The Broken Warrior

Fight to the Death

Aeroblade and the gang quickly stopped short. Ahead of them lie hundreds of Lin Kuei warriors, about fifteen of them were cyborgs. The Lin Kuei ninjas still inside the building ran to block of the out-numbered ninjas.

"Well this is gonna suck majorly," shouted Splash above the roar of the ninjas.

"Tell me about it," replied Stonecrest.

Another female ninja by the name of Azia joined the group. The warriors all stood in a circle, back to back. A dark brown cyber ninja jumped high into the air and landed right next to a golden clad warrior. The warrior was sent sprawling into the circle of friends after receiving a kick to the head. The circle withheld, and the the fighters braced themselves for the oncoming warriors.

"Let's move forward a bit," Azia stated.

Suddenly, the revolting Lin Kuei ninjas ran into the loyal followers. All hell broke lose. The circle quickly split and all the fighters ran into the battle.

Aeroblade jump-kicked a warrior in the head and sent him to the ground then ducked to miss a roundhouse. Aeroblade swiftly uppercut the ninja into the air and swept another off of his feet. Aeroblade withdrew his Skinblade and set to work, stabbing a warrior and slicing him open on the stomach, blood squirting everywhere. He was then sent hard to the ground after getting kicked in the head. Aeroblade got to one knee, but the warrior's heel slammed into his chin, sending him back on the ground. Aeroblade swept the warrior off of his feet and uppercut him with the Skinblade. The blade went straight through the neck, ripping the head off. It was raining blood as the warrior's bloody stump of a neck sent the crimson liquid spewing in all directions. Aeroblade then got kicked in the back, but he gained his balance and slashed the warrior's chest with his blade. Aeroblade then drove the blade hard into the heart of the warrior, screams of agony filling the battlefield with so many other screams. Blood squirting all over Aeroblade as he ripped the blade out mercilessly. Aeroblade quickly turned around, but got nailed in the nose by an iron fist. Aeroblade's nose quickly spilled blood everywhere, the thing broken. He swung his Skinblade at the ninja who punched him and connected with the chest. Aeroblade then drove the blade into the neck, killing the warrior instantly. Blood gushed out everywhere. Aeroblade then pulled the blade out, turned around, and elbowed an oncoming ninja in the mouth. Drops of blood flew from the busted lips as the ninja spit out blood and bits of teeth. Aeroblade then proceeded to stab the ninja in the stomach numerous times, slicing a hole big enough for the organs to come bounding out. Aeroblade pushed the ninja over and received a punch to the back of the head. Aeroblade wheeled around and slammed the blade into the attacking ninja's face. Blood rained everywhere as Aeroblade tore the blade out.

Meanwhile, Azia was receiving a nice uppercut to the jaw, throwing her several feet back. When she regained her footing, she quickly threw a yellow ball of enery at her nemesis, taking his head off. Blood rained once again on the surrounding warriors. She quickly backed out of a kick thrown by another ninja and viciously roundhoused the warrior in the face, breaking his neck. She withdrew her sword and severed a hand that was coming at her face. Blood spewed from the bloody wrist all over Azia's face and front, showering her in blood. Azia screamed as a cyber ninja flew above her head and kneed her in the chin, sending her into a backflip. Azia quickly recovered and threw the sword at the cyborg. The sword struck the ninja in the opening chest compartment, short-circuiting it and forcing it to blow up above the battlefield. Oil and wires flew over everyone, along with blood from a warrior's head Azia uppercut off. Azia turned to her left and found a short knife coming at her stomach. Azia backed away, but the blade tore through her skin on her side and came ripping out the other side. Azia grabbed her side and sat on the ground, screaming above everyone on the bloody battlefield.

On another part of the battlefield, Stonecrest was busy smashing his opponent with a large boulder. The boulder landed on the opponent with a thick thud, crushing every bone in it's body. He just moved out of the way of a club and kicked the warrior in the gut. He picked up the club and crushed the warrior's skull with a hard swing. He dropped to the ground to miss a roundhouse and swept the warrior, but missed. The warrior landed with a boot to Stonecrest's head. Stonecrest recovered quickly and sent the warrior's upper body flying off with a violent swing from his blade. a geyser of blood was sent flying onto Stonecrest and the field.

Splash was busy getting his ass kicked. Blood was dripping from his nose and all down his chin. His uniform was slashed, revealing cuts and bruises of all sorts. Splash was about to receive a finishing blow from his opponent when Turgo came to his aid. Turgo booted the enemy in the head and kicked another oncoming warrior in the nose, breaking it. He wheeled around, withdrawing his Ax-Sword and sliced off the broken-nosed warrior's head. He began to swing in all directions, severing limbs of enemies. Blood spewed everywhere, drenching Turgo in blood.

Rose was stabbing warriors with her poisoned thorn. She just backed out of a kick in time and sent the warrior for a ride with a strong uppercut. Rose took him out of the air with a thorn throw. She landed with a kick to a warrior's head, snapping the neck.

All the other Lin Kuei traitors were scattered, the loyal Lin Kuei members winning. Aeroblade looked around, seeing the bloody battlefield. Most of the warriors were dead, but they still had a good 20-30 traitors alive. The loyals were about even.

Aeroblade was now searching for victims, but came face-to-face with a cyborg. It was a dark orange color, and went by the name of Heat. Heat rushed for Aeroblade with a superman spear, but Aeroblade spun to avoid it and brought his heel down on Heat's back. The robot slid to the ground on its stomach, got up and backflipped into a kick that sent Aeroblade sprawling to the ground. Aeroblade landed on a fallen warrior's mace and paid the price. Blood immediately poured out of his stomach. Aeroblade grabbed his stomach and stood up with all his might. The cyber-ninja proceeded to roundhouse Aeroblade numerous times, beating Aeroblade's face to oblivion. Blood flew from his face at every hit, his face a swollen punching bag. Aeroblade slowly healed himself as he lay on the ground.

Just as Aeroblade was about to get killed, Turgo tackled Heat to the ground. Turgo then proceeded to kick the robot in the head repeatedly, damaging some circuitry. Turgo picked the robot up and slammed it head-first into the ground. The helmet cracked open, oil flowing out of the body.

Aeroblade finished healing and ran towards Splash along with Turgo. Splash lay on the ground, his arm totally sliced off. Blood stained his body and uniform all down his right side.

"What in the fuck have you done to yourself this time?" asked Turgo. "You are such a pussy. You will never learn to fight."

"Cool it, Turgs," Aeroblade said, concentrating on regenerating Splash's arm. "I can fix this dude up in no time."

The six warriors had gathered back together in a group, totally worn out, battered and bruised. Blood was still flowing, staining every uniform the deep crimson color. The warriors hobbled and limped towards the gates, but what they encountered were before they could escape were six cyber-ninjas, each with matching color. Stonecrest on the end, facing a green and gray ninja. Turgo next in line, facing a turquoise cyborg, and so on. The fight wasn't over, and the escape wasn't complete.