DISCLAIMER:  If you’ve read ‘Granddaughter of the Empire’ you know whom I do and do not own.


AUTHOR’S NOTES:  Due to popular demand, I am writing this as a sequel to ‘Granddaughter of the Empire’.   Be warned, this more of a romance fic then an action one like the first one.  However there will be Action and fighting, I mean come on, it’s Mortal Kombat!  And there will be large jumps in time.  Since Khara’s immortal and Scorpion is a specter, they live for a *long* time, ok? 




By: Zpan Sven (Rebekah Spake)


Last time…


Sabra stopped laughing and looked angry, sad, and confused.  “Quan-Chi is what brings me here…”


I inhaled sharply.  Though I had never meet the sorcerer, his reputation was legendary.


“Why?”  Scorpion and I demanded at the same time.


“I declined his offer to join him and now he wants me dead.  Now I have to kill him before he kills me!”  She snarled.


“You couldn’t kill the Master, even if you had their help!!”  A scathing female voice from the shadows said.



This time…


We whirled to face one of Quan-Chi’s slaves.  She was tall and blonde, like almost all of his slaves.  She rushed us.  Scorpion leapt in front of me.  Sabra lowered into a battle stance.  The slave punched at Scorpion.  He caught her fist and slammed his foot into her side. She grunted and fell back.  I leapt from behind my man and delivered a roundhouse kick to her head.  She screamed as she hit a nearby wall.


“FOOL!!  We are Shou Khan’s premier soldiers!!”  Scorpion snarled, picking the slave up.  He shook her and threw her back into the wall.


“Well, you are only three (3) with Sabra…no match for all of us!!”  She snarled, pulling herself out of the wall.


She smirked and snapped her fingers.  A dozen more soldiers, both male and female leapt from the shadows.  Sabra, Scorpion, and I stood shoulder to shoulder, back to back as we defended ourselves.  Scorpion delivered a sharp jab to the gut of a charging male soldier.  I kicked a female soldier in the head, then swept her off her feet by kicking her behind the knee. 


Sabra started toasting anyone whom came into range.  Soldier after soldier fell against my cousin’s fury.  She brutally dispatched Qaun-Chi’s soldiers with an almost gleeful attitude.  This continued for quite some time until many of the warriors turned to ice.  Sub-Zero leapt down before us.  Kung Loa, Sero, and Taja began attacking the remaining soldiers.  Finally, only the slave was left.  I boldly stepped forward.


“Inform your Master that any attempt on the life of Sabra is considered a threat to Outworld and shall be eliminated!!”  I spat, anger blazing a searing path through my veins.


Sub-Zero, Kung Loa, Sero, and Taja turned and stared at us as the slave ran for her dubious existence.


“Who are you?   You look familiar.”  Sero said, his eyes narrowing.


Sabra and Scorpion smirked at him.  I tried to keep from laughing out loud.  I was not successful.  I burst out laughing.


“You do not recognize us??”  Sabra said, smirking at Sub-Zero.  Sub-Zero blushed beneath his mask.


“You, I recognize, Sabra, but not them.”  Sub-Zero said, gesturing to Scorpion and me.


“I’m sorry our date wasn’t everything you had hoped for, Khara.”  Scorpion said, looking at me, sorrow in his pale gold eyes.


I hugged him and said, “Its alright, Beloved, I excepted nothing else.  You are after all Scorpion.”


That remark had interesting effects.  Taja’s jaw dropped and Sero’s eyes all but bulged out of his head.  Kung Loa became incredibly pale. 


Scorpion just pulled me into an embrace and said, “Lets go home.”


We started to walk away, towards the portal site when Sabra called out, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”


I looked back at her, grinned and replied, “Same with you.”  Sabra and I laughed as red was seen around the visible part of Sub-Zero’s face.  Kung Loa, Taja, and Sero had the most stupefied looks on their faces.  Scorpion led me away from them to outside the city, to this rustic little cabin by a placid lake…



A month later…


I stood by Scorpion out side of Shang T’sung’s latest hideaway.  I looked over at my love from the corner of my eye.  He looked back at me and I know he smiled.  He then gave the signal to attack.  We stormed into Shang’s hideout, taking him by surprise.  Scorpion and I fought tag-team style, with one fighting the other resting in order to wear Shang out.


I watched as Scorpion was thrown through a wall in horror.  I ran to him, my heart in my throat.  Shang grabbed me from behind and threw me into a table.  He stood over me, smirking.


“Well now, I have taken many souls, but never two at the same exact time.”  He said, eyeing my abdomen.


“What the hell are you talking about?!”  I said through gritted teeth, attempting to stand.


“You mean you don’t know?  You are pregnant, Shou Khara.”  Shang laughed.


I froze staring at him in shock.  I slowly looked at Scorpion who wasn’t moving.  The word ‘pregnant’ echoed through my head.  I unfroze and jump kicked Shang.  He would not have my child’s Soul.   Never!  Not while there was breath in my body.   As my attack contacted, I back-flipped, bringing my foot up and slamming it into Shang’s jaw.  He went flying backwards hitting a wall hard. 


I went over to Scorpion and shook him to consciousness.  He came to quickly.


“Hurry, Beloved, we must get out of here now.  I’ll tell you what happened later, just let us be gone from this place!”  I said franticly.  I all but dragged him out of there, my mind racing.  If what Shang T’sung said was true, and I was pregnant, what would my Grandfather say?!