Tradenet Marketing Inc.Presents the lastest in 21st Century Technology.A product you have to see to believe!
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Tradenet Marketing Inc.Presents the lastest in 21st Century Technology.A product you have to see to believe!

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A world without pollution with pristine air,clean water, food with a nutritional value that nature provided, inexpensive and pollution-free energy sources for are cars and houses and healthy building and innovative, grassroots movement with a marketing plan that will provide a generous income for its distributors,and enable everyone to achieve financial freedom.

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This is Tradenet
"The laundry Solution" is a nylene ball filled with "structured. "The laundry Solution" causes water molecule clusters to disassociate from each other, allowing much smaller individuel water molcules to penetrate into the innermost parts of the fabric.

Your wash water actually does the cleaning!

To use the "Laundry Solution" simply place the globe in your washer and leave it there!"The Laundry Solution"lasts at least 1500 washes (about five cents per load).

Chemical Free Washing !

Now you can do your laundry without using any soup or detergent.Just place the "globe" in your washer and see the results for yourself...there really is a difference.

100% Hypoallergenic

No soap,no chemicals,and no residues on your clothes to be absorbed through your skin.

Increase the fabric life of your clothes

Because this product works own the molecular structure of water, there is no breakdown of your fabrics from harsh chemicals or abrasives. It takes four are five washes to get the soup residues out of your clothes and washing machine. You will see that there is much less lint in your dryer filter.

Easy to Use

Place the globe in your washer and leave it there. There is no need to take it out,ever!

This is the lastest breakthrough in products to help our environment."The Laundry Solution"has already prevented billions of gallons of water from being polluted by laundry detergent,phosphates,nitrates and other dangerous chemical additives.

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Business Opportunity

Tradenet Marketing a network marketing company and we are Independant Distributors. That means that we get benefit financially for sales made to and by our"downline"

The Product

"The Laundry Solution" is our primary product,there are other laundry -related products, and there promises to be additional product categories in the future. In purchasing the "Laundry Solution"product,you may purchase "Sales Kits"or individuel globes. If you purchase multiple kits, you may sell those to your downline (to get them own faster) and then have their "sales kit" shipped to you. This allows you to purechase several "profit center positions" and to keep stock on hand to satisfy the requirements of newly recruited downlines,You can also order up to 5 additional globes of $25 each when you purchase Sales Kits-use the additional globes for demonstration purposes or for retail sale.

The Sales Kits

The Sales Kit comes with sales literature and two globes. You can order additional sales materials (tapes, promotional materials)from the company.

The theory of two globes is simple: use one yourself and use the other one to recruit are sell.If you purchase your globe($75 plus shipping),you can use that one to demonstrate as well. You will find the more demonstration globes you have the more successful your marketing effort will be.

The Tradenet compensation plan is simple and straightforward. First, each time you purchase a sales kit ($135.45),you create a "profit position" for yourself. Each profit position is built with a "binary" structure: a left leg and a right leg.Compensatiom is paid according to the following schedule:

Help your group (i.e. your "downline") get 10 Product Packages ("Sales Kits") sold, with a minimum of 5 on either side, and you get $150

Help your group get 25 Product Packages sold, with a minimum of 10 on either side, and you get $250

Help your group get 50 Product Packages sold, with a minimum of 20 on either side, and you get 500 plus a bonus of retail TRADENET products worth $100.
Repeat these steps three times to enter the "profit sharing, simply maintain a minimum of 50 sales per week in your organization. If you do this, you will recieve up to $1200 (maximum) per week!
If you have multiple "profit positions" (e.g. you sponser yourself on your left/right legs). both profit positions receive benefit from downline sales. In essence, each downline recruited will help two (or even three) of your profit positions.

Note: the compensation plan is detailed exactly in company litertature. This information is provided for illustration purposes only, and does not guarantee, represent, or imply actual earnings.

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