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Rose.gif by

American Bald Eagle flying in front of the United States Flag
American by Birth!
Southern by Heritage!

You know, I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with this page, but now...
I believe, I have decided to make this my HTML links and Resources page.

Now, On these links...
I have put them in the order that I use most often.
The first and foremost has got to be Draacs.
My Goodness, the man and his wife, must be sheer webmaster Genius'.
If I remember right, they started with a WebTV and then upgraded to Computer, and used their knowledge to help many people with HTML.
They also have a great supply of .gif pages, .wav pages, background pages, Javascripts and many other resources can be found there.
I use their color chart pages constantly. and they have Extensive HTML help.
If you need HTML help. THIS is the place to go...


Draas' Color Chart

For when I want to match a font, with a color in a graphic
(pc users, this is one you cannot do without, this one is great)

Draac's Color Cube

For those of you, who are on WebTV, this page might lock up your machine (it locks mine up, bad), however...
I have found one that wont lock my box up.
here is that link

Planet WebTV
Color Cube

For Logo's and Banners
Hint: the ConfedrateRose at the top of this page, is a name logo.
(at least, that's what I call it.)


The Banner Store

Now, as far as I know, all these guides and resources are FREE.

Good Places to find Graphics

Angel's Castle of Gifs
This is a great place with Huge amounts of graphics!

Rix and Rux's Animal Page

Death Warrior's Gifs & More

Alphabet Graphics Tutorial

Select Central

Gruesome Graphics

Bloody Backgrounds

Great sites to learn JavaScripts
RainBow Dragon Ring

The JavaScript Source

~*~ For WebTV Users ~*~

Lots of Goodies here!
Planet WebTV

Jaws WebTV tricks

A Mime's Wall

Oodles of Goodies here too!
Webtv Tool Shed

To move a graphic from one site to yours,
(try to ask first, unless you know the graphics are free and public domain.)

Transloader by

Domania Transloader

The Freeloader

A Mime's Wall Freeloader

This took a while to load, not sure why, but the tutorial is great!
LeeSe's Transloading Tutorial

The rest of these Help Resources are in no particular order...

HTML goodies

HTML Help Alliance

Cedge's Cheat HTML Sheet

HTML Resources

HTML Tutorial

AOL Stuff

Page Resource

The Following Pages Made by
~~<~~ @ ConfedrateRose @ ~~>~~

Do you like Music?
How 'bout some Music?
Well, I have a music links page too!!
click here for a few notes! Some Great Sites for Music click here for a few notes!

And now, for something totally different...
Check out this site!!
check the check!

I have also made another Links page. It's for Role-Players.
I have aquired many web-links for chat role-playing games...
Some are still in play, others... Well, they didn't seem to takeoff.
However, the game owners put a lot hard work and thought
into the ideas of these games and pages,
thats why I kept their links.

Role-Playing Games

I also have fantasy graphics pages, I go to.
These will added on another links page, at another time.

Because of all the missing or stolen children that have been in the news lately,
I have decided to help, in my own meager little way, by adding this banner to my pages.
Thanks for your patience and understanding...

This page constantly under construction, please bear with me
Thank You
