DISCLAIMER:  If you’ve read ‘Granddaughter of the Empire’ you know whom I do and do not own.


AUTHOR’S NOTES:  Due to popular demand, I am writing this as a sequel to ‘Granddaughter of the Empire’.   Be warned, this more of a romance fic then an action one like the first one.  However, there will be Action and fighting, I mean come on, it’s Mortal Kombat!  And there will be large jumps in time.  Since Khara’s immortal and Scorpion is a specter, they live for a *long* time, ok? 




By: Zpan Sven (Rebekah Spake)


Last time…


I all but dragged him out of there, my mind racing.  If what Shang T’sung said was true, and I was pregnant, what would my Grandfather say?!


This time…


I sat on the edge of my bed, stunned.  My great Uncle Sssussssa, a powerful Saurian (Raptor) warrior and field medic had confirmed my fears.   I am pregnant. 


“Everything lookssss normal, Khara.  I wassss not exxxpeccting you to have a Human pregnancccy though.”  He told me.


“Well, I was, Uncle.  I have more Human blood than Saurian.”  I said with a sigh.


“How will you tell the Emperor and the child’sss father?”  Uncle asked me.


“As soon as possible.”  I told him dryly, as I stood.


“Good luck, young one, I sssenssse that you ssshall need it.”  He said.


I nodded at him and left to find Scorpion and my Grandfather…




Scorpion and my Grandfather sat in the same parlor they had waited for me a month ago.  Was it only a month?  Strange how it feels like a year…  I walked into the parlor and closed the door behind me.  I looked from one to the other.  My grandfather spoke first.


“What is wrong, Khara?”  He asked me.


I looked at him, then at Scorpion.  I took a deep breath and announced, “I’m pregnant.”


The reaction I received was what I was expecting.  Grandfather leaped at Scorpion screaming, “I’m going to kill you!” and the likes.  After prying my Grandfather’s fingers from my Beloved’s throat, I was able to calm him somewhat.


“You can’t kill him, Gramps, I love him!”  I shouted, with Scorpion nodding vigorously behind me.


Grandfather took a few deep, calming breaths and said in a low threatening tone, “You do know the two of you are getting married right?”


Scorpion’s shoulders slumped as he reached into the pouch he had hanging from his waist.  He pulled out a beautiful ring and sighed, “I was planning on asking her tonight at that restaurant she likes…there goes that opportunity…”


I gasped and threw myself into his arms.  He caught me easily.  I looked up at him and said, “You were going to ask me to marry you?!  Oh how I love you!  I will marry you…Gramps seemed to have read my mind!”


Gramps smiled at us and nodded.


“It shall be a wedding to remember…how does a month from now sound?”  He asked.


“Perfect, absolutely perfect…”Scorpion murmured, gazing into my eyes.




It’s my wedding day…and I am about to go out of my mind!  I am so completely nervous!  There was a knock on my bedchamber door.  My grandfather came in.


“Are you ready, Khara?”  He asked me.


“Yes, Gramps, although my stomach won’t stop jumping.”  I said, pressing a hand over my stomach.


“My great-grandson is merely telling you that he is ready to go and get you married to his father.”  Gramps said, leaning over and lightly rubbing my belly.


I grinned at him and said, “Then lets not keep him waiting!”


My Grandfather held out his elbow.  I took his arm, and we walked out of my bedchamber to the chapel where Scorpion and I would be wed…


AUTHOR’S NOTES:  Sorry, Minna-chan, I couldn’t resist stopping there…and I would appreciate some feed back on what should happen at the wedding.  Should they be attacked or should everything go smoothly?  And who should be there of course.  Give me ideas, Minna-chan, ‘cause I need them.   Please be  a sweetie and review the ficcy with ideas.  Or you can e-mail me at bekaspake@aol.com.  I like e-mail…