Chapter Ten: Eve of Judgment (Part Two)

This time, the Edenian’s would play offense instead of defense. Arch was in the middle of his troops, having himself protected with a barrage of human shields. He sighed a bit, showing some exhaustion, as well as showing he is anxious. The knights rode ahead, and Arch motioned the archers and the rest to stop. “Stand your ground!” Arch said. The squads could hear the sound of steel scraping upon the metal of the Nomad’s arms. Arch almost fell into a trance, and the small fight between the knights and the few Nomads seemed to go one forever. His head hurt terribly, and his closed his eyes for a few moments. When he knew the pain subsided, he found the archers gone. Only one knight was left standing, and the denizens awaited orders.

He ordered what to do what he said the night before, and it was done. Arch looked at the fight, his squads were fearless. And he swallowed his pride hard, and for the first time thought, ‘Am I scared?’ His eyebrows cringed, and calmly walked to the battle. When he went through the entrance to the mounds, he saw a spark fly past his face. Blood trickled down his cheek, and he did not think of the Nomad attacking him. He lifted up his metallic arm, and his frag slugs popped out. He fired without thinking, and completely missed the blood hungry Nomad.

In his anger, he grabbed the Nomad by the neck, and threw him into a large pit below the mounds. The Nomad landed on a bridge, but he was only knocked out.

“Don’t move, Edenian trash.” A nomad was behind Arch, and pointed his blades at his head, ready to let lose a spark into his brain. “Kill me now.” Arch said, with no trail of emotion in his voice. The Nomad grunted a bit, and growled the next second. “Can’t do it can you?” The Nomad’s eyes widened, and he was stunned to what the Edenian said. His eyes collapsed the next
moment, and an evil smile spread on his face. “Then get it over with already!” Arch yelled. The Nomad hesitated again. Arch threw his fist back, slamming the Nomad’s nose into his face. The Nomad fell to the dirt, lifeless. Arch scoffed at the Nomad. “Weakling.”

He looked at the sights around him. The light shone as it arose, and a slight friendly smile appeared on him. He blinked, and started forward down into the mounds. He ordered three archers, and the last knight to go down with him. Arch jumped on the shoulders of an unsuspecting Nomad, collapsing his lungs into his stomach. Arch ran over to the nearest bridge. Arch’s face lit up as of what he saw.

He saw many Nomads dead and it seemed at died without giving up any kind of  a fight. “Predator.” Arch muttered. “I don’t want to join you human, but I’ve been thinking of the profit I can gain for saving the princess bitch.” Predator said, coming out of a cavern beneath Arch.

Arch smiled a bit. Predator noticed, of course. “Smile again bastard, I’ll slice you another mouth.” Predator said in a gruff voice. He easily jumped up on the platform Arch was on. “How did you get in without having any guards notice you?” “None of your business.” Predator remarked.

“Well then, we split up.” Arch said. “Take this.” He said pulling out a tube, with some kind of purple gel in it. “What the fuck is that?” “It’s a detonation bomb.” Arch said. “Place it in the main chamber.” “What the hell can this do?” Predator shouted. “Trust me, that thing along can level a
seven-story building alone.” Arch said, giving his companions bombs also.

All six split up, going into different places. Arch went into the treasury chamber. He didn’t care for the money, and so he put two of them inside the coins. He laughed a bit, and went off.

An archer went into the chamber of Ner’bane, and place one near the bed. The second archer went into the lower caverns, setting one near a small inside river. The last archer went to one of entrances, and placed it at the main gate. Predator was in the main chamber, where Baraka’s stone slab throne resided. He put it right on the seat of the throne, and all this did not please him. He would rather have Baraka on that seat as he put the bomb there. He laughed at the thought, and moved out.

The Forest:
Ner’bane rode his dark riders into the forest, the second fastest way to Sindel’s Castle. ‘By the time we freakin’ get there, there might not be anything else to kill.’ Ner thought. He rode faster than the others, as HS told him to slow down. He could only feel the bloodlust enter into his veins. He growled slightly, and was hoping he’d see a light at the end of the vines that covered most of their sight.

He was pleased to see a blur at the distance. He rode as fast as he could, until the blur became a light. He saw the light become bigger, and higher. He was excited when he saw the sky again. He saw the Castle walls in sight, and motioned everyone to ride towards it. HS surpassed his speed, and extracted one of her blades. See saw some variation of a guard, and swiped down hoping to cut off his head. Instead he kipped up, and shot her right off the wolf. The dark wolf charged at the guard, but in what seemed forever the guard took his spear, and rammed it into the neck of the animal. The wolf eyes cringed, and it collapsed to the ground.

“C’mon bitch, so I can send your sorry Nomad ass back to where you came from.” The guard said.
HS scoffed, and then she laughed. She charged at the guard, and when she swiped at his neck, he let up his knee shattering some of her ribs. He slammed his elbow into her neck, ramming her into the ground. She coughed up some blood and dirt. “Your piece of crap! Look what you did to my face.” She yelled. “From where I stand, not even your mama would love that face, and as far as I know anyone who would fuck you would do it with their eyes closed.” The Edenian laughed. His arrogance led him to his demise, as HS swiftly rammed her blade into his abdomen. She ripped it up, cutting his neck and face in half.

Ner’bane jumped off his wolf as it went through the entrance. “You okay?” Ner said. “I’m a bit winded, but I’ll be fine.” She said. She got up, crouching forward because of her ribs. The rest of the riders were able to catch up, and instantly separated to the other exits.

HS wiped the blood from her face, and saw Ner run into the frag. She struggled to walk any faster than she was able too, but she entered the gates as quickly as she could. A few Shamans of Edenian priests were posted atop some buildings. They all had scepters in their hands, and they pointed them above their heads.Black clouds surrounded the sky, and formed into a dark portal. The Shamans started to chant, and some wolf riders were sucked in. Their screams filled HellScream’s ears with pain. The portal closed, and HS began to run in fear of her life.

“What are we waiting for?” One of them said. “Let her go, the skeletal denizens will finish her off. That death will satisfy us all.” The Shaman snickered.

HS ran screaming her lungs off. She stopped in the middle of a crossway in the city. She saw a red shrouded figure in the distance, and she pleaded for help. A red circle of energy opened itself under HS, but she did not slip in.

Metal spikes protruded all around her. Those spikes shot long beams of energy at her, but without harming her. Then the beams started to pierce into her skin, causing immense pain. More and more beams shot out, until they shredded her into pieces. The shrouded figure can out, revealing himself as Skr’nal. His apprentices came out, holding the heads of the Shamans at the gate. An evil smile erupted on his face. He picked up the head of HS and threw it into one of the fires surrounding the city.

Arch and his archers escaped the mounds, while the knight and Predator escaped through another exit of the mounds. Most of the soldiers, and denizens were able to escape, but there were those few who died for the cause. “What now human?” Predator said. “The mounds are mostly gone, so
their last stand it at the Castle.” Arch said.

To be Continued