The Birth of a Great Klan


The dark red vicious Raptor, the current leader of the newly formed Raptor race, Viscera, buried his axe deep into the skull of a weary female. Her eyes rolled in the back of her skull, and blood trickled down the middle of her face as she dropped to her knees and to the floor, dead. He spun around to a male, donning a pair of baggy black pants and no shirt stood with another battleaxe, rage filling his eyes, tears slowly dripping down the sides of his cheeks. "Raptor, you will die for your ignorance, murderer!" he yelled, bringing the axe down and what was thought to be the Raptor's scaly face. But the Raptor had ducked quickly, and brought the blade of his axe into the belly of the strong male, and then again into his side, blood spewing from the two severe wounds. Then just as the Raptor stood to walk out the door, a man in a dark green ninja garb came in, tears welling up in his eyes. He removed a pair of sickles from his belt, and swiped twice at the Raptor, missing both times. Viscera laughed, and grabbed the ninja's arm, and bent it back, popping the bone in the ninja's elbow brutally through his skin. Blood flew everywhere, and the Raptor wrapped a scaly, clawed hand around the ninja's throat. Soon, the life began to slowly fade from the ninja's body, and everything went black….

Venom sat up in bed, sweating heavily. The sweat-soaked sheets on his bed were seemingly transparent. He sat at the right edge of the bed, and stared at the clock on the small table beside him. It was nearly 2 in the morning. "Damn it. The same damn time I always wake up with that same nightmare," Venom said, shaking his head and standing up. He walked towards the bathroom, and flipped the light switch. He walked over to the medicine cabinet and opened it, and grabbed a small bottle of aspirin, popping the plastic lid off. He took two small white tablets, and dropped them in his mouth. He turned the faucet on and grabbed a small paper cup from the side of the sink. He put about half a cup of water into the cup, and drunk it down, along with the two small aspirins he put in his mouth. He rubbed his sore head, and went to sit back on his bed, thinking.

About half an hour later, he lay back down on the soft bed, and pulled the sheets halfway up his torso, and turned his head so it faced straight up at the ceiling. Soon, he drifted off and back into a deep sleep.

* *The Next Morning* *

Venom awoke; his head not throbbing like it was hours before, and his mind and body completely refreshed. He walked towards his dresser, and pulled open one of the drawers. He pulled out a pair of baggy blue jeans and a tight white tank top. He walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower, and climbed in.

About an hour later, he was out of the shower and dressed and eating breakfast. He poured another glass of orange juice, and sipped it down quickly, and ate the last pieces of sausage of egg on his plate. He stood up, and grabbed the empty glass and plate and placed them in the kitchen sink.

As he walked towards the living room, a loud banging on the door interrupted him. He turned to the door, and walked towards it. He peered through the small peephole in the door, and saw a man wearing a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. Venom opened the door, and the man immediately greeted him with a friendly hug. Venom, who was startled by the man's friendliness, immediately shoved the man back, who stared back at him in amazement.

"Hey, hey man! Don't you remember me, Venom? It's me, your old friend Nukum. Remember?" the man asked.

"Oh, sorry Nukum. I didn't recognize you without your usual orange garb," Venom said, smiling.

"Well, long time no see, man. So, how's your life been goin'? Got a girlfriend yet? A wife? Kids?" Nukum asked, soon making himself at home on the large, comfy white couch in the living room. Venom sat in a white armchair.

"Can I get you anything while you're here? 7-Up, Pepsi--"

"Got any beer?" Nukum interrupted.

"Nope. Sorry. I have to keep in shape, just in case something comes up," Venom replied. He indeed did have a very muscular physique, and was a handsome man, although he had a deep scar flowing down his right eye. He had a slight mustache and his face otherwise was cleanly shaven. His arms were muscular, as was his chest, as was seen through he tight white tank top.

"Aw, no problem man. Just get me a Pepsi or two," Nukum said, grabbing the remote to the TV and flipping through the channels. Venom got up and walked into the kitchen, opening the door to the fridge.

"Yo, Nukum. Heads up!" Venom yelled, tossing a can of Pepsi. Nukum caught it, and Venom tossed another, which hit Nukum in the chest. Nukum laughed, as did Venom. Venom grabbed a 7-Up and walked back into the living room, sitting down in the armchair.

"So, you got a girl or anything, Venom?" Nukum asked, leaning against the comfy back of the couch, his eyes set upon a game of baseball on TV.

"No, not yet. I'm afraid I might cause too many problems, since I have the entire race of Raptors on my ass since I almost killed Viscera," Venom said, taking a sip of the 7-Up.

"Damn man, you need a girl. You shouldn't be afraid of those damned Raptors coming after you out here. Those nasty sons of bitches are in Outworld or some other place," Nukum said, eyes still glued to the game.

"Well, I guess you're right. But I keep having these flash--" Venom stopped before finishing the sentence.

"Having what man? Come on, you can tell me, I'm practically your best friend," Nukum said, turning to Venom shortly, then back to the game.

"You promise you won't think I'm crazy?" Venom asked.

"Dude, if I thought you were crazy, then I'd have a problem, because I'm a damn psycho compared to you, man!" Nukum said, laughing. Venom laughed for a while, and then finished off his sentence.

"Well, I keep having these Goddamned flashbacks about my parents being killed. And, well, I don't think I can handle them anymore. I think I need some help or something," Venom said, his eyes set on Nukum.

"Whoa dude. You don't need any help, you just need to stop thinking about the past, and look into your future. Like my old buddies on the Lion King 'Hakuna Matata', or somethin' weird like that. It means no worries," Nukum said, smiling slightly. Venom smiled slightly back, and Nukum turned back to the game on the TV. Venom started to watch it himself, not particularly into baseball that much, but just trying to take his mind off the past.

After about two hours or so of talking and watching TV, Nukum got up and decided to leave. "Need a ride, man?" Venom asked, also getting up.

"Nope, got my ride outside. Hopefully I didn't get a damn ticket or my car towed," Nukum said, laughing. "Well, see ya' in a few months, maybe a year, Venom," Nukum said, waving to Venom and opening the door.

What do you mean in a year? Aren't you gonna visit or at least be around the bars or nightclubs occasionally?" Venom asked. Nukum stopped in the doorway and turned to Venom.

"You mean you didn't get an invitation?" Nukum asked, leaning against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. Venom shook his head. "Well, old Thunderblood is having this huge Titles Event in his homeland of Cenetal. And, well, he invited me to come along, along with a few of his old acquaintances to come fight in it. I hold the Clan Title and the Bloodshed Championship, ya' know, and I have to go and defend 'em. You wanna come along, man?" he asked.

"Well, um, I have to stay here and--"

"Come on Venom. You do too much work. You're in great shape, just come with me and have a little fun at least once in your life," Nukum said, smiling.

"Okay, okay. I'll go. Come pick me up at either 5 or 6 tomorrow morning. I have to pack and everything," Venom said.

"Great. I'll be here at 6 in the morning, sharp," Nukum informed. "Be ready when I get here. We have to be at the docks early." Nukum waved to Venom, who waved in return. Nukum closed the door as he left the suite. Venom turned to the living room, and stood, staring blankly for a moment, and then walked into his bedroom, beginning to pack.

* *The Next Morning* *

"I thought he was gonna be here at 6 sharp," Venom complained to himself, slumping on the couch. He set his gym bag beside him at his right. He rested his head on the back of the couch, and looked up at the ceiling. His eyes soon closed, and he fell asleep.

* * * *

"Wake up, man! We're gonna be late!" Nukum yelled, pulling the still half-asleep Venom to his feet. "My car is outside parked in the lot. Go out and start it up. I'll be right behind you," Nukum said, pushing Venom towards the door.

"Why can't you drive?" Venom asked, stopping at the door.

"I gotta get some rest. Just go out there and start the car up, and we'll leave as quickly as possible. Come on man, we're gonna be late if you don't hurry," Nukum rushed, shoving Venom through the open doorway and soon following him out.

Venom opened the driver's side door and climbed in, and Nukum climbed in the passenger's side. Venom started up the car and drover off.

Less than twenty minutes later, they had arrived at the docks, and the ship was visible, perfectly visible. Venom climbed out of the car, and closed the door behind him. He stood, staring at the huge ship. It was indeed very big, and a very old ship. It resembled the one Venom took to the Tournament a few years back, when he had beaten many opponents. Except this one was just a little bigger than the other one, and had a large yin yang engraved into each side. The sails were sewn with a white material, and had a weird logo in the center. The logo was a large blood-red circle, glowing with energy. It was extremely detailed, and in great shape for such an old ship. "Well, just don't stand there, Venom!" Nukum yelled from the ramp that led up to the ship.

"Just let me get my stuff!" Venom yelled back.

"I already got it, just come on!" Nukum yelled back, waving him to follow him. Venom ran towards Nukum, but on the way ran into a rather tall, muscular man.

"Excuse you," the man said in a rude tone.

"Sorry," Venom apologized.

"Come on Venom!" Nukum yelled, louder than before. Venom looked back at the man, who glared in return, and ran up to Nukum. "Don't bother that guy. He owns an entire group of great men and women," Nukum informed, walking up the wooden ramp.

"Okay. You know that guy?" Venom asked, following close behind.

"Yeah. That's Damage, ruler of Damage's Cave. He's the husband of that chick Athena, who holds the Portal Championship Title in Cenetal. Damage holds the Interrealm Title, the second best Title in the Event," Nukum informed.

"Oh. Hopefully Thunderblood will let me get a shot at one of those Titles. I really want to fight someone again," Venom said, smiling.

"I'm sure he'll give you a shot at either the Cenetal Title or the Interrealm," Nukum said, walking up to the edge of the ship, and smelling the crisp sea air. "Damn it stinks," he said, laughing. Venom laughed slightly, and saw a man garbed in a light green ninja outfit. His entire body, from face to toes, was covered in a light green ninja outfit. His eyes were visible through the small holes in his mask. The eyes were slitted slightly, and not the normal circular pupils of those of a human. "Yo, Anaconda!" Nukum yelled, waving off at the light green ninja. The ninja waved back, and removed his mask, exposing a reptilian figure.

"What the hell?" Venom whispered, noticing the reptilian appearance of the ninja. "Is that a Raptor?" he asked Nukum quietly, making sure the reptile didn't hear him.

"Hell no, Venom. This is Anaconda, the long-time enemy of a man named Savage. Anaconda's a nice guy, once you get to know him," Nukum informed. "Well, I'm gonna go sit down somewhere. I gotta rest for a while," Nukum said, walking over to an empty row of benches and sitting down, tossing his bags on the floor in front of him.

"You're a friend of Nukum?" Anaconda asked, his voice resembling that of a Raptor.

"Well, yeah. He's trying to help me find my brother, Scyllus," Venom replied, hoping he had not said that.

"Well, nissse to meet you, Venom," Anaconda said, patting Venom on the shoulder. Venom's eyes widened, and then he noticed that the ninja was not going to do harm to him.

"Nice to meet you, too, Anaconda," Venom said, patting Anaconda on the back. They sat down beside Nukum, and began to talk about their past lives.

"ssSo, you are going to compete in the ssCenetal Titlesss Eventsss?" Anaconda asked.

"Maybe, if Thunderblood will allow me too. He didn't send me an invitation or anything to come, so I hope I get at least one match," Venom said, looking around the ship. Suddenly the ship shook violently, and then began to move.

Nukum woke up, and shook his head. He sat up straight, and stretched. "Damn, I hope my match ain't first. I gotta get some rest," he said, lying back down. Venom stood up, and began walking off.

"Where you going?" Anaconda asked.

"I'm gonna go talk to a few people. You know anyone around here?" Venom asked, turning back to Anaconda.

"Yesss, I know a few people. Let me introdussse you to sssomeone," Anaconda said, getting up. He walked beside Venom, and they walked over to a man in an all black ninja outfit. The man turned around, and smiled, greeting Venom and Anaconda. He had a slight, barely visible scar covering his right eye.

"What's up, Anaconda? Who's this?" the man asked, looking over Venom.

"Thisss is Venom, a good friend of Nukum," Anaconda replied, pointing in the direction of Nukum who was sleeping.

"Nice to meet you, Venom," the man said, putting out a hand. "I'm Phantom. You goin' to fight in the Titles Events in Cenetal?"

"Um, maybe. Hopefully. Are you?" Venom asked.

"Oh, yeah. I'm gonna try to take the Gauntlet Championship away from Flame. Hopefully I'll win. Hey, I think there is an open spot in the Titles Event for the Interrealm Championship.  Damage holds it. He's kinda stubborn, but he's gonna be a hard match for ya'. That is, if you accept that match," Phantom said. "You gonna go for that Title? Or just sit in the crowd and look on at the match?" Phantom asked, smiling.

"Well, I dunno. That Damage guy looks pretty tough," Venom said. Anaconda looked Venom over, and Venom looked at his body. He was very muscular, wearing the white tank top and black wind pants that covered his legs all the down to his ankles. "Well, I guess I could give it a shot." Phantom smiled, and smacked Venom on the back.

"Cool man. Good luck in your match," Phantom said.

* * * *

About three or four hours later, the boat stopped at a huge wooden dock. There was a huge island, and palm trees covered it. On the dock were about ten men cloaked in black robes, holding axes and swords. They all had a red circular object sewed into the upper right part of their cloak. Underneath the circle were initials, reading: MoB. The letters were also red.

Soon a wooden plank was lowered onto the dock, allowing the exit of the passengers aboard the ship. Venom walked over to Nukum, and grabbed his gym bag. He tapped Nukum on the shoulder, and he woke up instantly. "We're here, man," Venom informed. Nukum stood up, and stretched his arms. He looked around, and soon picked up his bags. He followed Venom, Phantom, and Anaconda off the ship, behind a large group of fighters.

About five groups, fifty people to each cloaked guard, followed their assigned guards through the island. The group Venom was in had his two new friends and Nukum following by his sides. Venom looked around the island, seeing many banners tied to the trees, each one reading: "Welcome to Kombat-Fest!!" in large, bold lettering.

About two hours later the group stopped in front of a huge palace. The front of the palace had two big, wooden doors, each one with a very nicely detailed sphere engraved into the centers. The guard pushed the doors open, and waved the people to follow him in.

Soon, the guard stopped in front of a huge room. In perfect rows were many large tables, each one filled with many delicacies. At the very end of the room, dead center with the alignment of the entrance of the Dining Room was a throne, holding the supposed holder of this Titles Event. The walls were covered in many wooden torches, each one emitting thin orange flames. The room was filled with sweet scents and the light orange glow from the torches. The man stood up. "Welcome to Cenetal, ladies and gentlemen," the man said. "Today, you can have a great feast before the first match here in Cenetal. Tomorrow morning, at sunrise, the first Title Event match-up will take place. Meet in the arena before sunrise to get good seats. This ought to be a good one, folks. Now go your own ways, and have fun!" the man said, throwing his arms out. Most of the people went into the Dining Room and went to various tables, everyone grabbing whatever they wanted.

Venom, on the other hand, walked further down the hall and into one of the rooms. The room was rather big, bigger than the room he stayed in during his time at the previous Tournament, and had a more luxurious style to it. The bed was bigger, and there was a dresser beside it with a small oil lamp. He walked into the room, and looked around. There was a door that probably led to the bathroom, and pictures of the palace aligning various spots on the walls. Venom went to the bed, dropped his gym bag on the floor, and sat on the edge of his bed.

"What's the matter, got the jitters before your first match, old buddy?" said a familiar voice. Venom jumped, and pushed himself off the bed, and turned to the source of the voice. "It's been a long time, man," the man said.

"Yeah, it has. Years," Venom replied. The man was Thunderblood, a very good friend since the previous Tournament.

"How's your life been?" Thunderblood asked, leaning against the door.

"Well, all right. Aside from the dreams I've been having," Venom replied.

"Yeah, old Nukum told me about 'em. Hope you get better," Thunderblood said. "Well, I might regret saying this, but did you find Scyllus?" Venom shook his head.

"I doubt…no, no. I cannot bring myself to think of him like that. He has to be alive,' Venom corrected himself. "Well, no, I did not find him. I am still searching, but these dreams keep me up almost half the night," he said, looking to the floor.

"Well, I can understand. I still haven't found Sheeta yet. But I've gotten on with my life, and started this successful Titles Event. Nukum also told me you wanna be in it, is that correct?" Thunderblood asked.

"Yeah, you're correct," Venom replied.

"Okay, there is an opening for the Interrealm Championship, and I would like you to take that spot. Of course, only if you accept," Thunderblood said, raising his eyebrows.

"Sure, Nukum told me about that while we were on the ship," Venom replied, smiling slightly.

"Okay, good. Because I just told your opponent, Damage, that you already accepted. If you wanna go train the Training Room is just outside, just turn to your right and you'll see a large temple with the symbol of the Ministry of Blood," Thunderblood informed.

"Ministry of Blood?" Venom asked, bewildered.

"Yeah. It's a group of only the best warriors. We all worship the Blood God. If you can beat Damage, I'll let you become a part of it," Thunderblood said.

"Cool, I'm gonna go train. That guy Damage looks like one tough competitor,'" Venom said, walking past Thunderblood and out of the room. Thunderblood watched as Venom walked out, noticing the build he had. He was indeed bigger than before.

* * * *

Venom slammed a shin as hard as he could into the blood-red punching bag. It swayed back and forth from the impact of his shin connecting with the red leather exterior of the bag. He followed up with a hard spinning air kick that knocked the bag completely off its chains holding it up. "Whoa, slow down man! You'll tear the place up the way you're doin' this," said a voice from the door. Venom turned around, and picked up a towel next to his gym bag. He wiped the sweat clinging to his face and tossed the towel over his shoulder. He noticed Thunderblood standing at the door.

"Sorry I kinda got carried away," Venom said, almost out of breath.

"Yeah, I can see that. Man, you have more power than you used to. What did you do, take steroids or something?"  Thunderblood said, laughing slightly.

"Hell no, I just trained at the local gym near my apartment suite. Took me a few years but I finally got back into shape," Venom replied.

"You were never outta shape, man. But you sure did get a helluva lot bigger than ever. And you seem to have more power than before," Thunderblood complimented, smiling slightly.

"Thanks. Sorry about that, though," Venom apologized, looking over at the dusty punching bag lying on the floor behind him.

"Oh, don't worry about it. As you can see there are plenty more around," Thunderblood said, gesturing his hand, showing all the other punching bags hanging from the ceiling that covered the room. "Well, better let you get back to training. See ya', Venom," Thunderblood staid, waving to Venom as he left. Venom turned back to the punching bag lying on the floor at his feet, and walked over to another one, and began a series of punches, and then a hard roundhouse. The bag swayed back and forth as he continued to beat it.

After about two more hours of training, Venom was told it was time for everyone to go to their rooms and get ready for bed. He picked up a towel beside him and wiped off his face with it. He grabbed his gym bag and slung the strap over his right shoulder, and left the temple.

When he arrived at his room, he pulled the door open, and shut it behind him. He tossed his gym bag on the bed, and pulled his shirt off, and walked into the bathroom. He turned the shower on, pulled his clothes off, and began showering.

When he was done showering, he walked into him bedroom and grabbed his gym bag, and pulled out his sickles. "I can't wait to use you two again," he said with a wide smile spread across his face. He shoved them back into the gym bag and zipped it up, tossing it onto the floor beside the bed. He then lay down and pulled the sheets of the bed over him, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Next Chapter: "The Venom Strikes"