Author’s Note: I did not create Mortal Kombat or it’s characters, the characters of my creation will be introduced with a * by their name. 


“….” Character speaking

~ …~ Character thinking

+ … + Telepathic communication

^^^^^^ Change of time or place

<<AN: ….>>  Author’s Notes







I am called Shou Khara*.  Yet I have many names.  I am a Reptile, a species native to Skit’ara.  We can exist in one of two forms: Human or Reptile.  In our reptilian form we can become invisible.  In Human, we are invincible.   In both we can cling to walls.  Very handy for us, for we are warriors, assassins, and thieves.  Except, it seems, me.  I’m different.  Maybe it’s because my mother was a human, a mortal from Earth Realm.  For the earliest years of my life, I lived in Earth Realm.  My first memory is of her and her Realm.  Or maybe, for some reason, the Emperor dotes on me.  Why?  No one knows.  Not even me.


Now my people have betrayed him.  He was an important factor in my life after my parents were murdered, at age five.   The Emperor helped raise me.  I know he’s evil, but I also know, for some reason he loves me.  I remember him telling me I was the only one he could trust.  The Commander of our army, our second leader, has ordered us to betray our first leader.  The Emperor of Outworld, Shou Khan.  Several legions follow the Commander. A couple legions of those, like myself, remain loyal to the Emperor.  We follow the Commander only to destroy him and his ally, Queen Krea, from within.


Here’s the plan: secretly aid the Emperor from within, leaking to him valuable information, and destroy the Commander and Queen Krea.  It won’t be easy.  But then nothing worthwhile ever is.  My purpose is simple: serve the Emperor.  How hard can it be?





It’s harder than I thought!  Here I am staking out Kung Lao and his allies, when they're supposed to be dead, while it is pouring rain.  And it’s cold.  This is intolerable, even by Reptile standards.  Thunder rumbled and lighting flashed above me.  Personally, I think Rayden, god of thunder, Protector of Earth Realm, is staking me out.  But that would be impossible.  He’s dead.  So are Kung Lao, Cero, Taja, Krea, the Commander, Shang T’Sung, Vorpax, Qui Chi, the Commander’s favorite Lt., and Kitana, for that matter.  For Kitana’s sake I hope I’m wrong and they are alive.


Thunder crashes and rolls above me.  My teeth are chattering.  Cold.  So cold.  Unconsciously my body moves from the cold, damp hiding place towards the warmth of the trading post.  As I approach the trading post, a warning chill goes down my spine.  They can’t be there.  They’re dead.  As I breach the outer perimeter the same feeling goes down my spine.  In the court yard now.  Same feeling.  My breathing is sporadic.  What’s wrong with me?  I detected a movement out of my peripheral vision.  I whirl to find a … Lin Kuei?!  My feverish mind takes in all details.  Blue and black uniform instead of gray and black.  Something special about this one…but what?  If only I can remember!  He assumed an attack stance.  To which I answered with one of my own.  He made the first move.  A fly spiral kick to the head.  My head.  Didn’t move away fast enough.  Pain exploded in my head.  That coupled with the chills that drove me here worked in his favor.  As I fell to my knees, a red and black streak attacked him.  It was Sabra*, a Sa’hill with amazing abilities.  As I fell onto the floor, I could hear the sounds of the on going battle.  As darkness engulfed me the name of the Lin Kuei came to me.  Sub-Zero, Lin Kuei renegade…