Chapter 3: Tracking Viscera

Venom heard rustling in some bushes and pulled out his sickles. "Come out or I'll pull you out with my sickles, you little bastard," Venom threatened, getting into his fighting stance. Suddenly a Raptor came flying out of the bushes with its claws extended and its fangs beared.

"I'm going to cut your fucking head off!" the Raptor yelled, cutting a wide gash across Venom's chest. Venom ignored the stinging pain and kicked the Raptor in the head as it charged at him. The Raptor fell to the ground and shook its head. Thunderblood ran behind it and was about to break its neck, but Venom stopped him.

"Don't kill it yet. I need to know where I'll find Viscera and my brother," he said.

"All right you Raptor bastard, where's Scyllus?" Thunderblood asked.

"I'm not telling you anything," the Raptor said, struggling to break free of Thunderblood's grip.

"Tell me or I'll cut your fucking head off, you little shit," Venom threatened, putting the blade of the sickle up to the Raptor's neck.

"All right! I'll tell you. Jussst don't kill me!" the Raptor begged. "He isss in a temple in a dark foressst. I can't explain how to get there, ssso you'll have to find your own way there," the Raptor informed. "Now let me go."

"No way. I can't just let you run free. You are probably one of the Raptors that killed my clan," Venom said.

"No! You can't do thisss! You sssaid--" Venom decapitated the Raptor before he could finish and threw the head to the ground. Venom stood up and looked around.

* *One Day Later* *

Viscera stared the Raptor known as Diamondback in the eyes. "I want you and Klaw two go out and find that Raptor I sssent out yesssterday and if he isss ssstil alive, kill him," Viscera ordered.

"Yesss, massster," Diamondback said, bowing and walking out of the room.

* * * * *

After about four hours Diamondback and Klaw found themselves in a forest unlike any they had seen before. "Thisss place isss weird," Diamondback said. "Maybe we should--" before he could finish a group of about ten Barakas came flying out of trees and bushes.

"You die now!" yelled one of the Barakas. Diamondback pulled out his daggers and slashed open one of the Barakas' stomachs, letting its guts spill out. He spun around and roundhoused another Baraka across the face, and followed up with a slash across its neck, decapitating it.

Klaw pulled out his long sword and cut two Barakas in half, and decapitated another. An unexpected Baraka cut a long gash across Klaw's back, and another on his arm. Klaw dropped his sword and shrieked with pain. He rolled forward just as the Baraka was about to decapitate him, and spun around. He threw a force ball that knocked the Baraka back into a tree, stunning it for just enough time for Klaw to attack. Klaw ran up to the Baraka and placed his hands on its chest, sucking the life from it. The wounds on Klaw's body healed perfectly, and the Baraka was dead. He turned around and caught a roundhouse across the jaw, knocking him to the ground. He rolled to the side and pushed himself to his feet. He caught another roundhouse in the jaw, which was immediately followed up with an uppercut and another roundhouse. Klaw wearily pushed himself to his feet. He blocked a kick to the face and retaliated with a Slashing Uppercut that was followed up with a Slashing Roundhouse. He spit a thick stream of acid on the downed Baraka that ate away at its wart-covered skin. He ducked under a decapitating slash from a Baraka and kicked it in the groin and then grabbed his long sword. He got into a fighting stance and then did his Slashing Fury, dismembering the Baraka. He spun around with a swift slash of his sword and decapitated another. He saw Diamondback with blood covering his body and his mouth.

"Are you okay?" asked Klaw, worried that his best friend was injured,

"Yesss, I'm fine. But he isssn't," Diamondback said, turning his head to the gutted Baraka on the ground. "He wasss tasssty," he said with a laugh. Suddenly from out of nowhere came a ninja in a dark purple outfit.

"Who are you?" Klaw asked, ready to attack.

"I am Leech. You two must be Klaw and Diamondback," the ninja replied.

"How did you know?" asked Klaw.

"Viscera sent me to assist you guys in this assassination of Venom," Leech replied.

"Well, we need no help from a human," Diamondback snapped.

"Viscera told me you wouldn't me around. He said you were just too pathetic to accept the help," Leech said to Diamondback.

"Oh yeah. Well I'm going to kill Venom and bring back hisss head. The Visssera will believe that I am worthy enough to be in hisss army. Now get the hell out of here before I kill you myssself," Diamondback ordered.

"No way. I'm getting paid greatly for this. I am not gong to back down from some wimp like yourself," Leech snapped back.

"All right. You will die a ssslow and painful death, human," Diamondback threatened. He roundhoused Leech but it was blocked and he was hit in the jaw with a hard kick.

"I told you I am not going to back down, you fool," Leech informed, and quickly uppercut the lowly Raptor in the jaw.

"ssStop it, you foolsss!" Klaw ordered, kicking Leech in the side of the face. "We cannot fight one another, we have to sssave our energy for the fight againssst Venom and thossse two foolsss he bringsss with him," he informed.

"Sorry about that, Klaw," Leech apologized, getting up and wiping the blood from his mouth. "Let's find those sons of bitches and bring back each one of their pathetic heads!" Leech yelled.

* * * * *

"Do you hear something?" Venom asked, looking around the dark forest.

"No. Why?" Thunderblood asked.

"Because I think we're being followed," Venom informed. "Just keep your guard up and watch your back," Venom said, pulling out his sickles. He walked along the dirt path, still looking around. Suddenly two Raptors came flying out his clubs in hand.

Thunderblood cracked his knuckles and said, "Oh yeah." He roundhoused one Raptor and followed up with an Energy Splash that was blocked by the Raptor. The Raptor slammed the club into Thunderblood's side, shattering a few ribs. Thunderblood let out an agonizing scream, but stood his guard. He uppercut the Raptor and did a successful Energy Splash followed by deadly uppercut, which immediately snapped the Raptor's neck. Thunderblood leaned against a tree and held his side in pain.

Nukum and Venom beat the remaining Raptor to a bloody pulp, until Venom ordered Nukum to back away. Venom stuck the sickle up to the Raptor's throat and ripped upward, shoving the curved blade of the sickle into the Raptor's throat. The Raptor choked and gagged, trying to breathe. Venom then slammed the choking Raptor hard on the ground, and tore the sickle blade out of its neck, the blade tearing the Raptor face in half.

"That was sick man," Nukum said, turning his head and holding back the urge to puke. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"You'll be all right, Nukum," Thunderblood reassured, standing up on his strong leg. "You've seen worse. Now let's go." The three then began to walk again.

"Hold on. You all right, Thunderblood?" Venom asked, noticing the limp walk that Thunderblood had.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Now come on," Thunderblood replied.

"No way man. You need to be healed. Here, take this," Venom said, handing Thunderblood the last bit of the red liquid in the glass bottle.

"I said I'm fine. Now come on," Thunderblood said again, shoving the potion away.

"Take it or we ain't leaving," Venom ordered, handing Thunderblood the potion, who grabbed it and drunk the red liquid. He shook his head and the affect of the potion took over. Seconds later he was perfectly normal.

"Good stuff, man," he said, rubbing on his side. "It really works. Are you sure you didn't need the rest of it?"

"I can make more of that in less than a minute, so let's go," Venom replied, walking along the path.

About an hour later the three encountered yet another group of Raptors, except this time they were armed to the teeth and even stronger than the ones before. There were several of them, two carrying battle axes, three armed with spiked clubs, and the other two armed with jagged swords. The two with swords attacked Venom, but were quickly disposed of with a swift gut- ripping slash from his sickles. He turned to see another Raptor armed with a battle axe heading towards him, and slashed across its chest and through its stomach, allowing its intestines to spill out.

Nukum removed his mask and emitted a green gas that entered the two Raptors' lungs, causing them to cough and gag. While the Raptors choked, Nukum took out his maces and crushed them into a pile of blood and bone.

Thunderblood had quickly disposed of the remaining Raptors with a simple uppercut that broke each Raptors' neck. "Nice job, Thunderblood," Venom congratulated.

"It was too easy," Thunderblood said, shoving the limp body to the ground. They then began walking again.

Another three or four hours past and they seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. They were surrounded by miles and miles of vast grassland. Suddenly a dark portal opened a few miles off. "What the hell is that?" Venom asked, noticing the dark-colored portal.

"Looks like a portal," Nukum replied. The three took out their weapons and readied for what appeared to be an all out war. Hundreds of Raptors came jumping out of the portal.

"Jesus Christ man. This is gonna take forever," Venom said.

"Yeah. And we're gonna need some help if we wanna live," Thunderblood added.

Next Chapter: "The Battle of a Lifetime"