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Official Maurice Henri Homepage

Maurice Henri

Maurice Henri
Hometown : Montreal, Canada
Height : 5'11"
Weight : 220
Fan Response : 9/10
Age : 21
Hair : short/well kept.
Build : Athletic, yet compact (Dean Malenko).
Race : Caucassian
Ring Attire : Blue & red shorts, blue & red boots. Right elbow pad is red, left elbow pad is blue. Henri wears a red robe to the ring, with blue lettering that spells out 'Au Revoir'.
Other Notes : Always clean shaven, rarely has messy hair.
In The Ring
Wrestling Style : Submission Expert
Finishing Move : The French Crullér
5-Favorite Moves : Belly-to-back suplex, dropkick, half-crab, snap suplex, frankensteiner.
Titles Won : OWC World Heavyweight Championship.
Biggest Victories : Zombie Targos
Biggest Defeats : none
Greatest Match : vs. none
Most-Hated Opponent: none
Personality Quirks
- Managed by IWL legend `Big' Al Marvelous, his uncle.
- Tends to under-estimate his opponent, but usuaully recovers.
- Usually is very quiet, because of the slight language barrier, but when angered becomes very vocal.