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To God be the glory, forever and ever.

He is risen,
that is to say, Jesus lives.
The religious leaders and the politicians in His day were so afraid of Him they had Him killed. After death, He was put in a tomb with a heavy stone rolled into the entrance, but on the third day, Glory to God, that rock was rolled back, and the tomb was found empty.
John 3:16,17 says that God sent His only son into the world, not to condemn us, but for those who will believe in Him shall have everlasting life after death. Why? Because God created us and loves us. Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the light, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Please read the bible to get a better understanding of the word of God. Jesus was not a mere prophet, or just a miracle worker, He IS the Messiah, and He is coming again, SOON!

"For as the lightning comes from the east and shines unto the west, so will be the coming of the Son of man."
Matthew 24:27
I believe the plan of salvation goes like the following: you have to understand that we are all sinners (again, read the Bible for yourselves), once you have come to this understanding, ask Jesus for forgiveness, and then ask Him to enter your heart and your life. As you believe all that he tells us through the Bible, He will enter and change you to the very core. Read and study the bible to get to know God`s plan better, and there you will also find you get to know Jesus better, too.

You can order these delicious
candies by calling the following
TOLL-FREE phone number:
The $6 per bag goes toward
Christian ministry support.
Each candy wrapper has a
different bible verse, and
they come in three flavors:
wintergreen, spearmint, and peppermint.
Have a great day, and may God bless you.
