Chapter Eleven: Destroyer of Hope and Dreams

Baetal could sense that the war was coming to an end. Every second seemed longer than the last, and even more boring. He sat on Kahn’s throne, thinking of battles past, and those to come. He felt an energy drain coming from the Castle. He knew it was Sindel’s. A sinister smile spread on his

The Edenians marched across the land, trying to reach the Castle as fast as they could. Their numbers dwindled from the fight at the mounds. Arch paid no mind about it so much. The pathetic “war” would be soon over. And Arch cared for nothing more.

“How long is it to the Castle?” Predator said.

“Seeing as from the position we are from, a little less than a day.” Arch said, looking at the ground.

Predator growled. “The damn bastard can’t see what’s coming.” He snickered.

Skr’nal sent his two companions to the east and north ends of the city, while he went up to the Castle. The gates were torn down, and the walls were crumpled to the ground. He headed up the plight of stairs, and entered into the stronghold. Two Nomad’s stood guard inside, waiting for any daring and stupid enough to pass by. Skr’nal put his palms up, and made two fists. The Nomads were frozen in place, and they lunged into their air. Skr’nal pulled his arms back, as the Nomads hearts ripped out of their chest.

“There’s probably an easier path.” He muttered to himself.

‘I can’t drain my energy.’ He thought.

Throne Room:

Baraka knew Skr’nal was coming for him, although he didn’t know who it was.He motioned his guards at the entrance of the room, as well to the side windows. A red cloaked demon appeared out from the floor, and started to calmly walk over to Baraka. The guards rushed at Skr’nal, put with his powers he threw them all out the two windows.

Baraka started to applaud his efforts in a sarcastic manner. “You have real guts coming here.” Baraka said, getting up from the throne. “Whoever you are.” Baraka motioned his neck. “…I hope you don’t mean to fight me, since you have no chance of winning.” Baraka finished.

“Oh, but I do mean to fight. And destroy. None of my prey have ever eluded me. Nor have I ever spared any of them.” Skr’nal said. Baraka wasn’t impressed.

“I’ll let you try. Although when you lose, I will kill you.” “Shut your asshole, and fight already.” Skr’nal said, dropping into a fighting stance.

Baraka also dropped into his fighting form, and motioned for the fight to start. Skr’nal quickly took his cape off, as Baraka rushed at him with both blades. He wrapped the cape around Baraka’s head from a distance, and slammed him into a wall. Baraka fell to the ground on his knees, dizzy from the unsuspecting move. He cut the cape from his head with his right blade, and quickly got
up. He snorted like a bull, as his eyes lit up bright red.

He shot a double spark at Skr’nal, which he caught. He threw both sparks back at a fast rate, both impaling Baraka. He grabbed the sparks, and jerked them out. The wound healed instantly. “Not bad. I’ll give you some credit. Too bad you won’t last much longer.”

Baraka said, showing his palm. A red beam shot out of the gem. The beam hit Skr’nal, a large explosion followed ahead. “Amateur.” Baraka said, heading back to Sindel’s throne.

“Was that supposed to hurt?” Skr’nal said. Baraka looked back, only to see a
fist flying at his face.
The smoke didn’t clear, and Baraka could hardly see anything. Baraka saw a foot trying to connect to his back, but he caught it. “That the best you can do?” Baraka said.

“Nope.” Skr’nal said, kicking Baraka in the head with his other leg. He fell on his back, and rolled away from the Nomad’s grasp. Skr’nal kicked himself up, using the force to roundhouse kick Baraka in the ribs.Baraka cringed his face, as he felt his side splinter. He looked up after a few moments, seeing Skr’nal in the air. Skr’nal started to use his own energy to make the castle collapse. It was too big though. Instead he focused on the room, as the floor beneath Baraka began to give way. The floor crumbled into bits and pieces as Baraka fell with the debris.

Skr’nal made the other levels beneath the throne room crumble as well. Baraka fell seven levels. His body crashed through the last floor, falling into the basement. Skr’nal hovered in the air, and he pulled himself down into the lower levels, hoping to see the Nomad dead.

He landed in the basement level, with some debris both on top and under Baraka. He snickered as her searched for the Nomad through the rubble. He saw the Nomad, bloodied and bruised. Skr’nal was happy with what had happened. But he felt that the Nomad was still alive. Baraka lunged up,
trying to slice at Skr’nal.

The warlock sorcerer grabbed Baraka’s arm, and threw his hand at the Nomad’s wrist. Baraka’s hand flung to the side, broken. Skr’nal brought the Nomad up to his feet, and punched him in the abdomen. Skr’nal then took Baraka into a headlock, and flung him over his head. Baraka landed on his feet perfectly, and kicked the demon in the back of his head. Skr’nal went forward a bit, still keeping his balance. Skr’nal didn’t turn around.

“Face me, coward!” Baraka said.

Skr’nal laughed, and threw his cape unto Baraka’s head, blinding and choking the Nomad. He jumped into the air, and double-kicked Baraka in the face, and neck. He took the cape, and threw it around Baraka’s ankles. He tugged on the cape, hurling the Nomad down back first. He stomped of Baraka’s stomach, breaking several ribs.

Baraka brang his two legs up, and wrapped them around Skr’nals neck. He threw him into the stone floor, face first. Skr’nal shot himself up into the air, and with both of his feet hit Baraka square in his face. Baraka's nose caved in even more, making him lose oxygen to his brain. Baraka shook his head, recovering from some blurry vision.

Skr’nal brought his right leg up, and clamped it with his right arm. He let go like a slingshot, his heel connecting to Baraka’s forehead. Baraka lost all vision for a moment, and flung back to the ground.
The demon warlock jumped into the air, and flung his leg from his body. Baraka at that instant, sat up only to be knocked back down again.

“This truly is getting boring, Baraka.” Skr’nal said, kicking him in the head once more. A green light developed in the air, and turned into an energy blade. Skr’nal motioned his two fingers towards Baraka’s right hand. The gem embedded in his palm began to pulsate. The veins in Baraka’s body
began to grow large. His muscles grew bigger, and two of his sharpened teeth grew to that almost of the size of the ancient cat, the Sabretooth Tiger. Spikes grew all over his arms, legs, and back ripping his shroud to pieces.

“Maybe now you’ll be more of a challenge. I knew the gem would react the way it did.” Skr’nal snikered.

“No! You fool!” Baetal sensed the gem powers extending to that of its utmost capacity. Baraka roared like that of a mad lion. Skr’nal looked up at the mutated Nomad, and stared coldly into his eyes. Baraka bent down, and snorted into his face.

“Judgment has come upon this realm and its inhabitants.” Baraka spoke as if he were the devil himself.

“You are a cancer that plagues reality. And the only way to get rid of this cancer is to exterminate it.” Baraka said, laughing.

To Be Continued………