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Ensign Sovek

Personal Profile: Sovek

ECF Directives Acceptance Pledge

I, Sovek hereby accept and promise to abide by as well as uphold all the Directives of the Exploratory Crews of the Federation.

In the Vulcan fleet, Sovek is a Commander and previously had command the star vessel No’Jhe. However since deciding to join Starfleet in order to experience the ways of different cultures, Sovek has again had the experience of being a low ranking officer. Sovek is uncle to Sushek, Captain of the Federation Starship Concorde, and it was with his recommendation that Sovek join the ECF. Sovek joined the Vulcan Academy at an early age for most Vulcans and studied many subjects. He excelled in the science fields and eventually went off to study at the Vulcan Science Academy, becoming an expert in all forms of scientific theory. His preferred subjects are xenobiology and stellar cartography.

Eventually Sovek attained a job teaching at the Vulcan Science Academy, a high achievement in Vulcan society. However what Sovek gained in knowledge he lacked in experience, and eventually Sovek decided to enroll for duty onboard a Vulcan Starship. It was not long before Sovek was given the position of chief of science aboard the No’Jhe. He advanced in rank and became a sub-commander. Eventually he gained the position of First Officer.

After a period of time Sovek earned a promotion to Commander and placed in command of the No’Jhe. While commanding the No’Jhe, Sovek had a brief encounter with the mysterious race called the Romulans, while investigating the disappearance of a crewman on the planet Osmos Prime. Sovek discovered the entire facade was an attempt to fake the death of a Tal’Shiar spy who had infiltrated the Vulcan fleet to gather information and was ready to return to his people with the information. The spy did not however anticipate that the ships Commander would investigate the accident so thoroughly. He counted on the Vulcans to leave thinking it was a shuttle accident and waited for the Romulan ship to collect him. He failed to anticipate the Vulcan Commanders inability to leave without a “logical” explanation for the missing crew member. The Vulcans stayed and eventually ran into the Romulan Warbird and the traitor trying to escape.

While Commander Sovek and his crew did everything they could to stop him, the Tal’Shiar operative eventually was able to beam of the planet onto the warbird by holding another crew member hostage. The Romulan ship disappeared into the blackness of space. The Vulcan ship was no match for the Romulans and Commander Sovek could do nothing but watch as the traitor slipped out of grasp.

While this incident had no effect on the Vulcan fleet, Commander Sovek did learn that Ja'nol was the name of his traitor. If ever he was seen again, Sovek would make sure he was brought to justice.

After serving on the No’Jhe for an extended period of time, Sovek decided his path shall continue on another journey by joining Starfleet. While he is still classified as a Vulcan Commander among his people, Sovek had to give up command of his Starship in order to qualify to join Starfleet academy. This was but a minor task however, in Sovek’s path for enlightenment into other cultures. Sovek’s experience and knowledge as Commander of a Vulcan ship make him a perfect candidate to work in the ECF.

While not particularly “cheery,” Sovek is a well experienced officer, and works hard for “the good of the many.”

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