DISCLAIMER:  If you’ve read ‘Granddaughter of the Empire’ you know whom I do and do not own.


AUTHOR’S NOTES:  Due to popular demand, I am writing this as a sequel to ‘Granddaughter of the Empire’.   Be warned, this more of a romance fic then an action one like the first one.  However there will be Action and fighting, I mean come on, it’s Mortal Kombat!  And there will be large jumps in time.  Since Khara’s immortal and Scorpion is a specter, they live for a *long* time, ok?  This takes off from the fourth and last chapter of ‘Granddaughter of the Empire”




By: Zpan Sven (Rebekah Spake)


When I said it was a date, I meant a date!  It had token me months for my leg to heal right and now I intend to enjoy myself!  As I dressed in a ‘royal’ fashion, that according to my grandfather, the Emperor, I just had to dress in a style that would show my ‘royal’ heritage.  I had to admit, Gramps (the Emperor) was right.  I smirked at that. 


~ Gramps…I must be the only one to call him that…and live!! ~  I thought with a snicker.


I smoothed down the short silver dress I had decided (after the 50th or so time!) to wear and pulled on the matching leather-like boots.


After a few minutes of trying to put my hair up in an elegant up-swept style I gave up and left my hair down.  I looked at myself in the full-length mirror before me and nodded.  It would do perfectly.  I smirked again and nodded to myself.  After straightening my long sleeves, I walked to where Scorpion had to be waiting.  I was almost there when I heard Gramps and Scorpion talking.  I paused to listen.


“I thought than when you took your mask off, your face went with it.”  Gramps was saying.


“That’s what I like everyone to think.”  Scorpion said, chuckling. 


I smiled to myself and walked into the doorway.  Their conversation stopped as I walked in.  I caught my breath when I saw Scorpion.  He was handsome in his dress uniform.    It was similar to his everyday uniform, only the yellow was darker and edged with black.  His skin was a golden color, which looked excellent next to his pale yellow eyes and black hair.  His hair roguishly fell over his high forehead.


“It’s about time you were ready.”  He said grinning a bit at me.


“Are you insulting me, dearest?”  I said, playfully narrowing my eyes at him.


Gramps chuckled at our antics and shooed us away to our date.  Scorpion stopped and offered his arm.  I smiled and tucked my hand into the crevasse of his elbow.


“So where are we going?”  I asked him.


“It’s a surprise.”  Was all he said, grinning at me.


With that we left for a quaint little tavern in Earth Realm.


^^^^^^^^^^  The Tavern  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


I smiled at Scorpion across the little back table we shared.  The bar maid had arrived with our food a moment ago.  Although, I really didn’t care about the food, it could have been the best or worse in the Realm.  All I cared about was the man in front of me.  We were enjoying our meal and each other when…


“Hey, darlin’, want to dance with me?”  A voice behind me burped.


I turned and looked at the most repugnant human I had ever seen and I had seen many.  He was obese, with his bare, hairy belly hanging over his sword belt.


“No.”  Was all I said.  I then turned back and started to eat my meal.


“That wasn’t very nice.”  The disgusting human said.


I turned again, and this time I stood up.  He was the same height as me.  I glared at him.


“Look, asshole, I said ‘no’ so you should be intelligent enough to leave me alone.”  I snarled, wishing for my sword.



I heard Scorpion push back his chair and stand up.  The human looked past me to my date and took in his height and very, *very* muscular frame.  The human paled, stuttered and ran back to a group of equally disgusting humans.  I looked at my date and smirked at him.  He grinned at me and rolled his eyes.  We both sat back down and went back to enjoying our meals.


After we finished our meal, we exited the bar, arm in arm.  I had a feeling we were being followed.  I leaned my head on to Scorpion’s shoulder and whispered, “I think we’re being followed, dearest.”


Scorpion looked at me and said, “I know.”


With that, I went on alert.  And just in time too.  The disgusting human from the tavern and his allies ambushed us.  Scorpion pushed me back, trying to protect me.  How ever, he nearly pushed me into the arms of some of our opponents.  One of the humans reached out for me.  I slammed my fist into one of our attacker’s nose.  I felt it crunch beneath my fist.  The human grabbed his nose and gave a high-pitched scream.  Ignoring my skirt, I delivered a roundhouse kick to the human.  He went flying via my boot.  Another reached for me, only to find himself on fire.  Screaming, he ran, batting at the flames with his hands.


Out of the shadows stepped Sabra.  She grinned at me and aided me in the attacking humans.  Moments later, Scorpion, Sabra, and I had scared most of the humans away.  The others were dead.


“So what brings you to Earth Realm, Khara?”  Sabra asked me.


“Scorpion and me are on a date.”  I proudly informed her.


“’Bout time too!”  Scorpion added with a grin.


Sabra laughed at that.


“What brings you here, Sabra?”  I asked her.


Sabra stopped laughing and looked angry, sad, and confused.  “Quai-Chi is what brings me here…”


I inhaled sharply.  Though I had never meet the sorcerer, his reputation was legendary.


“Why?”  Scorpion and I demanded at the same time.


“I declined his offer to join him and now he wants me dead.  Now I have to kill him before he kills me!”  She snarled.


“You couldn’t kill the Master, even if you had their help!!”  A scathing female voice from the shadows said.



AUTHOR’S NOTES:  Well, what do you think, everyone?  How’d I do in the sequel?  Be honest.  Was it ok, great or did it suck?