DISCLAIMER:  Insert standard disclaimer here…



By: Rebekah Spake




Awareness came back to me slowly.  Snatches of conversations came to me.


“…Heard you were dead…” Sub-Zero.


“…Heard wrong…” Kung Lao?!


“…What are we going to do with the Reptile?” Sero?!


“…Kill it…just like the one that killed Tomas…” Taja?!


“…Taja, to you every Reptile looks like the one that killed Tomas…” Sero again.


“…Shou Khan’s favorite…” Kitana?!


“…But they’ve betrayed him…” Kung Lao again.


“…The other…never seen an outfit like that…” Taja again.


“…Sa’hill…assassins, thieves, bounty hunters…mercenaries for hire…” Rayden?!


“…heard of her…Sabra…controls the fire element like I do ice…”  Sub-Zero again.


“…why didn’t you ice them?…”  Sero once more.     


“…certain you would want to question them…”  Sub-Zero replied.


I’ve heard enough.  I know I’m bound; I can feel the hemp ropes.  Sabra is beside me also bound.  I can hear her breathing and heart beat.  I’m gagged.  To prevent the Acid Spit.  Idiots.  Kitana knows I can get out of this.


“…I remember her as a child…Shou Khan’s infatuated with her…ever since her parents were killed…heard he had the Reptiles murder them so that he could have her…”


That’s a lie!  Shou Khan may loves me, but as a parent loves a child.  The Reptiles were just going to kill my brother, Mother, and myself to ‘purify’ the bloodline of the Reptile.  Daddy sacrificed himself in order to save us!  Mother got Shou Kin and me to the Emperor before she was murdered.  The Emperor had them arrested and executed on the spot.  I, on my parents graves, have swore to hunt down those had my parents murdered and kill them.  If the Commander is truly dead by the Emperor’s hand, the Emperor has avenged the murder of Shou Kin, committed by the Commander.


A scream of rage bubbled up in my chest.  The scream erupted with super-human strength as I broke my bonds and leapt out of the chair.  Sub-Zero threw an ice projectile at me.  As it moved with blinding speed, my Acid Spit destroyed the gag and projectile.  Sub-Zero leapt out of the path of the Acid Spit.  I heard Sabra break her bonds.  The Sa’hill assumed a fighting stance and attacked Sub-Zero and Kung Lao.  That left Sero, Taja, and Kitana for me.  Rayden could not interfere.  


~ Take out the weak first ~…Scorpion’s teachings came to me as I attacked Taja with a flying kick.  She went down hard.  And with a kick to my stomach, she got back up.  As I was bent over, Sabra leapt over me with a split kick to the faces of Kitana and Sero.  They went flying.  Taja in a blind rage charged at me.  ~ Never fight angry ~…my fists clenched, and I held them together into one large fist.  Just when she was on me, I slammed my fists into her jaw.  She slammed into Sero and Kitana, whom had stood up to rejoin the fracas.  I felt hands on my shoulders, then an intense cold.  Sub-Zero’s trying to freeze me inside out!


I heard Sub-Zero grunt and Sabra’s voice, “Let her go, Ice Man, or you fry!”


Sub-Zero’s grip on my shoulders loosened.  Chilled to the bone, I dropped to my knees.  As I began to fall forward, Sabra caught me.  Heat came from her hands and into my body.  The chill in my bones began to subside.  I saw Sub-Zero on his knees behind me, attempting to pull off the sleeves of his black under tunic. 


“What did you do to him?”  ~ Was that croaking my voice? ~  I wondered.


“A taste of his own medicine.”  Sabra said.  Somehow I knew she was smirking.


Kung Lao went to Sub-Zero’s side.  Sabra was trying to move me out of the Trading Post, but I’m not able to move, I’m too cold.


“Can’t move.  Go on with out me,”  I said as chills racked my body.


“Never.  Shou Khan would have me skinned alive.  You know he would too!”  Sabra growled.


I called on strength I never knew I possessed.  With agony licking up every nerve ending, I stood with Sabra supporting me.  I staggered towards the door.  Taja, Sero, Kitana, Rayden, Kung Lao, and a weakened Sub-Zero barred our way.  I pushed away from Sabra’s warmth and strength and stiffly walked towards them.


“I don’t know how you survived, but I shall rectify the Emperor’s oversight and finish you myself, if you don’t get out of our way!”  I snarled, swaying but standing,


They all assumed battle stances, including Rayden.  Sabra and I answered the stances.


“Get over here!”  Bellowed a familiar voice, as a familiar serpent creature wrapped itself around me.  It then jerked me threw the air towards its owner.  Scorpion caught me in his strong arms. 


I could hear Sub-Zero’s hiss of anger.


~ Amazing how strong he is…how strong for someone who is supposed to be dead… ~  I thought to myself, looking up into his pale, undead eyes.


“The Emperor requests the presence of Shou Khara, and Sabra of the Sa’hill,”  He stated.


“I’m not going any where near…”  Sabra’s words were cut off as the serpent wrapped itself around her.  “You can’t do this to me!  I am a citizen of Earth Realm!”


A portal opened before us, then closed over us, sweeping us away from the Trading Post to the throne room of the Emperor of Outworld.


“Release them.”  Came my Emperor’s voice.


“Why am I here?  I belong in Earth Realm!”  Sabra snarled.


“To be rewarded for protecting Shou Khara.”  Said the Emperor, snapping his fingers.


Two Guardsmen brought forth a small chest filled with coins and jewels.


“I must refuse.  I was paying a debt.  Shou Kara’s mother, Jenla, saved my life.  Since I failed to protect her, I will not fail and protect her daughter.”  Sabra said grimly.


“Then take this as a sign of my gratitude.”  Shou Khan said, as he fished out a beautiful necklace composed of gold and many different gems, which sparkled in the dim light of the throne room.


Sabra bowed and accepted the necklace.


I can hear Scorpion shifting his weight behind me.  ~ For a dead man he moves around a lot. ~  I thought to myself.


“My Emperor, why am I here?”  I asked curiously.


The Emperor laughed and walked towards me, holding a sheathed sword in one hand.


“I need you to return to your father’s Realm and sort through the chaos.”  The Emperor held out the sword he held, “Take this sword, it was your father’s.”


I reached out and took my father’s sword.  It was beautifully crafted.  The scabbard was made of Za’ckal skin, the skin of a beast similar to Earth Realm’s deer, and had the design of Sk’taria’s royal house carved into it.  The hilt seemed to form itself into my grip.  Where the hilt spread into a T like formation, was the diamond like stone, lactora surrounded an emerald like gem, a giant gangal, which was mined only by the capital city.  I pulled the blade part ways from the sheath to see gleaming torhan steel with engravings in the center of the blade.  But despite its beauty, it was obviously a warrior’s blade.


“Emperor, it’s beautiful, however do I think you?”  I asked him in awe.


“By serving me as you always have.”  I could tell he was smiling, “Sabra, will you help her in reclaiming Sk’taria for me?”


“Yes.  I will make sure no harm comes to her.”  Sabra said and saluted him.


"Scorpion, you will aid them.  I will be sending reinforcements to aid each of you.  Shou Khara, contact those still loyal to me and have them aid you.  Show them your sword and they will know you speak the truth.  Do you all understand?"  The Emperor asked looking at us.


We all nodded in affirmation.


"Then go!"


With those orders we left for Sk'taria.