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TV Title Victory


Bergeron: "This contest is for the IWL Television Championship, and is scheduled for one fall, with a 20 minute time limit, and the title on the line for 10 minutes of that. Introducing first, the challenger ... accompanied to the ring by Rocko Perry and The Dangerous D'Amico Brothers ... from Toronto, Ontario ... weighing 251 pounds ... here is 'BIG AL' MARVELOUS!"

Rob: "I've never seen that look in Big Al's eyes before."

Bergeron: "And his opponent ... hailing from Edmonton, Alberta ... weighing in at 250 pounds ... here is the IWL Television Champion ... THE SCARLET PSYCHO!"

JP: "Notice the absense of any Psycho Ward members ... big surprise there!"

(Rocko Perry jumps into the ring, and starts taunting Scarlet. However, instead of being lured in, Scarlet goes over to the referee, and whispers something into his ear. The referee goes over to Bergeron, and tells him something ...)

Bergeron: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed by the official that this match will not begin until the members of the Cosa Nostra leave the ringside area!"

(Big Al and Dale D'Amico flip out, and start complaining to the ref, but he simply ignores them, and waits for them to leave. The Cosa Nostra members refuse to leave, standing firm in the ring. Suddenly, General Pentagon bursts out of the dressing room, carrying a baseball bat! Dale, Cirus & Rocko quickly run away from Pentagon, as he chases them back to the dressing room)

Rob: "First Slam saves Pentagon, then Pentagon saves Scarlet Psycho..??"


Scarlet and Big Al lock up, and Al applies a side headlock. Before Scarlet can react, Al executes a drop toe hold, taking Scarlet down on the mat. Al applies a spinning toe hold, but Scarlet quickly reaches the ropes. The referee calls for a break, and Al releases the hold, but not before slapping Scarlet in the back of the head.

JP: "If Big Al keeps up this pace, he very well could upset Scarlet and take the title!"

Scarlet recovers his vertical base, and Al charges at him, but Scarlet goes for a running tackle, nailing Al with a knee clip, sending him crashing to the mat. Scarlet drives an elbow into the knee, and then applies a half crab submission.

Rob: "Scarlet looks to be buying time here, he knows that all he has to do is hang on for 10 minutes, and the title stays his."

Big Al reaches for the ropes, but Scarlet drags him to the center of the ring. Scarlet pulls Al to his feet, and delivers a gutwrench suplex. Scarlet goes for a pin, hooking the leg. The referee counts: one, tw ... kickout.

JP: "Scarlet has really grounded Big Al's initial attack now, by keeping him on the mat. This strategy will most certainly extend the match past the ten minutes that Al has to win that belt!"

Scarlet pulls Big Al to his feet, and whips him into the ropes, but Al reverses it. Scarlet goes for a Thesz press, but Al catches him, and then runs with him, driving him into the corner! Big Al sets Scarlet on the top rope, and climbs up with him.

Rob: "I don't like where this is going, for either competitor. This could hurt, whatever it will be."

Scarlet punches Al in the head, but Al hangs on to the buckle. Al and Scarlet begin trading punches on the top rope, until Big Al nails Scarlet with a poke to the eyes. Al grabs the stunned Scarlet, and goes for a Super-MarvelPlex. He hits it, and holds it for the pin! The referee counts: one, two, thr ... kickout.

JP: "Unbelievable! Scarlet actually kicked out of that devastating move!"

Big Al pulls Scarlet up, and goes for a power bomb, but Scarlet manages to counter with a frankensteiner, into a pin! The referee counts: one, two ... Big Al reverses the pinning predicament. The referee counts: one, two, three!


Bergeron: "The winner of this contest, in 9:56 ... and NEW IWL Television Champion ... is 'BIG AL' MARVELOUS!"

Rob: "With 4 seconds to spare! What a match! And he did it all by himself, congrats to Big Al."

JP: "I'm as surprised as you are! Big Al actually defeated The Scarlet Psycho without the help of the Cosa Nostra!"

As a disappointed Scarlet is making his way back to the locker rooms, Pugslee jumps out from the crowd, and tosses a Mountain Dew in Scarlet's face! Scarlet falls to the floor, covering his eyes, as Pugslee continues to kick him on the floor! Pugslee pulls Scarlet up, and nails him with a piledriver!

JP: "NO! Not the Piledriver!"

Security rushes out, and pulls Pugslee away from Scarlet, as some others help Scarlet back to the locker rooms.

Rob: "Scarlet Psycho doesn't like very happy, I'm sure he'll have some choice words for both Big Al and Pugslee come tomorrow night on Hysteria."

JP: "You're right. This definitely has not been The Scarlet Psycho's night in the IWL. However, I'm sure he'll be demanding a rematch with Big Al, as well as some way to get back at Pugslee. For now, though, he's going to have to wait, because we've come to the end of Monday Night Wrasslin. Be sure to tune into Hysteria tomorrow night, even if it is pre-recorded. See you later!"
