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New Rules for the Expansion
Fishermen in the Sea of Hope report strange tales of boiling seas and a large never-ending storm in a cold sea until suddenly one day the storms cease and the sea no longer boils and on the horizon is a new island. No one has been brave enough to venture forth to explore the new island which now bears the name Chaos Isle due to its strange birth.

Exploration-Nothing on the new island will be revealed until someone has explored it with military units or an underling. Any units/underlings that attempt to explore the island will be gone at least the number of months(turns) it takes to travel to the island and back. They may be gone longer if they are captured or killed.

Sending Scouts-If you send a scouts unit they cannot relay holding level and holding type info back to you. They can only inform you if the province contains roads, castles, palaces, bridges and what army units are present in the province and adjacent province. This is accomplished via a scout raid as described under espionage.

Sending Underlings-If you send an underling they too can tell you if there are roads, bridges, castles and palaces at no cost. If you wish to know the levels of holdings, castles, trade routes etc, then it requires an espionage action at a base cost of 1 gold.

Owned Provinces-Just as on Anuire if a province is owned by someone then you cannot enter that province with any troops other than scouts without first getting permission or declaring war on that province owner. You can still create holdings and rule your holdings as normal but the province must be revealed before these attempts. So to create a holding someone must first reveal that province and then you can go in and begin building your holdings. An underling or scout entering an owned province runs the risk of being discovered by the owner's troops or spies. If discovered and captured they are at the mercy of the owner just like on Anuire.

Landing Troops or Underlings-In order to land troops and underlings on the new island you must get them there via transport in the case of troops or any ship in the case of underlings.You also must declare the route your ships are taking to get to the island by listing all the sea zones they will pass through and what sea zone they will be unloading from.
For example: Microsoft has a ship in Coastal Zone GE10 and decides to explore the island with a unit of scouts. He must first load the scouts onto the ship. This will cost 1 gold for movement of the scouts. Because it is a scouts unit he must use a Transport which means the scouts will be gone at least 2 months(turns) because to the island and back is a minimum of 4 sea zones from GE10 and a transport travels 2 sea zones per month. So Microsoft declares the movement of the ship to travel from GE10 through SW10, S10, and to unload in S30 onto the island. Total cost would be 2 gold. 1 gold to move the scouts and 1 gold to move the ship. Once the unit returns home then the information they gathered will be available to you. Once they arrive on the island province information will be available on the map of Chaos Isle. No details will be given except province name and holding names as with the usual maps. If an underling is sent the cost would be only that of moving the ship unless the underling is spying for information as described below.