DISCLAIMER:  Insert standard disclaimer here…


AUTHOR’S NOTES:  Hey again, Happy Holidays and Happy New year and all that.  Ya’ll know the drill.  Ideas are welcome, e-mail them to me at bekaspake@aol.com




By: Rebekah Spake




I stood alone, staring at the remains of the battlefield.  My left leg was certainly broken and my right shoulder dislocated; I was bleeding from several cuts, gouges, and multiple stab wounds.  But I did not feel that pain.  The only pain I felt was the one in my heart and soul…it seemed to encompass my whole being.


~ I almost lost them all… ~ I thought, my heart wrenching in pain as I remembered the ambush we had so blindly walked into…



^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Flash back  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Scorpion didn’t look happy.  Oh, I know he never looks happy, but I know when he’s happy and when he’s not.  Right now he’s not.  I walked up to him.


“What’s wrong?”  I asked him quietly.


“I don’t know.  Keep your eyes open.  I don’t trust them.”  Scorpion said, inclining his head towards Kung Loa and his companions whom stood with Sabra’s Sa’hill comrades.


I looked into his pale undead eyes for any sign of deception.  There was none.  I nodded slowly and then walked over to Sabra, who was staring at the remains of last night’s fire.


“Don’t trust Kung Loa and his comrades.  Nor your former ones for that matter.”  I told her quietly.


“Why?”  She asked me.


“They’re conspiring.”  I said inkling my head to the huddled group.


She looked at me with worry.


“What makes you think that?”  She asked.  I knew she was refusing to believe the worst about her former comrades.


“All Sa’hill are on full alert to kill me, Scorpion, and any who are allied with us, you know this, Sabra.”  I said to her calmly, though on the inside I was not calm, I was terrified.


Shortly after our conversation, the small group of Imperialists packed up and began marching to the Imperialists’ Headquarters.  Scorpion, Sabra, Kung Loa and his companions, the Sa’hill warriors, and myself journeyed with them.  We had almost reached the base when the army of Resistors led by the Commander , Queen Vorpax and her armies attacked us.  We were horribly out-numbered, but we keep fighting.  I could hear the others, fighting and dieing.  I drew my sword and started to slice and hack my way through my enemies.  I was numb to any pain I felt, for I saw the blades and claws tear through my flesh, yet I felt nothing.  I saw her.  Vorpax.  Sworn enemy to the Emperor.  My enemy.  Today she dies.  I’ll burn her carcass so that she doesn’t come back. 


“Vorpax!”  I screamed high and loud. 


She turned to face me.  I raised my sword, prepared to deliver a deathblow.  Her brown eyes widened and her dark skin paled.  I brought my sword down, ready to sever her head from her body.  Never again will she trouble my Emperor, never!!  Like a striking cobra, her dagger flashed and was embedded in my lower abdomen.  I looked at my wound and saw my reddish-green blood gush from my body.  I felt my knees buckle.  I swayed on my feet and staggered away from Vorpax.  The sound of her raising her sword alerted me before she struck.  I brought my sword up and blocked her deathblow with what remained of my strength.


“Khara!!”  I could dimly hear Scorpion screaming.  Only he and the Emperor called me that.


Vorpax kicked me in my wounded abdomen, driving her dagger in deeper.  I screamed harshly, though I doubt it was heard above the roar of the battle.  I backed away from my opponent.  She looked at me and sneered.  I reached down ad calmly pulled her dagger out of my side.  I showed no sign of pain though on the inside, I was screaming in agony and torment.  I ran towards Vorpax, sword ready.  She blocked my blow and parried.  I blocked her blow and delivered a sharp kick to her right knee.  With grim satisfaction I felt it give way.  She was crippled now and I could either kill her now or take her to my Emperor for punishment.  I think I’ll take her to the Emperor.  It’ll be much fun that way.  I grinned a ruthless little grin and approached Vorpax slowly, planning on enjoying the torment I was about to bestow upon her, but I heard Taja scream for help.  I was prepared to ignore her when I heard her say that Shang T’sung had joined the battle.  I froze.  That was my mistake.  Shang chose that moment to open fire on me.  His magical attack sent me flying.  I could hear Scorpion and Sabra screaming my name.  After that I remember nothing.  Hours later I was awakened by General Reiko and Emperor Shou Khan.


“What…?”  I began only to stop.  My throat was strained and hoarse.


“Silence.”  Shou Khan ordered.


I obeyed without question.


“What do you have to report, General Reiko?”  the Emperor asked.


“Scorpion and the Sa’hill, Sabra, live.  There are not any signs of neither Kung Loa nor his companions.  The Sa’hill’s comrades are missing.”  General Reiko reported.


“Sire…?”  I began again.


Reiko frowned at my impudence, but the Emperor merely smiled down at me.


“Yes, Khara?”  He asked.


“Where am I?”  I asked.


“A med tent, beside where you here ambushed.”  Shou Khan said.


“Vorpax…did she get away?”  I asked, grimacing as I tried to sit up.


“Yes.”  Reiko said lowly.


“I shattered her right knee, so she should be moving slowly.”  I said, sliding off of the bed.  I staggered and struggled to stand.  I don’t know how I did it but I did stand.  I could sense the Emperor’s pride in me, it gave me strength. 


“The invasion is successful due to your bravery, Khara.”  Shou Khan said.


“I was merely following your orders, Excellency.”  I said, bowing to him stiffly.


“Reiko, I wish to speak to Shou Khara alone.  Leave.”  The Emperor ordered.  Reiko left swiftly and silently.


“Sire…?”  I began.


“Sit down, Khara, there is something important I must tell you.”


I did as he said and sat on the bed I had struggled out of.  He sat in a chair across from me.


“Khara, I…I’m your…grandfather.”


To say I was shocked was an understatement.




“Yes, Khara, it is true.  You see, I had a secret Reptile marriage to your grandmother, the Queen of the Reptile.  However, she died birthing my son, your father.  I had him raised by your great-aunt for his protection.  He had gone to Earth Realm on a mission or me and met your mother, and well, you know the rest…”  the Emperor, my grand father, said.


“I have to think.”  Without waiting for permission, I left him sitting there and limped out to the battlefield…


^^^^^^^^^^^^^  End Flashback  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


I came back to the present when I felt a hand on my left shoulder.  I turned stiffly and looked up into Scorpion’s pale eyes.


“I can’t believe it, though it does make sense…”  I said.


“Believe what, Khara?”  he asked me his voice filled with concern.


“The Emperor…he’s my grandfather.  I thought we might be distantly related, because of our family name, but he’s my grandfather??”


“That’s no big surprise, Khara.”  He told me.


“How so, Scorpion?”  I asked him.


“It was believed that you, not Reiko, was the true Heir.  It only made sense, what with the way he treated you.  He trained you for it.  You are more a diplomat then a fighter.”  He told me.


“I know.”  I looked at him and asked myself ‘What now?’


“What else troubles you, Khara.”


How could I tell him the truth.  How to tell him that…that I…loved him.


“I have feelings for someone and I don’t know what to do.”  Was it my imagination or did his eyes dim when I said that.


“Who?”  his voice was husky, almost alive.


“You don’t know?”


He silently shook his head and started to turn away.  I reached out and stopped him.


“You, Scorpion, I love you.”  There I said it.


He turned to face me, but before he could speak, Shou Khan came upon us and ordered me to get my wounds treated.  I left Scorpion’s side reluctantly.


“Khara, we’ll talk later.”  Scorpion promised me.


I smiled at him and said, “It’s a date!”



Author’s Note:  Well what do you think?  Should I end it here or go on?  I’m thinking of writing a sequel that deals with their descendants.  Should I end the story here or go on and tell of their relationship and such?  Tell me in either a review or e-mailing me at bekaspake@aol.com.