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Anywhere you see my logo, click it to come back to his page.

Well, well, well...look at what the dog dragged in and by dog I mean me, and what I mean by dragged is suckered. Anyways you are here and that is very important, I'm sorry if this website is slow, but it is because I have added background music for your listening pleasure! I hope you enjoy you stay, this site isn't really all that big or anything either. But if you have any suggestions or just anything like a funny story that you want me to place on here, by all means send it on over! To do this just go to the comments thing at the bottom of this page and type your guts out! Also I haven’t changed anything on this website in like 5 years so please bare with the cheesy-assed humour within! Enjoy your stay! -Alan

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My site is da bomb!


**The Shakespearean Insult Generator Just Click Here!**
Well, if you like to be sworn at 1600s sytle, go here, its a lot of fun and pretty funny!

The I Am Canadian Speach!
The BEST commercial ever!! With audio (may take a while to load though) and words!!

Frequently asked questions and tips on how to use this page more easily. Also some general info about the page.

Click the moving pic to download my winamp play list, trust me you wont be dissapointed, well unless you dont like the same type of music as me.

Thank you page
Please go to this page, I'd juts like to show my appreciation for you coming to my tiny little crappy page!




Comments? Suggestions? Questions?
get this gear!

Click Here To Go To The Spark, A Site Filled With Cool Tests!

This page is created in association with Alan and a whole lot of stolen copywrited shit that he found on the net. If you are the owner of some of this stuff please forgive me and i suggest to you not to put your crap on the net if you dont want it stolen.