The Broken Warrior

The Cyborg Era

Aeroblade laid down as his friend Rose gently pressed warm water against his eyes.

"This water mixed with my rose poison should get your eyesight back somewhat," assured Rose.

"Ah...thanks," replied Aeroblade.

"You just need to rest for a while; this rose poison causes nausea, ya know."

"I can't see, so I'm not taking the risk of hurting myself. Laying here sounds just fine," said Aeroblade.

The door opened slowly and in came the head master along with Ripsaw.

"How does he do, Rose?" asked the head master.

"He's doing really well. I think my solution should get some of his eyesight back."

"That should work well, but not well enough. Aeroblade is one of the clan's strongest fighters. He must not be made weak by blindness," said the head master in a stern voice. "Ripsaw, fetch the BGO glasses!"

I few seconds later, Ripsaw marched back into the room holding a pair of sunglasses, at least that was what Rose thought.

"These 'sunglasses' will fully bring back your eyesight. The glasses are never to be taken off. If so, you could lose your eyesight totally without ever seeing again," the head master had said.

"Yes, sir," Aeroblade responded slowly.

Later that day, Aeroblade sat up in his small bed and swung his feet out. He tried to stand, but fell back on his butt. The glasses he was supposed to wear were being fitted for him. They planned on screwing the glasses into the side of his head to make it stay permanently.

"Oh, shit. I think I'm dizzy."

"Juzzd a bit," came an unknown voice at the door.
Aeroblade saw a dark blur ahead and sprang upon it, but in mid-air slammed right into the wall; only the door.

"You killed Vandal, you fucknut," the unknown voice said laughing. It had a sort of robotic tone to it. "Your azzz izz going to be mine, Aeroblade."

"Who the...?" asked Aeroblade aloud.

Aeroblade heard footsteps approaching and felt relieved. There was no way he could kick ass blind. The head master walked into the room, only a large blur to Aeroblade.
"I have something for you Aeroblade," the head master announced.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Your glasses are ready, are you prepared?" asked the head master.

"Prepared for what?"

"Why, the surgery to put on you glasses permanently, of course," the head master said in a low, devilish tone.

"Huh? Hell no!"

"LK-8D1, get him!" exclaimed the annoyed head master.

"Come here, warrior!" the unknown voice said as a body sprang upon Aeroblade.

Too dizzy and sightless to fight back, Aeroblade reluctantly gave up his struggle in the grasp of the unknown being and was led out of his room.

Aeroblade woke up on a cold metal table, the sides of his head aching. Aeroblade heard the low beeping and buzzing sounds of machines. Dried blood caked his entire face and head. Aeroblade opened his eyes, but saw only black. Too weary to speak, Aeroblade thought to himself that the operation didn't work. The glasses were screwed. He was still blind. Pushing aside the sharp pounding in his head, Aeroblade opened his eyes again, still black. One last time Aeroblade opened his eyes, a shining light was barely visible. Aeroblade left his eyes open, everything eventually coming in to focus.

"I can see," Aeroblade whispered to himself, a big smile forming on his face. "Ow, shit!" The smile faded. "Too damn painful to do a fucken smile."

Just then, a spear was jammed into the metal table besides Aeroblade's head. Aeroblade, too weak to move, lay motionless. A low voice beckoning him could be heard.

"Get your lazzy azzz up, Aero," demanded the voice.

Aeroblade slowly sat up and saw a huge robot jumping through the air upon him. Aeroblade, as quickly as he could, rolled off of the metal table and on to the floor. He fell upon a dead body, one of the operators he recognized.

"Who are you?" asked Aeroblade, his energy returning.

"No need for names, dumbass. You killed Vandal, I'm here to avenge his death," proclaimed the robot.

Aeroblade hopped to his feet and jumped over a sweep. He tried to backflip, but landed hard on his back next to another operator, still too weak. The next instant, the robot was upon Aeroblade. Aeroblade heard screaming voices inside his head and starting convulsing. The cyborg laughed robotically and began to emit a light blue mist from his face compartment. Suddenly, a loud knock came from the door. Aeroblade looked up in time to see the blue cyborg fade away. The doors burst open. In came the head master and Ripsaw.

"Aeroblade, what's going on here?" asked the head master.

" robot. It...attacked me," Aeroblade managed to gag out, the light blue mists still lingering in the air.

"Ripsaw, go find that blue thing and get him back here!" exclaimed the head master. "I'm so sorry, Aeroblade. I didn't want this to happen to you."

"Yea, um...sure," Aeroblade finally said.

The head master smiled evilly, deep in thought. He picked up Aeroblade by the hand and led him to the Arena. All the Lin Kuei warriors were gathered there, awaiting the head master's announcement. Aeroblade broke free of the head master and walked over to where Turgo, Rose, and Splash were standing.

"What the fuck?" Rose screamed in horror.

"Oh man, you have blood everywhere. And what are those sunglasses for?" Splash asked.

"They help me see, so I can kick your ass you little bitch," Aeroblade said annoyed. "Hey Turgo."


"Ahem. I have an announcement to make," said the head master. "We technology period not long ago. Technology provides for great advancements. I have decided that the Lin Kuei should welcome technology with open arms. This is news to all of you, but for the past year, researchers here have been searching for ways to make technology advance human activity. So upon today, I present to you the lastest production. Cyber-ninjas!"

Just then, two cyborgs walked out.

"Meet Cyrax and Sektor...our first two volunteers," the master said aloud. "Where is the blue one?" Aeroblade read the master's lips. "I would like the ones that have not volunteered yet to do so now."

About half of the Lin Kuei walked towards the head master.

"These are earlier volunteers," the head master said evilly.

Aeroblade turned to his friends and stared in horror.

"We have to get out of here," Aeroblade managed to stutter. "We're gonna be some fucking vegetable robots!

"He's right for once," Splash snickered.

"Dude, this is serious. Do you always have to fucken joke around?" Rose screamed.

Suddenly, the entire Lin Kuei clan that had not volunteered ran for the doors. Aeroblade, Turgo, Rose, and Splash made it to the door in the middle of all the warriors. Stonecrest was with them too, another friend. Without a fight, the warriors made it out of the door, but ahead to the gates lay more trouble than ever...