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Welcome to my homepage! This site has been a work in progress since the day I created it, and everytime I think I have finished it and time to quit, I decide to change something else! So please, if something doesn't work right, be patient with me, constant updates are taking place.

I created this homepage to teach myself html and to simply see if I could do it, since then my purpose for this has been to make it a place to share my faith, testimony, and show how God is moving in my life. I also want to make it a place for you to use as a resource to finding other Christian websites on the Internet, whether it be more kinds of music, resource websites, or share with you other men and women of God who have blessed my life.

Make sure you sign my guestbook before you leave!!! You can e-mail me anytime with your responses or find me on MSN Instant messenger or AIM.

My Testimony
Me and My Friends
Life in Winfield
My Kind of Music

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

My Favorite Web Sites

Christian Paintball Players Association
Soul's Harbor
Karen Wheaton
Chosen's Website
JC Penney~It's all inside!

My ScreenName is JesusFrk62799