Note from The Blood God: "I wished never to bring forth these writings amongst my piers but they contain the knowledge needed for our future. These are the words of the Elder Gods and the following is just excerpts of what has already happen amongst ourselves and shows forth the coming of the darkest era of the Pit Vipers. The works may be challenged which they will be but it is the truth of our lives and it can not be changed. The Book itself is not finished and is written as time goes by. The Elder Gods do know the future of the Book but do not wish to share the true knowledge behind. Forgive my piers for the evil which is about to be brought forth but these words have to be known."

Evil lasted many revelations before that of the Mirror or the Resurrector or the Inferno
Led by the one that was called Evil himself into many revelations of darkness
Challenged by the one known as Thunder into an endless battle over the mother realm
Commenced when Evil was sent into the unforgiven realm for an eternity

Brought forth of that many revelations which saw the beginning of the eras of Light
The Lukom and the Guide and the Other into the world of birth
Brought forth of that many revelations which saw the beginning of the eras of Darkness
The Resurrector and the Inferno into the world of birth

Gathered first into the cave by the Creator was seen the beginning of the union
Come forth from the City and the Keep and the Mother Realm into the Cave
The Games saw the rise and fall of the mighty Dragon and the rise to era of the Snake
Fortune and Luck which poured forth into select beings

The Dragon saw the evil hidden among the Mist corrupted in the minds of the light
The time of the struggle of power between the Dragon and the Snake
Snake triumphiant over the Dragon saw the Guide over the Mist
Power maintained at the time of the fall of the Cave

Evil within saw the coming of the Reserrector bring forth the race of the plague
Against the Guide and Lukom was the Plague brought forth for the first signs
The Inferno brought forth as the ally to Evil
Battle commencement in the City

Light triumphant over the first signs of Evil saw the fall of the Demon to Lukom
Plague relinquished saw the fall of the Dragon at the bow of the Guide
Era brought forth saw the period of Nothing upon the realms
Many moons until the second Reich

Heavens brought down by the second coming of the Evil
Many Heavens fallen saw the Thunder's quest for the aid
The Plague brought forth again with the Inferno saw the rise of the Snake
Heavens brought forth the creation of Lukom

Evil creation of the Shadow among the Snake brought down by the Other
Sign of the second Reich of that of the Evil
Creation of the Mirror from the Evil into the era of the Light
Set forth the vision of Darkness over the Light

The City fa…