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Samuel Hawkins Hollingsworth

Submitted by John Hollingsworth great grandson of Samuel Hawkins Hollingsworth

Samuel was born in St. Clair County on Jan. 17, 1844 and died there Jan. 9,
1899. Samuel lived in Branchville, Alabama (St. Clair County)and returned
there after the war.  He married his brother-in-law's sister Temperance Jane
(Sanders) Chennault on Feb. 23, 1868.  Samuel and "Tempy Jane" are buried at
Bethel Baptist Church in St. Clair County near Branchville.

Samuel joined  the CSA when he was 18 years old.  Samuel was in the 3rd
Alabama Cavalry, CSA From September 1862 through at least December 1863. 
He deserted the CSA to save a friend (possibly Andrew Jackson Chennault, his
brother-in-law)who had gone to sleep on guard duty after going home on a 3
day pass to take care of a sick or dying child and having no sleep or rest.
According to a story passed down to me from my dad, Samuel and the friend
swam the Tennessee river and joined the Union Cavalry.  Apparently, they
joined the 1st Tennessee & Alabama Vidette Cavalry in Feb. 1864.  Samuel
also enrolled in the 1st Alabama Cavalry in April of 1865 and remained in
service until he was mustered out after the war October 1865.

Article written by John Hollingsworth on Samuel published at 

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