Chapter II: The Search for Viscera's Palace

"I knew you'd be here, you ssson of a bitch," hissed a very familiar voice. Venom grabbed the punching bag to stop it from swinging, and turned around. His eyes widened, and then quickly faded to an evil glare.

"I am going to kill you, you dirty bastard!" Venom cried out, charging at Viscera. Viscera easily sidestepped the attack, and planted an elbow into Venom's back. Venom rolled to the side, and kipped up.

"Remember what your friend sssaid back there if you kill sssomeone out of the Eventsss," Viscera hissed.

"My life doesn't matter to me anymore. My death will be worth it when I kill you, murderer!" Venom yelled, backhanding Viscera. Viscera's head swung to the side, and he wiped a blob of blood from his lip.

"You mussst have forgotten about one of your ssstill-living loved ones, you fool," Viscera said, and evil smile forming over his face. "I better tell my messsenger tomorrow morning that I want your foolish brother killed, painfully, and slowly," he hissed, a low cackle afterward.

"You wouldn't," Venom said, squinting his eyes.

"You know damn well what I'm capable of, Venom. I took over more than half of Outworld over the passst four years, and killed many of Kahn's most-skilled guards. I have alssso brought back the thought-to-be extinct race of Raptors, and made them even more powerful than ever. And my father, well, he and I will be living for a very long time, even after you've rotted into nothing in your own pathetic grave," Viscera said, cackling.

"You're-you're immortal?" Venom asked, unable to let the fact sink in, the fact that his own worst enemy, his enemy, immortal? It was true though. Viscera was indeed immortal. "How, though? How in God's name did you become immortal?" Venom asked.

"Oh, all but a few favors my father and I have done for the fallen Elder, Shinnok. All we had to do is find your homeland, and, well, you know the ressst," Viscera said, smiling. His bloody, yellow teeth showed through his hideous smile.

"Goddamn you. I-I-" Venom was unable to find the right words before Viscera wrapped his scaly hand around his throat, digging his short, black claws into his skin.

"Let me tell you sssomething, Venom. If you actually think you can get away with becoming friends with a Raptor, you have another thing coming. Just remember thisss: my Raptors will always obey me, and they will always ssstand tall over your kind, and when I arrive back in Outworld, I am going to show your brother what pain is all about. And if you dare try to attack me anywhere on thisss island, your brother will know more than pain when I'm through with him. Got that, Venom?" Viscera asked, cocking his head to the right.

Venom pulled himself free of Viscera's grip, and rubbed his neck. "Yes. I agree that I will not touch you on this island. Now that I've agreed to that, you have to agree with me on something," Venom said.

"And what isss that?" Viscera asked.

"If I find out that you've killed my brother, or injured his body in anyway before you leave this island, I will find you, and kill you. Now do you got that, Viscera?" he asked, pulling his hand away from his neck to see small streaks of blood on his hand. He wiped the blood off on his uniform.

"Whatever, mortal. But if you ssso much as even come in contact with me on thisss island, my messsenger will jussst go back to Outworld, and inform the executioner to kill ssScyllusss, on the ssspot. Now go back to your training, and ssstay the hell away from me," Viscera snapped, shoving Venom back as he left the Training Room. Venom looked back at Viscera, and held back the urge to attack, and turned back to the punching bag.

He slammed a fist into it, and followed up with a very hard roundhouse that nearly broke the bag in half. He then landed a high kick, then a low kick, and ended it with a hard spinning heel kick. He turned to the door, wiping the sweat from his face. He then decided to leave the Training Room, and go back to watch the matches.

* * * *

When he arrived at the arena, he saw Nukum standing in one corner, shadowboxing. He walked over to Phantom and Anaconda, and sat beside Anaconda. "Is Nukum fighting next?" Venom asked, his voice a bit shaky.

"Yesss. He is competing for the Bloodshed Championship againssst Tai," Anaconda replied. Venom turned to see a female donning a light gray female ninja garb with a long sword in one hand. He then looked over to Thunderblood's throne, and saw Thunderblood standing, ready to declare the start of the fight.

"FIGHT!" he yelled. Tai was the first to attack. She uppercut Nukum, and followed up with a swift slash of her sword. Nukum staggered back, and shook off the attack. He ducked underneath a slash from Tai, and slammed a fist into her belly, and then slammed a shoulder into her gut, throwing her into the ground. Nukum hopped up, and Tai slowly climbed to her feet. Nukum ran at her, and side kicked her, and then followed up with an immediate backhand. Tai staggered back, and the force of the blow caused her entire body to turn in a total 180-degree angle. Nukum then grabbed her arms and kicked her in the back as hard as he could, knocking her face first into the ground.

Tai rolled to the side, and kipped up, blocking a roundhouse via Nukum, and retaliated with a swift leg sweep, knocking Nukum onto his back. Nukum landed with a 'grunt' on the ground, and quickly kipped up, just as Tai executed a hard roundhouse to Nukum's face, which knocked him back to the ground. Nukum quickly rolled to the side and Tai slammed a fist just past his head and into the sand. Nukum hopped up, withdrew a mace, and slammed it into her back, knocking her into the sand. She slowly climbed to her feet, and Nukum slammed a fist into her face, and then a mace into her left shoulder, shattering the bone. She let out a scream of pain, and Nukum backed up, allowing her time to recover.

As soon as she got up, Nukum was ready, and he landed a swift kick to the side of her head, and followed up with another kick with the other leg to the side of her face. As she staggered back, Nukum used the short advantage to form a small ball of energy between his hands. As soon as the ball began pulsating with energy, Nukum blasted it towards Tai just as she recovered from the attacks. The energized ball slammed into Tai's chest, sending magnetic beams throughout her body. She was stunned for a short amount of time, but just enough time for Nukum to execute a massive kombo. He landed a massive high kick, then a low kick, and followed up with a huge uppercut, followed by another uppercut. He ended the kombo with a roundhouse.

Tai slowly recovered from the kombo, and as soon as she did, Nukum grabbed his mace, and slammed it into her ribcage, and then another into her back as she bent over. He then slammed a fist into her jaw, and then backhanded her, knocking her to the ground. She tried to get to her feet, but the blows she had taken were too much. Her face was covered in blood, and her ribs were broken. Nukum turned to Thunderblood, and Thunderblood stood up. "Nukum wins," Thunderblood appointed. Nukum walked over to Venom, and sat down between him and Phantom.

"Good job, Nukum," Venom said, his voice still a bit shaky.

"Thanks man. Hey, you wanna go back and train or somethin'?" Nukum asked.

"No thanks, I wanna see the next match," Venom said, looking around the arena. He saw two guards grabbing Tai, and carrying her off to get medical help.

"Come on man, the next match sucks anyway. It's between two nobodies," Nukum said, hurrying Venom to get up.

"I said no, Nukum," Venom snapped, "I want to see the next match," he continued. Nukum shook his head, and sat back down.

"Okay, man," he said. "Anyway, the next match-up is for the Portals Championship," Nukum informed.

"Who's fightin'?" Venom asked.

"Um, Athena and some other nobody," Nukum said.

"Who's the nobody, man?" Venom asked.

"It's Viscera," Nukum said in a frustrated tone. "I wanted us to go leave so you wouldn't have the temptation o go out there and kill his ass," Nukum stated.

"Damn it, I am not going to go out there and interfere with the match. And besides, Viscera and I struck a deal," Venom informed.

"What kinda deal?" Nukum asked.

"Never mind, just forget it," Venom said.

"No man, tell me," Nukum said.

"Nothing man, I said forget it," Venom snapped. "I don't wanna talk about it right now," he added.

"Okay, man, just chill," Nukum said.

"Sorry, I just can't stand being around him. Every time I come in contact with him, I want to kill him, but something holds that urge back. Like a force or something. I don't know anything anymore, I just want all this to end, and I want to rescue my brother, but I'm afraid if I do, he'll just be killed when I'm not with him," Venom said, looking towards the ground. He saw a small bug scurry across the sand in front of him, and then burrow into the ground.

"Damn man, you need some help. But if you really wanna rescue your brother that bad, then why don't you just go to Outworld and--" Nukum started.

"It's not like that, Nukum. If I go to Outworld, I'll just be beaten to a pulp, just like last time, and all that fighting will be worth nothing. Yeah, sure, I killed a ton of those Goddamned Raptors, and left Viscera's forests with the stench of the dead and left him marked for life, but I didn't get my brother. Instead I got a bunch of battle scars and a bunch of nightmares," Venom said, shaking his head. He then looked up to see Viscera staring deeply into his eyes. Venom turned to Nukum, and said, "See? He's a fucking murderer, and he loves it! I bet he's going to try and kill Athena, too, and there is nothing I can do to stop him from doing it! Absolutely nothing, Nukum!" Nukum turned to face Viscera, and squinted, giving him an evil glare. Viscera smiled, and shook his head in disgust.

"Your family will be next, human," Viscera threatened, staring straight at Nukum. Nukum's eyes widened in fright, and soon he realized that Viscera was probing his mind, his deepest thoughts. "My Raptorsss have acquired greater powersss over the passst few years, and you pathetic humans will die before our handsss. And I will ssstart with thisss female," Viscera said, laughing quietly.

"You are pathetic Viscera. You are too much of a wimp, and have to fight a woman? You are not as strong as people think," Nukum snapped. "And I don't want you ever to threaten my family again, understand me, bitch?"

Viscera smiled, and hissed through his teeth. "I underssstand nothing, human. For that remark, you will pay dearly in the very near future. Pay very dearly, fool," Viscera said, laughing. Just then Damage, along with his wife Athena, came walking out onto the arena. Damage bowed to Thunderblood, and walked over to an open spot in the crowd, and sat down.

"Nice fight, Venom," Damage said to Venom, patting him on the back. Venom smiled slightly, and looked back at Viscera, who was practicing a few kombos. Athena bowed to Viscera, and got into a stance. Viscera laughed in disgust at Athena.

"You foolish little female. You have no idea how powerful I am," he said. Athena shook her head, and stayed in her stance. Thunderblood stood up, and appointed the start of the fight.

"FIGHT!" Viscera smiled at the one word that would start the match. He withdrew a small glowing green ball from his vest, and tossed it into the air. The ball exploded in midair, and caused a green force field to form around the figure of Viscera. Viscera then placed his arms out at his sides, and tightened the muscles in his body. Seconds later he melted into thin air, and formed his body into the exact form of his surroundings. Athena looked around in amazement, and was suddenly hit in the face, and then a cut opened up in her belly. She staggered back, and was again hit in the face, and another hit to her belly. She fell to the ground. And Viscera soon reappeared in the same way he disappeared. He withdrew two blood-covered clubs. He attempted a downward uppercut, but Athena back flipped, and slammed her feet into Viscera's chin. Viscera staggered back, and hissed.

"Bitch," he hissed. He then dropped to a knee, and his hands erupted in thin green flames. He pulled his arms behind his head, and threw them forward, forcing out a thin green ball. The green ball slammed into Athena's chest, causing her to be thrown into the air. Viscera slid forward, and planted a massive uppercut into her face, causing her to fly into one of the palm trees. She slowly climbed to her feet, and Viscera let out a low cackle. He turned to Venom, and smiled evilly. "Wanna sssee something elssse I learned after the passst few yearsss?" he hissed. He backed up, and his entire body melted into a pile of red blood. The blood then melted into the form of a ninja, a ninja in dark green garments. Venom stood up, but Nukum pulled him back down. "I bet I look a little familiar to you, do I not?" Viscera asked. The ninja was none other than Venom. Viscera removed his mask, and blew out a thin green mist, which dissipated. Athena began to cough, and then started to choke. She dropped to her knees, and planted a hand on the ground, and another around her throat. She looked up at Viscera, her eyes bloodshot.

Venom stood up, and was just about to run out onto the arena when Viscera turned to him, and walked over to him. "Remember our little deal?" he asked, hissing in the form of a laugh. He morphed his hand back to his own, and slashed across Venom face, and then shoved him back.

"I want that son of a bitch dead, and I want him dead right the fuck now," Venom cursed, wiping the small streaks of blood from his face. He watched as Viscera morphed back to his original reptilian form. He hissed as he transformed into the form of another Raptor, one with the outfit of a ninja and dark green skin. Viscera formed a thin gray ball of an acidic substance between his palms, and threw it forward. The acidic ball slammed into Athena's belly, melting away her uniform, and burning small holes in her skin, leaving a bloody stain behind. Athena moaned in pain, and held her stomach. Seconds later she vomited a thick pile of blood and pus. She wiped her mouth, and stood up, only to be slammed back down. Viscera let out a loud cackle, and looked in Venom's direction.

"Damn you, Viscera," Venom whispered. Viscera shook his head, and pulled Athena up by her hair. He then threw her back, and she slammed hard into a palm tree. She dropped to a knee, and slowly pushed herself to her feet. Viscera morphed back to his regular form, and placed his arms in front of him. His hands began to glow a bright red, and two long spears shot from his palms. The spears slammed into Athena's chest, planting themselves deep into her flesh. She screamed in pain, and suddenly her eyes rolled back into her head, Just before she dropped to her knees, unconscious, Viscera pulled his arms back, ripping the spears from her flesh. Blood splattered everywhere, and Viscera smiled, and licked his lips. He knelt down on one knee, and placed his hands in front of him. He rolled them together, resembling someone rolling up a snowball, and a thick, acidic ball formed between his palms. He pulled his arms back, and threw it forward with all his strength, and it slammed very hard into Athena's ribcage, shattering a few rubs, and also burning straight through her clothing, and melting away small pieces of skin from her belly. She moaned with pain, dropped to a knee, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She then fell face first into the sand.

Viscera smiled evilly, and withdrew a big, wooden club. It was covered in thin steel spikes; each coated with a thin layer of dried blood. He walked over to Athena, wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, and picked her up. She soon regained consciousness, and she stared through Viscera, instead of straight at him. Viscera hissed, and pulled his club back. Thunderblood immediately stood up, and knew exactly what Viscera was about to do. "Viscera, stop!" he yelled, standing up. Viscera turned his head to face Thunderblood, and smiled evilly. " Stop, damn it! You won!" Thunderblood cried. Viscera hissed in disgust, and turned to face Athena's bruised and battered face. She moaned, and Viscera got the club ready, pulled it halfway down, and threw it forward.

"STOP, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" cried Venom, running out onto the arena, and ripping the club from Viscera's hand. Viscera threw the body of Athena to the sandy ground, and spun around, slamming a backhand into Venom's face. Venom growled evilly, and backed up, and then charged forward, and, ducking down, slammed a fist hard into Viscera's lower jaw. Viscera's head swung back, and blood flew from his mouth. Viscera smiled evilly, and spat a blob of bloody saliva onto the sand.

"You were warned, Venom. I know you were too much of a fool to keep your part of the deal, and for that, your brother isss going to get the worssst beating of hisss life," Viscera hissed, laughing evilly. Venom reached into the back of his pants, and grabbed the handle of one of his sickles. He pulled the sickle from his pants and was about to bring the blade into Viscera's belly, but his arm was held back by someone. Venom spun around, his eyes filled with hatred and anger.

"What are you doing, Nukum?" Venom asked, his voice gruff.

"If you kill Viscera, then you'll be executed by Thunderblood's guards. That's the rule, and I can't have you getting yourself killed, especially for killing one of those lowly fucking Raptor bastards," Nukum cursed, staring Viscera down.

"You're lucky, Viscera. I would have killed you right here and right now," Venom said. "And if I find out you've laid one finger on Scyllus, then I'm going to hunt your ass down, and give you the most painful death of your pathetic life," Venom threatened, his voice filled with hate.

Viscera smiled evilly when he heard those words leave his most-hated foe's lips. "Oh really?" Viscera hissed under his breath, "I'd like to sssee you try, you weak, pathetic ssson of a bitch."

"Venom, don't," Nukum said, placing his hand on Venom's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Nukum. I am not even gonna waste a second of my time shedding this murderer's blood. I'll do that when the time is right. But remember what I said, you dirty bastard. Mark my words, you lay a single finger on my brother ever again, and I mean ever again, I'll show you real pain," Venom threatened, turning his back to Viscera.

"ssSure, you will, Venom," Viscera said through clenched teeth. He tightened his fists at his sides, and bent down to pick his clubs up. Viscera turned his back on Venom, and walked off, mumbling something under his breath.

"God I want him dead, Nukum," Venom said, clenching his fists tightly.

"Don't worry, we'll get his ass soon," Nukum said, placing a hand on Venom's right shoulder. Venom nodded, and pulled Nukum's hand off his shoulder before walking back to the Cenetal palace.

* * * *

"Klaw, Diamondback, bring ssScyllusss to me. I need to talk to him," Viscera hissed, getting comfortable in his throne. His palace was larger than the one owned by Emperor Shao Kahn, and had indeed been made for attacks or wars. The outside was barricaded by large stone walls, each wall covered with a transparent layer of acid. The main gate has been made to crush attackers, which could be lowered by two thick steel chains. The main gate had a few thin spikes, which, when the gate was lowered, could impale the attackers, and give them the worst pain of their lives with the lethal toxin which was laced onto the spikes.

"Wh-what do you w-want, Viscera?" Scyllus inquired.

"Do not be afraid, ssScyllusss, for I did not call you here to beat you like I have been known to do in the passst," Viscera said, cocking his head to the side a bit.

"Then what do you want? More work? Because if you--" Scyllus was cut off by Viscera before he could finish.

"Jussst shut your mouth before you sssay sssomething you will forever dearly regret, pitiful human. My newly formed Raptor rassse hasss been taught the mossst ssstrategic partsss of defenssse, and not even your pathetic weakling brother, Venom, can kill me," Viscera hissed, cackling softly under his breath. "Now, what I wanted to talk to you about isss Venom."

"What the fuck do you want to know about my br-brother?" Scyllus said, his voice a little shaky. The stuttering was normal to Scyllus now, since all he had done for the past several years was slave under the orders of Viscera and his higher minions. Scyllus had been beaten so severely at times that he was unable to even walk, let alone work.

"No need for the harsh tone, ssScyllusss. Now, asss I wasss sssaying, I want to know your brother'sss weak pointssss. You know, what makesss him unable to make an attack, make him unable to defend himssself," Viscera said.

"Fuck you, Viscera. I-I will n-n-never tell you about my brother. If you really want to know, then f-find out f-for yours-self," Scyllus snapped. Viscera let out a slight cackle, and then his face changed to a smirk.

"I will asssk you one more time, human; what are your brother'sss weak pointsss?"

"Go to Hell, Viscera," Scyllus snapped, preparing for the worst.

"Figuresss. Death Adder, Kobra, take Scyllus to the torture chambersss. Give him the worssst beating of hisss life," Viscera commanded. A light blue Raptor and a deep blue Raptor came into the room, and dragged Scyllus off. "I will find out what Venom's weakessst pointsss are, or I will have that ssson of a bitch killed," Viscera said to himself, clenching his fists so tightly that he dug into his skin. Blood trickled from his palms and down to the floor.

* * * *

Venom walked into his room, and closed the door behind him. He flicked on the light switch, and noticed a letter on his kitchen counter. Venom threw his bags on the couch, and walked around to the kitchen. He pulled open the refrigerator door, grabbing a can of 7-Up. He popped open the can, and guzzled down about half of the drink. He closed the fridge door and turned to the kitchen counter. "It's probably from Thunderblood or Nukum; or maybe even Anaconda. Pfft, I doubt it. Dude probably can't even write, let alone read yet," Venom said to himself, laughing slightly. He set the can of 7-Up beside the letter and ripped open the envelope. He pulled out a piece of white paper, which was folded neatly. He unfolded the letter before noticing the blood red lettering on the paper.

He began reading:

You may have guessed by now that it is I, Viscera, once again. You know, your brother can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. Especially when I ask him something about you. Well, now onto the important things. I've been meaning to tell you that your brother is in very, and I mean VERY critical condition right now. As of late, Venom, I had my two newest recruits, perhaps maybe the strongest of my royal minions, Death Adder and Kobra, how do you humans say it? Oh yes, now I remember. Beat the shit out of Scyllus.

Venom's body immediately filled up with rage, and his entire body went tense. His eyes filled up with tears.

You're probably whining and crying right now over what you've just read. Ah well, your brother may just die if he doesn't inform me of what I must know. Well, have a nice day, my worthiest of foes.

Your enemy forever,


Venom let out a cry of rage, and slammed his fist on the kitchen counter. He ripped the paper to shreds, and grabbed the can of 7-Up. He crushed the can, and scenes of his past began roaring through his mind. He grabbed his head, trying to block out the memories. He pounded his fists on the counter, and the scenes immediately disappeared from his mind as the sound of someone knocking on the door came to him.

He walked to the door, and looked through the eyehole. It was Nukum. Venom placed his head on the door for a moment, and took a deep breath. He turned the doorknob, and pulled the door open.

"Hey, hey! Nukum said, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Hey, man," Venom said, trying to sound normal.

"You wanna go out and get a drink or somethin'?" Nukum asked, placing an arm around Venom's shoulder.

"Um, no thanks man. I'm kinda tired," Venom said.

"What's the matter man? Ya' have another one of those flashbacks?" Nukum asked, and as he looked over his shoulder, he noticed the crushed 7-Up can and shreds of paper lying all over the place. "Aw Goddamn him, man," Nukum cursed.

"Yeah, I know. Viscera wrote me another one of those letters, and this one is a fucking hell of a lot more serious than the others," Venom noted.

"What? Is he gonna come and kill you or somethin'?" Nukum asked.

"No, but I wish that was the case. He's gonna--ugh, shit, I can't say this," Venom said, turning his back to Nukum.

"Well if it's that Goddamn bad, man, you need to tell me. I'll help you out in any way I can," Nukum said, placing a hand on Venom's shoulder.

"All right. I guess I should tell you. Viscera threatened that if Scyllus doesn't tell him what he needs to know, then Viscera'll kill my brother," Venom said.

"Holy shit, man. That is fucking serious," Nukum said. "We need to get back to Outworld as fast as we can. If your brother is as tightlipped as you are, then we don't got much time. I can call Thunderblood and have him arrange us a ship, and hopefully have it arrive here by morning," Nukum informed.

"No, I am going there alone--" Venom was interrupted by a deep red and deep blue portal opening in the room near the door.

"That won't be necessary, guys," said a familiar voice. Out of the portal came the man who saved the lives of the two men standing before him: The Mimic. "I can have you two arriving at the entrance of that bastard Viscera's gates within the next five minutes, that is, if you want to go," Mimic said.

"Hell yeah, man. Just let me get my weapons," Venom said, jumping over the couch in the living room and digging through his gym bags. He quickly pulled out his sickles. He placed them in his leather belt, and walked back around the couch.

"Boarding portal to Outworld. All aboard!" Mimic said, waving a hand towards the portal. Venom hopped through the portal, and Nukum followed behind. Mimic looked around the room, and, with a flick of his wrist, the lights in the room went out. He smiled to himself as he stepped through the portal. The portal crackled with red energy before shrinking into nothingness.

Venom let out a cry of rage, and slammed his fist on the kitchen counter. He ripped the paper to shreds, and grabbed the can of 7-Up. He crushed the can, and scenes of his past began roaring through his mind. He grabbed his head, trying to block out the memories. He pounded his fists on the counter, and the scenes immediately disappeared from his mind as the sound of someone knocking on the door came to him.

He walked to the door, and looked through the eyehole. It was Nukum. Venom placed his head on the door for a moment, and took a deep breath. He turned the doorknob, and pulled the door open.

"Hey, hey! Nukum said, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Hey, man," Venom said, trying to sound normal.

"You wanna go out and get a drink or somethin'?" Nukum asked, placing an arm around Venom's shoulder.

"Um, no thanks man. I'm kinda tired," Venom said.

"What's the matter man? Ya' have another one of those flashbacks?" Nukum asked, and as he looked over his shoulder, he noticed the crushed 7-Up can and shreds of paper lying all over the place. "Aw Goddamn him, man," Nukum cursed.

"Yeah, I know. Viscera wrote me another one of those letters, and this one is a fucking hell of a lot more serious than the others," Venom noted.

"What? Is he gonna come and kill you or somethin'?" Nukum asked.

"No, but I wish that was the case. He's gonna--ugh, shit, I can't say this," Venom said, turning his back to Nukum.

"Well if it's that Goddamn bad, man, you need to tell me. I'll help you out in any way I can," Nukum said, placing a hand on Venom's shoulder.

"All right. I guess I should tell you. Viscera threatened that if Scyllus doesn't tell him what he needs to know, then Viscera'll kill my brother," Venom said.

"Holy shit, man. That is fucking serious," Nukum said. "We need to get back to Outworld as fast as we can. If your brother is as tightlipped as you are, then we don't got much time. I can call Thunderblood and have him arrange us a ship, and hopefully have it arrive here by morning," Nukum informed.

"No, I am going there alone--" Venom was interrupted by a deep red and deep blue portal opening in the room near the door.

"That won't be necessary, guys," said a familiar voice. Out of the portal came the man who saved the lives of the two men standing before him: The Mimic. "I can have you two arriving at the entrance of that bastard Viscera's gates within the next five minutes, that is, if you want to go," Mimic said.

"Hell yeah, man. Just let me get my weapons," Venom said, jumping over the couch in the living room and digging through his gym bags. He quickly pulled out his sickles. He placed them in his leather belt, and walked back around the couch.

"Boarding portal to Outworld. All aboard!" Mimic said, waving a hand towards the portal. Venom hopped through the portal, and Nukum followed behind. Mimic looked around the room, and, with a flick of his wrist, the lights in the room went out. He smiled to himself as he stepped through the portal. The portal crackled with red energy before shrinking into nothingness.

Venom let out a cry of rage, and slammed his fist on the kitchen counter. He ripped the paper to shreds, and grabbed the can of 7-Up. He crushed the can, and scenes of his past began roaring through his mind. He grabbed his head, trying to block out the memories. He pounded his fists on the counter, and the scenes immediately disappeared from his mind as the sound of someone knocking on the door came to him.

He walked to the door, and looked through the eyehole. It was Nukum. Venom placed his head on the door for a moment, and took a deep breath. He turned the doorknob, and pulled the door open.

"Hey, hey! Nukum said, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Hey, man," Venom said, trying to sound normal.

"You wanna go out and get a drink or somethin'?" Nukum asked, placing an arm around Venom's shoulder.

"Um, no thanks man. I'm kinda tired," Venom said.

"What's the matter man? Ya' have another one of those flashbacks?" Nukum asked, and as he looked over his shoulder, he noticed the crushed 7-Up can and shreds of paper lying all over the place. "Aw Goddamn him, man," Nukum cursed.

"Yeah, I know. Viscera wrote me another one of those letters, and this one is a fucking hell of a lot more serious than the others," Venom noted.

"What? Is he gonna come and kill you or somethin'?" Nukum asked.

"No, but I wish that was the case. He's gonna--ugh, shit, I can't say this," Venom said, turning his back to Nukum.

"Well if it's that Goddamn bad, man, you need to tell me. I'll help you out in any way I can," Nukum said, placing a hand on Venom's shoulder.

"All right. I guess I should tell you. Viscera threatened that if Scyllus doesn't tell him what he needs to know, then Viscera'll kill my brother," Venom said.

"Holy shit, man. That is fucking serious," Nukum said. "We need to get back to Outworld as fast as we can. If your brother is as tightlipped as you are, then we don't got much time. I can call Thunderblood and have him arrange us a ship, and hopefully have it arrive here by morning," Nukum informed.

"No, I am going there alone--" Venom was interrupted by a deep red and deep blue portal opening in the room near the door.

"That won't be necessary, guys," said a familiar voice. Out of the portal came the man who saved the lives of the two men standing before him: The Mimic. "I can have you two arriving at the entrance of that bastard Viscera's gates within the next five minutes, that is, if you want to go," Mimic said.

"Hell yeah, man. Just let me get my weapons," Venom said, jumping over the couch in the living room and digging through his gym bags. He quickly pulled out his sickles. He placed them in his leather belt, and walked back around the couch.

"Boarding portal to Outworld. All aboard!" Mimic said, waving a hand towards the portal. Venom hopped through the portal, and Nukum followed behind. Mimic looked around the room, and, with a flick of his wrist, the lights in the room went out. He smiled to himself as he stepped through the portal. The portal crackled with red energy before shrinking into nothingness.

* *Outworld - just a few miles outside Viscera's Fortress* *

Venom came flipping out of the portal, landing on a knee in the middle of a dark forest. Nukum, soon after, came hurling out of the portal, landing flat on his belly. "Oomph! Goddamn, I'm burnin' up on the outside, but I'm freezing on the inside, like I'm microwaved or somethin'," Nukum said, climbing to his feet. "Where's Mimic?" he asked, looking around the forest. "And I thought he sad we'd arrive at Viscera's gates?"

"Yeah, me too," Venom said, standing up and looking up at the still-crackling portal. In just moments, Mimic came flipping out of the portal, rolled into a ball. He landed on his feet a few yards in front of Venom. "What took you so long to come out of the portal?" Venom asked.

"Well, I did leave a little after you two, so I guess I should have arrived a little later than you guys," Mimic replied, looking the forest over. "Well, looks like my estimation was a little off. Seems we landed in the Living Forest. I've always wanted to visit this place," Mimic said, smiling underneath his mask.

"Living Forest? What do you mean 'living'?" Nukum asked.

"What I mean is, this place ain't dead, it's alive. The trees have minds of their own. They're kinda like you and me, only stuck in the ground and made of wood, and without all the bones and shit inside of ya'," Mimic replied. Nukum raises an eyebrow, and laughed slightly under his breath. "What, you don't believe me?" Mimic asked.

"Oh, no, it's not that. It's just that it sounds dumber than hell that trees could be alive. Don't it, Venom?" Nukum asked, looking over at Venom.

"Well, I wouldn't say it sounded dumb," Venom said, smiling.

"Okay, hold on. I'll prove it to you two," Mimic said, walking over to one of the trees. He felt around on one side of the tree, and looked it over as he did so. He felt around in two fist-sized black knots in the tree, and then backed up as the tree sort of "groaned."

"Wow, it has two holes in it. That's real nice, Mimic, but we have to be moving on now," Nukum joked, walking off.

"Wait a minute, boy, I need you to do something for me," Mimic said. Nukum turned around, and walked over to Mimic.

"What is it?" Nukum asked.

"I need you to feel around the same spot on that tree that I touched, and see if you find anything unusual," Mimic said. Nukum shrugged, and felt around the tree, feeling inside the two knots, and bringing his hand down lower, into a small bump in the tree. "Okay, now try and pry that small crevice open between those two bumps where your hands are now," Mimic said. Nukum shook his head and began pulling in opposite directions in the two bumps. After a few tugs, the crevice came whipping open, and the two knots did just the same. The tree seemed to 'roar', Nukum almost immediately jumping back, tripping over his own feet. He slammed into another tree, which also groaned and roared.

"What in the hell is going on?!" Nukum cried out, scrambling over to Venom.

"Seems you've woken up the entire forest, Nukum," Mimic said, laughing. "We haven't much time before the forest's more lively inhabitants come out to play," Mimic informed, waving a hand, signaling the two to follow him.

As the three ran through the moaning, groaning forest, the trees' limbs attempted every so often to grab at them. Suddenly, out of nowhere a large arm came crashing into Venom's throat, clothes lining him. Venom spun around once in midair before crashing to the ground. He coughed and gagged as he tried to catch his breath. He yelled out his two comrades' names, but the noise in the forest was too loud for his voice to travel any further than the small area he was in. "Son of a bitch," Venom cursed, spitting on the ground before climbing to his feet. He looked around the forest, spotting several times a slight movement between the trees. "Come on, whatever the hell you are," he whispered, tapping his fingers on the handles of his sickles. Venom spotted movement on the corner of his right eye, and his head spun to the right. "Come on, damn it," Venom commanded, growing weary of waiting. Then suddenly, out of a small area between two large trees came a large, muscular mutant with long, razor-sharp teeth and many small bone blades stuck in its arms. "What in God's name are you?" Venom whispered. He gripped his sickles in each hand, not pulling them out as to startle the beast.

"You disturb my rest, human. Now human shall die for waking Baraka up from rest," the mutant threatened. Baraka extended one blade from each arm, and Venom took a step back. Venom swallowed hard, his heart pounding against his chest. No matter how scared he was, Venom wasn't about to turn his back on the ugly beast in front of him. No, that would leave him open for a single stab in the back.

"Well, are you going to do something, or just stand there and stare at me?" Venom asked. Baraka growled, and charged forward like a gorilla, his knuckles dragging under him. The blades made a scratchy sound against the dirt as the mutant made its way towards its target. Baraka slammed his shoulder into the belly of Venom, tackling him to the ground. "Oomph!" Venom moaned as his head bounced up off the ground and the wind was knocked out of him. "Get the hell OFF!" Venom commanded, throwing the beast off him. Baraka simply flipped through the air, landing on his feet in front of Venom, who was climbing to his feet. Venom immediately removed the sickles from his belt, and swung at Baraka's face, missing him completely. Baraka grabbed Venom's outstretched hand, and squeezed down on it, forcing Venom to release the sickle. Venom cried out in pain as the mutant planted an elbow into Venom's arm, nearly breaking it. Venom fell to a knee, and was lucky enough to get in a leg sweep just as Baraka was about to kick him.

Baraka slammed hard on the ground, but almost immediately kipped up. "Your strength is nothing compared to the strength of the almighty Baraka!" Baraka cried out, raising his arms above his head, and letting out a loud roar. Venom immediately kipped up, and slammed a knee into the mutant's belly. Baraka slowly lowered his arms, and turned his head to Venom, who was already backing away. "You going to die soon, human," Baraka threatened. He swung with a backhand motion toward Venom's head, but Venom back flipped quickly, planting his feet into the mutant's jaw. Baraka's head swung back forcefully, blood flinging out of his mouth. Baraka staggered back, shaking off the stunning blow before growling.

"So the almighty Baraka isn't so tough now, is he?" Venom taunted. Baraka growled in annoyance, and leapt into the air, planting a foot into Venom's chest. Baraka pushed off forcefully, back flipping. Venom was thrown to the ground by the force of Baraka's feet leaving his chest, but he quickly rolled backward and hopped to his feet. "Is that all you got, freak?" Venom asked, smiling tauntingly. Baraka smirked evilly as he placed the two extended blades in his arms together, and scratched them very quickly across one another, causing an energy-formed blade to shoot from between the two blades. Venom ducked quickly, and slid across the ground, knocking Baraka off his feet. Baraka crashed to the ground on his belly, and climbed to his feet. Venom backed up, awaiting any of the mutant's retaliations.

"Playtime's over, human," Baraka commanded, charging Venom. Venom hopped over Baraka as he performed a tackle, and, as Baraka turned around to make up for the failed attack, Venom smacked Baraka in the face with his foot. Baraka staggered back, and Venom fell to the ground in a stance.

"But why? The fun's just gotten started," Venom taunted, blowing a green cloud of mist from his mouth. The cloud dissipated into thin air, and Baraka cocked his head to the right, as if he didn't know what was happening. Moments later, the mutant began choking helplessly. He clutched his throat, gasping for air. Venom grabbed his sickle from the ground that he dropped earlier, and backed away as the mutant began to come to. Baraka growled, shaking his head from the dizzying attack. "Now for some real fun," Venom said. "Now ya' see me…" Venom's body in moments enveloped in a red glow, and his entire body immediately disappeared, the glow dissipating. "…Now ya' don't," Venom continued. Baraka growled in a confused tone. He looked around the forest in frantic motions, and was quickly hit in the face with a hard roundhouse. "How's this for a little equalizing, hmm?" Venom asked, following up with an uppercut. Baraka staggered back, swinging frantically through the air in every direction.

"Come out, human! Is human too weak to fight where Baraka can see him?" Baraka asked, hoping to bring Venom into view. Venom backhanded the beast, causing a blob of blood to fly from his mouth. Baraka shook off the blow, hardly even phased, but weakened. "Will human answer, or be wimp and stay out of Baraka sight?" Baraka asked again. Venom reappeared, but not in the view of Baraka. "You pathetic, human, show yourself!"

Venom tapped Baraka on the shoulder, and as Baraka turned around, Venom planted a hard elbow to his face. Baraka staggered back, and Venom followed up with a spinning heel kick, and then a roundhouse, which was immediately followed up with an uppercut. Venom sent blow after blow after blow into the mutant's face, chest and stomach, weakening him evermore quickly. Baraka was bale to block a few of the jabs and kicks, but only a few. Venom ended the brutal kombos with a very hard back flipping uppercut kick, which caused Baraka to fly back and into a tree. Baraka's bloody carcass lay in a pool of blood, nearly dead. However, to Venom's surprise, Baraka climbed back to his feet, not even showing a sign of weakness. Baraka sheathed his blades, and smiled. "No human ever beat Baraka, and no human ever will," Baraka growled through clenched teeth. "Baraka race of mutants always show up at best time," Baraka said, laughing quietly.

"What?" Venom asked. Venom saw Baraka looking behind him, not at him, and immediately spun around with a leg extended into a roundhouse. His foot connected with a Ninja's face, a Ninja donning dark red garments and a black mask. Venom stepped back when he saw that his kick didn't phase the Ninja, and spotted many more mutants and Ninjas arriving behind the first Ninja. One Ninja stood out better than every other mutant and Ninja in the crowd. This one had bright green glowing eyes and a pillar of green light surrounding a staff. Inside the pillar of light were many streaks, in the form of faces. Venom backed up until he bumped into Baraka, who held Venom in place by the back of the neck.

"Baraka never lose," Baraka whispered. Venom closed his eyes tightly, awaiting the life-ending blow.

The hold on Venom's neck loosened, and an odd wave of cold mixed into heat shot around, under, and over him, causing him to fall to the ground. He shook his head, and opened his eyes as he noticed two dark figures standing between two trees. "What now?" Venom asked himself. He climbed to his feet, picking up his sickles as he did so. The two figures came into view, revealing themselves as Nukum and Mimic. "What the hell happened to them?" Venom asked, looking at a few of the mutant and ninja bodies scattered around, most covered in blood and burned to nothing but an ashy skeleton.

"Mimic kinda had an idea you were in trouble, or he had a kind of feeling. You know, like one of those freaky psychic people on TV?" Nukum said. Venom laughed, as did Mimic. "Well, anyway, he used some kind of orb or somethin' to cause a huge wave to come through here and wipe this entire place clean out of those freaky mutant bastards, but the damn thing only killed about five or six of 'em," Nukum said, looking over to Mimic.

Mimic ignored Nukum and began speaking for himself. "Well, it wasn't even supposed to kill any of 'em, but I guess the force of the wave jut wiped a few of those freaks out. Only the weaker ones, though. But don't get so happy go lucky on us, those bastards will come back, and will have a shit load more of their friends with 'em," Mimic said. "And oh yeah, don't stop at all. We could have been to Viscera's palace by now if you wouldn't have made a stop to piss," Mimic snapped. Venom raised an eyebrow.

"What the hell are you talking about, man? I mean, I didn't stop to take a piss, one of those mutants came out of nowhere and started beating the shit out of me," Venom informed.

"Whatever, Venom. You should have just ran," Mimic said, his tone with a little annoyed effect to it.

"What was I supposed to do, try and run? Yeah, I know you said that, so don't roll your eyes. If I would have turned my back on that bastard for a second, a split Goddamn second, he probably would have been on me and ripping me a new ass hole, so don't even start arguing, Mimic," Venom snapped.

Nukum turned his head slightly, away from Mimic, and laughed quietly. "Shut up, Nukum. I am not as stupid as you think I am. Now, if my timing is correct, we have wasted almost forty-five minutes of this little trip because of your little incident and this childish argument. So we have to haul some serious ass if you want to be there. And listen, I don't have any problem with your brother being killed, it isn't my problem, it's yours. So if you want him to be alive by the time we get their, then you better pray to God that he is, because, knowing Viscera and his little cronies, he would have had him killed about a half an hour ago."

"No way, I know Viscera better than you do, and if I know him well enough, then all he is going to do is have him beaten, and I kind of have a feeling that Scyllus is alive, maybe not in perfect condition, but still alive. So let's stop the chitchat and get the hell out of here, Mimic. So lead the way," Venom said. Mimic shook his head slightly, letting out a sigh, and started walking again.

Almost forty-five minutes later, Viscera's palace began to come into view. "Damn, that place is bigger than ever," Venom said, noticing the enormous structure a few miles off in the distance.

"Yeah, I know. From what I've heard, he has an entire army in there. And from what I've seen, the place is heavily guarded with those Raptor bastards and a few humans, most traitors of their own homelands," Mimic informed.

"Man, I'm getting tired," Nukum complained, rubbing his right calf muscle. "My damn legs are startin' to hurt," he added.

"Quit whining and keep moving. The faster we walk, the faster we arrive at Viscera's palace gates," Mimic said in a gruff voice.

"Why don't we just take one of your portals?" Venom asked, not stopping his quick pace of walking.

"Yeah, man. We'd be there right now if you would let us take a journey in one of your portals," Nukum added.

"Well…" Mimic started, trying to think of something. "Well, if you guys are so wimpy that you can't walk, jog, or run another mile, then we'll take a portal," he finally said after a brief silence.

"Listen, if you don't want to take a portal, then just forget I said anything. Just calm the hell down and stop sounding so pissed off all the time," Venom said, pulling out one of his sickles and looking over the slightly stained blade.

"Okay, then we won't hitch the ride over Portal Express, we'll just continue our little walk," Mimic said, quickening his pace. Nukum sighed in disappointment, and stopped to stretch his leg muscles for a moment or so and then jogged back to Venom, who was polishing his sickle blade with a small white dishrag.

Another half an hour passed, which seemed like three or four hours to Venom, and finally the entire palace front, its gates and all, came into perfect view. A thick green fog surrounded the outside, and on the sides were two moats, which seemed about fifty feet wide. Small areas of the muddy ground were covered in tiny plants, mostly weeds and ferns. This was indeed an ideal surrounding for Raptors, or reptiles of all sorts. Suddenly, out of nowhere came a largely built Raptor.

This one was a lot more built than the normal Raptors either of the three had seen, except maybe Mimic. It had to have stood at a near nine feet, or eight and a half. This one also stood out a lot more than others, with a large blade unsheathed from its right arm, and a smaller blade sheathed into its left arm, only a small portion of the tip poking through its scaly, bright green skin. Its shoulders were guarded with deep red steel shoulder pads.

"My God, that son of a bitch is huge!" Nukum exclaimed, whispering quietly to Venom.

"I know. He has to weigh at least three hundred pounds, probably more," Venom said. "I sure as hell hope he isn't here to fight," he added.

"Why don't you ask it for its name?" Nukum asked.

"All right, I will. Hey, Raptor, what is your name?" Venom asked. A period of silence passed, and all the Raptor at first did was stare Venom in the eyes, not removing its eyes from Venom's, neither did Venom.

"My name isss Copperhead, high general of Lord Vissscera'sss ssSentral Armies. Now your turn, human," the Raptor said. Its voice was surprisingly rough; sounding like its voice was hoarse, but a little rougher.

"Um…" Venom stuttered, wondering if his name should be informed of the Raptor's need.

"Well? ssSpit it out!" The Raptor bellowed.

"Venom," Venom replied almost immediately, and he let out a deep breath as if he had lost all breathing for a short time.

"What in the hell did you tell him your name for, you fool? You could have made up a Goddamn name, and now you're gonna get your ass kicked," Mimic snapped to Venom, just under the hearing ability of the Raptor.

"Go to Hell, Mimic. You got all these special powers and orbs and such, why don't you take him on? And anyway, we all can take that giant Raptor bastard on at once…right?" Venom asked.

"I have no idea. I guess we'll have to find out!" Mimic yelled, ducking underneath a swing to the head via the extra large Raptor. Mimic planted a hard elbow into the Raptor's steel heard gut, not even phasing it. "Damn it!" Mimic cried out as Copperhead grabbed him by the arm.

"You weak, pathetic human, you are nothing againssst the all-powerful Copperhead!" Copperhead bellowed, slamming a hard knee into Mimic's open belly. Mimic was forced off the ground and into the air at least a foot and a half from the force of the blow. He gasped for air as he clutched his belly in agony.

"Lay off him, you ugly bastard!" Venom ordered, throwing his clenched fist into the Raptor's back. "Damn, that hurt!" he cried out, pulling his fist back as quickly as he had hit the Raptor. Copperhead spun around, spinning an outstretched leg just over Venom's head. Venom back flipped out of the way, and removed his sickles from his belt.

"ssSo you want to use weaponsss, eh, human?" Copperhead asked in a low, gruff voice. He reached over his own shoulder, and pulled a seven and a half foot long staff with a huge axe blade on one end, and a steel, saw-toothed two-foot long dagger blade on the other. "Meet my friend, the Mutilator!" Copperhead bellowed, raising the staff above his head in his right hand. Venom backed up, and swallowed hard as he watched the not-so-jolly green giant make its way towards him. Venom looked to the left of the Raptor and behind it and noticed Mimic changing form. "What in the hell?" Venom whispered to himself. Copperhead noticed Venom looking behind him, and Copperhead spun around, noticing Viscera, or an exact lookalike.

"What are you doing outssside palace gatesss, you fool?" Mimic asked in the exact voice of Viscera.

"I…uh…my Lord don't you sssee--"

"Yesss, I sssee Venom. Get your giant asss back to your possst, and keep your guard out for any intrudersss. I will take care of Venom myssself," Mimic said, cackling silently.

"Yesss, my Lord," Copperhead said, placing the staff back on his back and walking off, looking over his shoulder to get a second look at the Viscera lookalike.

As soon as Copperhead was out of sight, Mimic transformed back to his original form. "How in the hell did you learn to do that?" Venom asked, totally dumbfounded.

"Just something I learned over the years of wandering various realms. I meet new people and get new powers as rewards of helping or saving innocent lives in some of the better-looking realms, you know," Mimic replied. "But this one I've had since I was just a little Mimic," he added, smiling underneath his red and gray mask.

"That totally kicks ass, man!" Nukum exclaimed, coming from behind a large rock.

"Where the hell did you go, Nukum?" Venom asked.

"Um, I had to…uh…take a piss. Yeah, I had to use the bathroom," he replied, wiping off his hands.

"Sure ya' did, Nuke. I thought I saw you run off and hide," Venom said, laughing slightly. Nukum joined the laughter, as did Mimic soon after.

* * * *

"What do you mean you let Venom live?!" Viscera bellowed, jumping up and out of his throne. "You mean to tell me, your Massster, your Lord, your King, that you let my ssstrongessst foe leave you without even laying a single claw on him?!"

"B-But my Lord, you told me that out would take care of him on your own, and ordered me back to my possst," Copperhead said, lifting his head to Viscera.

"I told you no sssuch thing, you fool! I wasss in here talking over the latessst ssstrategy to kill him, and hisss pathetic friendsss with the other army generalsss," Viscera said.

"But…I…I saw you myssself, my Lord!" Copperhead said, raising his voice closer to a yell than a normal talking level.

"Do not raissse your voissse to me, ever, Copperhead. You may be one of my ssstrongessst, sssmartessst, mossst ssskilled generalsss in my entire string of armies, but you will never match the ssstrengthssss, charisssma, and agility of myssself, EVER, Copperhead, so watch yourssself, or I'll have you executed inssstead of that ssson of a bitch ssScyllusss," Viscera snapped.

"I am sssorry, my Lord. But I ssswear to you, on the ever holy sssoul of the Raptor Godsss, that I sssaw you with my own eyesss, and heard you with my own earsss at the palace gatesss, to go back to my possst, and watch for any intruderssss. The only other three living beingsss in sssight were at the palace gatesss with me, fighting me, and thossse were humansss" Copperhead informed.

"And who were thessse three humansss?" Viscera inquired.

"One wasss a ninja in orange, I believe hisss name wasss Nukum. The other wasss Venom. And the third wasss a man I cannot bring up a name for," Copperhead replied.

"What did thisss third man look like, Copperhead?" Viscera asked, finally calming down.

"He had one pale eye, and one eye filled with the fires from the deepessst pitsss of Hell. Hisss uniform wasss the bloodiessst of redssss and the dingiessst of graysss," Copperhead informed.

"Okay, thank you High General Copperhead. You may leave," Viscera ordered. Copperhead stood up and bowed to Viscera, and turned around, heading for the door. "I knew Mimic would arrive sssoon enough," he said to himself through clenched teeth. He took a seat on his throne, and gripped the cold stone arms of the throne with his fingers, his claws digging into the thick stone.

* * * *

"Well, how do you expect to get over the gates, Mimic?" Venom asked, looking the large black steel gates over. There were small designs in the gates, which consisted of one snake curled into a striking position cradled by a large black circle. The top of the gates had thin steel blades protruding from them, which would make it even harder to get over.

"First of all, you can't just go in. On the other side of these gates are many dangers, traps, guards, and sickly demons guarding the palace, which are not as easy to evade as any of the obstacles you have tampered with in the past," Mimic replied. "But if you want to go in, we'll have to be ever more careful than ever. I know you, Venom, can become invisible at any moment, so that'll help. I can just mimic one of the guards, which will make it even more possible to enter Viscera's throne room, and then hopefully rescue your brother. You, Nukum, on the other hand, have no special powers like Venom and myself, so you'll have to be the careful one. But, since you would be the problem in this invasion, you will have to decide between staying out here or coming with us. But let me be the one to warn you of the dangers inside and outside of these gates. Those mutants skulk around outside here, along with the Raptor guards and many other Outer worldly creatures. Raptor guards, slaves, demons, traps, and demonic beings dwell beyond these gates, so choose careful, for your life on either side is at risk," Mimic said, predicting Nukum's answer before he even spoke.

"Um, hard choices, Mimic. But, I, uh, choose to stay outside since there are a little less dangers to handle," Nukum replied. Mimic smiled underneath his mask before the smile quickly changed to a worried expression.

"What's the matter?" Venom asked, looking around the mucky area. Mimic placed his index finger up to his mask, gesturing Venom to shush. He did so.

"DUCK!!" Mimic bellowed, throwing Venom to the ground and quickly hurling a blackened fireball at something in the fog. A loud shriek filled the foggy area, and then silence. Venom crawled quickly to his feet, removing his sickles and getting into a battle stance.

"What in God's name is out there?" Venom whispered, not removing his eyes from the direction of the shriek.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, it ain't dead, and it ain't friendly," Mimic replied, looking in the same direction he blasted the fireball. Then, out of nowhere, a huge pink creature came leaping and grabbing onto Mimic's back, slamming him face first into the muddy ground. Venom flipped out of the way as the creature clawed at his shin, and another creature came crashing into Nukum, who fell hard on his back. Venom spotted a third, and then a forth pink creature make their ways toward him. "What in the hell are you ugly pink bastards?" Venom asked, backing up. The creatures were indeed ugly, grotesquely ugly at that. Each one resembled a pink bull with a mouthful of razor blades that walks erect and looks very, very pissed. Their hands had three stumpy fingers with small, black razor claws. Venom wasn't going to find out just what the creatures were capable of doing to him when they actually got hold of him, but instead took both his sickles, gripped them tightly in his hands, and let out a loud war cry before charging at the first creature. The creature let out a snort similar to a pig, but deeper and mixed with the sound like its throat is filled with mucus.

It slashed at Venom, missing him completely, and Venom jammed one razor sharp sickle blade into the creature's lower arm, and then jammed the other into its forehead. The creature roared, with the similar sound a tiger makes when roaring, but like its throat was filled with mucus. Venom grunted as he tore both sickles away from the other, ripping large, gaping holes into the creature's nauseating face and stumpy arm. The creature's eyes rolled back into its head, and it fell limp. Venom tore the sickles out of the beast, and backhanded the second one, causing it to stagger to the side. The beast growled, as if annoyed, and bit at Venom, nearly taking off his arm. Venom backed up, and made a standing uppercut motion with the sickle in hand, and the sickle tore easily into the beast's neck. Venom ripped the sickle out, but not so neatly. He instead tore it out diagonally, sending blood squirting from the beast's jugular and other neck arteries. The beast grunted, causing a small amount of blood to fly from its large, gaping mouth. It fell onto its side, and lay limp. Venom wiped his forehead, and turned around to notice Nukum getting the crap beat out of him by the beast that had attacked him. Venom did a cartwheel forward, and then brought his leg straight up in front of his face, and brought it brutally down and on the back of the beast's head, snapping its neck.

Nukum shoved the beast off him, and kipped up, brushing the dust and dirt from his garments. "We gotta help Mimic!" he cried out, almost out of breath from the struggling with the beast. He pointed to the direction of Mimic, and Venom ran as fast as he could.
As Mimic came into view, not long after Venom started off to find him, Venom noticed that he was standing, covered in a thick layer of blood. His entire uniform was drenched with blood, and his flaming swords were in his hands. He looked up from the beast lying on the ground before him, and saw Venom and Nukum, standing and staring at the blood-drenched Mimic.

"What? Never seen me covered in blood?" Mimic asked.

Venom shook his head, not in disagreement or agreement, but to stop from staring. "It's not that, it's just that I thought for some reason," he looked over to Nukum, who acted like he had no idea what was going on, "that you were injured or dead. Anyway, what were those ugly sons of bitches?" Venom asked, looking down at the dead beast in front of Mimic.

"Demons. I have a feeling these demons were under the power of Viscera. They rarely ever attack without a reason. Usually they'll attack when we are in their territory, or near a nesting area, or near their young, but I doubt if we were because they never nest or mark their territory near a building," Mimic replied, stepping over the beast and walking back to the palace.

"I sure as hell hope those demons ain't anywhere inside the palace. But, anyway, let's get inside Viscera's little palace, and get my brother out of there before he gets killed," Venom said, turning around and walking back to the palace. Nukum followed him soon after.

Next Chapter: "The Palace of Horrors"