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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I have to give the name of the other side of the trade route or just say I'm trying to set up one with domain X?

Q. Is the great hero still around and can he perform any action I want?

Q. What good is ownership of a province?

Q. Is base movement the max that a group can move per turn. Like Infantry can only move to the next province over per turn?

Q. Do I have to declare war to attack someone in an unowned province?

Q. Can I affect the outcome of another player’s action?

Q. Are we using the muster requirements for army units?

Q. If two people declare an attack on the same turn what happens?

Q. If I build two different special projects do I get bonus gold for my Trade Routes?

Q. Can I use support from one of my holdings (Say Law) to support the building of another holding (Say Guild)

Q. Can I support more than one action with the same holding in a turn?

Q. Can I send someone to form an alliance and request a Trade Route at the same time?

Q. Can I command an underling to do an action this month if he has an action pending from last month?

Q. Can I raise my success chance above 95%?

Q. Do I have to give the name of the other side of the trade route or just say I'm trying to set up one with domain X?

A. You need to specify which holding/province you want to set up trade with. (Example. I want John Bond to establish TR between Pikes Plateau and North Coast) If other people are there you would specify who you wanted to trade with.

Q. Is the great hero still around and can he perform any action I want?

A. The Great Hero is still there until you receive a message saying he left. He will most likely do whatever action you tell him to. He can refuse since he is there voluntarily (but most likely will not, remember his mission).

Q. What good is ownership of a province?

A. Ownership of a province prevents non-owners from moving troops into that province without first declaring war. Also ownership gives you influence in the province so that you can spend gold to support or oppose any action in that province (assuming you don't have holdings there, in which case you could do the same + use your levels of holding). (Example: You own Pike's Plateau with 0 holdings there. Landkercheif decides to build a holding there. You may support or oppose that action b/c you own the province.)

Q. Is base movement the max that a group can move per turn. Like Infantry can only move to the next province over per turn?

A. Yes, for purposes of this game the base=max. In the old game you could froce march but I left that out here to try and keep it simple. You can always raise troops in friendly or unowned provinces if you can't move them fast enough.

Q. Do I have to declare war to attack someone in an unowned province?

A. No, you can fight in an unowned province without declaring war. Declaring war allows you to enter someone else’s province without permission.

Q. Can I affect the outcome of another player’s action?

A. Yes, if you own the province where the action is occurring or you own a holding in that province then you can affect another player’s actions (support or oppose). You may support or oppose at 1 gold =5% and/or 1 level of holding = 5%.

So spending 4 gold or having a level 4 holding influences by 20%. You may also spend gold or use holdings to support your own actions.

Q. Are we using the muster requirements for army units?

A. Yes, we are using the muster requirements. This means you can only muster calvary in a province that has a level 3 holding or greater. Artillerists require a level 5 holding. Scouts do not require a holding at all. Etc, etc, etc....

Q. If two people declare an attack on the same turn what happens?

A. If this happens, initiative for each domain is rolled using a 10-sided die. The one with the best roll goes first. This means the one who goes first becomes the attacker (uses attack value) while the other one becomes the defender (uses defense value).

Q. How do I occupy a province to own it?

A. You muster or move troops into a province on Turn 8(this is the command portion after receiving information that says Turn 8). Those troops must remain in that province until the end of Turn 9. You will get a message at the beginning of Turn 10 saying the province has been annexed into your domain. If another domain moves troops in or your troops leave on Turn 9, you do not gain the province and the process starts again. You must occupy a province one complete turn (from command to command) to own it.

Q. If I build two different special projects do I get bonus gold for my Trade Routes?

A. No, you only get a bonus of 1 gold for your Trade Routes no matter how many special projects you have. If someone copies your special project then both are negated. (If there is more than one, it isn't quite as special) So the benefit of having 2 is it allows you to keep getting the gold even if someone copied your first one. Example only: Microsoft builds the City Green Gardens Park. Microsoft collects one extra gold/turn for the tourism brought in by the park. Boramar decides to upgrade his Zen Gardens to Special Project status. Neither domain would get gold for TR because now there are 2 Garden Special Projects. But say Microsoft also built a Golden Oracle so now Microsoft continues to get one extra gold

Q. Can I use support from one of my holdings (Say Law) to support the building of another holding (Say Guild)

A. Yes, as long as both are in the same province

Q. Can I support more than one action with the same holding in a turn?

A. Yes, you may support as many actions as you have levels of holding in that province. For example a level 6 holding could support 2 actions lending each 3 levels or +15%. You cannot support two actions with the same levels. However, a level 5 may split the 5 levels among separate actions giving 10% to one and 15% to the other, etc... The same rules apply to opposing someone else in the same province. A holding may also support itself with its own levels. So if you are trying to increase your level 5 holding to level 6 it supports itself with +25% success. This is automatic unless you say otherwise.

Q. Can I send someone to form an alliance and request a Trade Route at the same time?

A. Yes as long as it is worded into the alliance terms. The cost is 2 gold, 1 gold for Diplomacy and 1 gold for TR.) However keep in mind there are very few actions that are like this. Generally one person = one action b/c these things take time and effort and one person can only do so much in a month. Ever see a Diplomat building a road while trying to negotiate a treaty?

Q. Can I command an underling to do an action this month if he has an action pending from last month?

A. Yes if the previous action is one that can be completed in a month, because technically he is performing the work the previous month and would be available for new commands this month but b/c this is an email game people need time to support or oppose your actions. However if the action is one that would take many months to complete such as bridge building or fortifying a holding the underling cannot do anything else. If you command them to do something else, the previous project is stopped where it is until someone else is commanded to continue it. You just told the guy to leave his job and do something else and you know the workers won’t continue without the boss.

Q. Can I raise my success chance above 95%?

A. Yes, but only theoretically. The way this works is you can spend gold to increase success as much as you want. For example, Microsoft (MS) wants to build a holding in Hiridon. MS spends 1 gold giving 50% success. He adds an additional 12 gold to add 60%. This brings his theoretical success chance to 110%. However a roll of 96-100 still fails because the actual success chance can never go above 95%. What does the 110% do if someone opposes Microsoft? Using the above example. Greystoke opposes Microsofts action and spends 6 gold to bring MS’s success down by 30%. MS’s actual success only drops to 90%. Theoretical success 110% - opposition 30% = actual succes 80% instead of 65% which it would be if he didn’t spend the extra 2 gold to go above 95%.