of the Castle, and pushed the door in slightly. The door creaked, and finally collapsed as it reached the end of the entrance wall.

The demon pushed his nose in the air, able to pick up the scent of Baraka. It was the same but different.He took a few steps forward, and saw the several floors of the building gone. He looked down into the hole, which led to the basement. He saw blood red eyes of a monster. The beast roared even mightier than a lion. He shot out of the hole quickly, landing right by the sorcerer. Blood spewed from the neck of the demonic being. Arch saw blood on the blades of the Nomad. He didn’t even see him swipe at the sorcerer.

The demon fell to the ground, blood spewing every other few seconds. Baraka charged, and shoulder rushed Arch. The squad commander flew through the air a hollowed knife. He landed between the outside, and the Castle Entrance. He clutched his gut, as the air was knocked out of him. He wobbled to his feet, only to see the crimson uniformed Nomad flying into his face.

Blood seeped slowly into the air as Predator connected to Arch’s face. Arch was hurled to the steps of the Castle, sliding down more and more to the ground. Predator got up rather quickly, and extracted his blades. Clanging sounds of metal reached the farthest halls as the two Nomads fought.  Predator ducked, and swiped at Baraka’s stomach. Blood trickled down a bit, but barely any.

“Pathetic.” Baraka said, smashing his fist into Predator’s face. Predator flung back, but was able to keep his footing. Baraka smashed his other fist into his counter-parts stomach. Predator’s eyes nearly popped out as his abdomen bent over. Blood spewed on his already crimson mask. He ripped it off, as he puked out blood and vomit. Baraka raised his arm in a classic karate chop technique. He threw it down, connecting down on the back of Predator’s neck. His eyes rolled into his head, as blood seeped out of his nose.

“You son of a bitch.” Predator said weakly. He collapsed the next instant.

Baraka turned his attention to where Arch’s fallen body was. Baraka looked, only to see nothing. He felt something land on his back. “This ends now!” Arch yelled, as he pointed his frag friends into Baraka’s face. He blasted away, the flashing lights of the bullets covering his face. Smoke bellowed
from the Nomad’s head as each shot hit him. Baraka struggled to get him off, as he growled furiously in pain.Blood trickled down Baraka’s face as he took Arch by the neck. He flung him in the air, still holding him.He shot down his arm, slamming Arch’s skull in the ground. Blood gushed from the buried Arch, and into the air.

“Any more takers?” Baraka laughed. “Yeah, me.” The Nomad looked back. A double spark hit him in the chest. It struggled to rip out his back. Baraka roared, and tried to keep from going through. Baraka roared in pain, as he could see hear his own flesh being cut slowly. He slammed in fists down in agony, the spark finally ripping out his back. Baraka shrieked like nothing human.

“You are truly a worthy fighter.” Baraka said, without even looking up to Predator. “Don’t get up you filthy pig.” Predator snorted.

Predator threw jumped over the beast, and flung his arms unto his back at the last second. He pushed down with all his might, hurling the Nomad back down to the debris in the basement. Predator jumped down the hole, slamming his heel into Baraka’s face. His nose caved in, as blood spurted unto Predator’s uniform. Predator flipped backwards, and double-kicked the Nomad in the chest. Predator landed on the ground with his hands, and used that force to throw himself back up into the air. Baraka charged at Predator, intending to destroy him once and for all. Predator swung his arms slow at first, but they took up speed. Baraka foolishly jumped into the fury. He saw large
chunks of his flesh fly to the ground. As he finished, Predator uppercutted the mutant as hard as he could. Teeth found their way to the ground, as Baraka slammed to the ground.

He got up slowly, and looked back at Predator. The well known assassin growled, and took whatever strength he had left. Predator’s eyes widened, as he positioned his blades outward. He gracefully charged forward. Every second his heart pounded more and more. Every second seemed longer than the last. He could see his blades got closer and closer to Baraka. Baraka put his right hand out, blocking him. ‘Just as I thought.’ Predator said in his mind. He stabbed Baraka in the wrist, and right above the gem. “Oh, no.” Baraka suddenly realized what he was about to do.

Predator yelled as he ripped his blades out of Baraka’s wrist and palm. One of Baraka’s fingers ripped out of his hand. And even after his hand detached from the wrist, throwing itself to the ground.

The gem on the palm started to beat harder and harder. It then slowed until it didn’t anymore. “NNNNNOOOOOOO!” Baraka screamed. “What the fuck have you done????!!!!!”

Smoke rose off the Nomad’s body. His body changed to what it was like before he possessed the gem. He fell to the ground, weak. Predator started to walk away, trying to find a way out of the basement. He heard Baraka snicker. His snicker then turned into a laugh. “How foolish can one be?” He said, getting up. The gem started pulsate again, and it ripped out of the dead hand. Blood
gushed out of Baraka’s stump on his arm. Something then ripped out. Predator looked confused, and amazed as he saw Baraka grow another hand.

The gem levitated in the air, and it attached to his hand again.

Baraka chuckled a bit. “Warriors grow stronger after every battle. Well get a taste of my reborn power!” Baraka yelled, as a red blast of energy shot out of the gem. It hit Predator square in the chest, hurling him into the air. The only thing stopping him was a nearby wall. He felt his spine being
crushed because of the force. He fell to the ground, a hacking cough coming out of him.

Baraka laughed again. He started to change again, but not into what he was last time, no. One black horn ripped out on the right side of his skull, as did another one. Small spikes protruded on his arms. A fire born energy surged aflame around his body. His face remained the same, although his eyes turned pitch black.

“It doesn’t matter where you hide, or where you run.” Baraka took one step forward, the ground cracking where he stepped. “I am the incarnation of destruction. I am death incarnated. I am hate incarnated. Run and hide in hades. You will see me there also.”

Two orbs of energy formed in his hands. They became bigger and bigger, until the room could not hold them any longer. A bright flash breached around the castle, and a large explosion followed after. The smoke from the blast took a long time to clear. Baraka snorted as he stood where he was when he fired the two orbs. He looked around, small pieces of debris still were falling. Then he saw something. He saw a blood covered Predator jump over him, and sweep him to the ground with his legs. Baraka fell to the ground, but he used the momentum to roll upwards to the front of Predator. He slammed his elbow to Predator’s face, having him stick to the small spikes around the area.

Predator started to push on Baraka’s arm to break off. ‘This is gonna hurt.’ Predator thought. He tried with all his might, and finally ripped his face off Baraka’s arm. His flesh hung off his face, and blood covered every inch of the right side of his face.

“Alright you son of a bitch.” Predator said, extracting his metal claws.

Baraka scoffed. “Try as you might. You cannot defeat me.” Baraka said.

Predator lunged at his foe, blades in front of him. He was just barely an inch away from Baraka’s heart. But Baraka took up his left hand, and swatted Predator away like a common housefly. “Foolish Nomad. You are a disgrace to your race!” Baraka yelled, as he slammed one foot to the ground. The ground shook everywhere except around Baraka. Predator lost his balance, and
slammed hard to the ground. Cracks appeared everywhere, even on the walls. The ground gave way, and the two Nomads fell into a cavern below.

Baraka landed perfectly on a ledge near the new hole. Predator’s limp body hurled itself into a small river below. Water bounced off the ground and unto his uniform, washing some of the blood off of him. He breathed slowly, and tried to get up. He couldn’t, he knew he couldn’t.

‘Is this worth it? Is this worth the money?’ Predator thought. “Damn right it is.” He said out loud.

“What’s that? You want me to finish you?” Baraka smirked. “Gladly!” Baraka jumped down to where Predator was.

Predator extracted his claws just as Baraka landed. “Yes!” Predator yelled. Baraka fell down, blood gushing out of his wound. “Get off me, freak!” Baraka said, back-handing Predator. Predator rolled a few feet, and finally was able to kick himself back up.

Baraka charged at him like a crazed blood hungry bull. He slammed his fist into Predator’s mouth, breaking off a few of his sharpened teeth. He slammed his second fist into Predator’s skull, knocking him down.

“Still the best at what I do.” Baraka said, kicking Predator in the ribs. He heard a few ribs crack. And that put a smile on his face. He saw the river turn to blood as it gushed down the waterfall nearby. He saw some rock formed stalagmites down to the lower cavern. He smiled, and decided to finish him once and for all.

Just then, he felt his skin peel, and his insides burning. Bullets found their way into him, actually tearing off a good chunk of meat off his right leg. He saw Arch, and the warrior said something before he passed out, and hit the ground.

“What???!!!” Baraka yelled.

“Game over.” Baraka heard Predator speak. He looked down, and saw Predator lining up a double spark. Predator smirked evilly. He shot out once but twice. Shooting four sparks in all. Baraka’s eyes cringed in pain, as blood gushed out of his mouth and mortal wound. Predator punched Baraka in his abdomen, and uppercutted him in the jaw. Baraka flew back, and fell right down beside the waterfall.

Baraka landed dead center on one of the cavern spikes. Blood gushed around the area, turning the place into a blood bath. Baraka’s breath became slow, and his breathing was not heard.

“Fatality, motherfucker.” Predator said.

Arch came up, all battered and bloodied. He saw a portal open above Baraka. “One more thing, Baraka.” Arch said as Predator jumped down into the cavern, slicing off Baraka’s hand holding the gem.

“GO TO HELL!” Arch yelled as a skeletal hand came out, grabbing Baraka’s torn body. “No.” Baraka said slowly, as tears ran down his eyes. “Nnnooooooo!!!!!” Baraka screamed, as he was pulled into the void, as his soul would be tortured by the demons forever.

Predator ripped the gem out of the hand, as it burned up right before his eyes. “Finally.” Arch said. “What, human?” Predator said, a large smirk on his face. “It’s all done with. Let’s go.” He said, heading back up to the hole in the basement. Predator went up the ragged edge of the cliff of the
waterfall and met Arch up in the basement.

Predator and Arch made their way to the thrown room, as the extermination squads rallied their troops. Arch saw his troops bowing to Kitana.

“Take the gem to the Pit Vipers. They will know what to do with it.” Kitana said calmly. Apparently she knew what was going on.

A Day Later: (In the Edenian Castle Courtyard)
“Make allies with the Pit Vipers, son.” Baetal said, appearing to him while he was asleep. Arch got up, and soon decided to go with Predator to the PV Temple.

Predator had a few bags with him, filled with coins, and different expensive rings and things of the sort. They entered a portal Kitana opened for them.

Pit Viper HQ:
Venom saw Predator, and a ninja-clad warrior coming to the steps of the temple. Beside him were the Klan rulers: Nukum, ThunderBlood, Tai, Blades, and Mr.MK.

Venom at first refused entry to them, but Arch talked them into letting them in. He also talked the Klan Leader in letting both join the Klan. Predator wasn’t to happy of coming back, but the Klan Rulers voted him back in. Predator snickered as he entered the Temple. He was also happy to hear of a tournament-taking place.

Back at Sindel’s Castle:
The extermination squads stayed at the Castle, and Kitana was uneasy of having them there. There went down the corridor, and into the Throne room, seeing a snowy white color skinned man. He smiled under his mask, as the doors to the room closed. A few shots were heard fired, and the sound of a body hit the ground, blood began to seep out of the Throne Room doors.

A tournament was taking place, and it was a grand day, as the anniversary of the Klan would take place. The man called Venom stood up from his Throne and spoke.

“An anniversary is coming up.” Venom took up his wineglass. The crowd roared in cheers. “The Klan was renewed nearly a year ago. And we are back better than ever!” Venom yelled. The crowd again cheered.“A tournament will he held. Today will mark the first match. Two very skilled assassins are here to match wits, and brute strength.” Venom said.

“Redeemer has no looses. He has never been defeated. The one known as Predator has stood as a great champion before the renewal took place. He has pleaded to destroy the hierarchy Anaconda many times. Let us see which of these two assassin’s will win!” Venom said, sitting back down.

A small conversation started to converse around the Klan rulers. Predator stood on one part of the arena, as Redeemer stood on the other side.

“This’ll be easy.” Redeemer said, looking at Predator. “Don’t underestimate me human.” Predator snarled.

“FIGHT!” Venom bellowed.

It has begun…