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Success Quotations

Hung on the shower that fronts the golden west,
the rainbow bursts like magic,
frail in its date, eternal in its meaning

Be thou the rainbow to storms of life:
the evening beam that smiles the coulds away,
and tints tomorrow with prophetic rays

There are rules and laws for success
of any venture or adventure and the first one is this:
Success depends on beginnings,
so start now with what you are,
where you are,
and with what you can do in the next sixty seconds

Success is the power with which to acquire
whatever one demands of life ~
without violating the rights of others.

Of all the thousands of the formulas for success,
none is quite so ignored as deliberately losing your voice
for a couple of weeks

Getting to know and like people
and getting people to know and like you,
are the two trump cards in the game of success

When opportunity rings the doorbell
it doesn't expect you to sit down to dinner with it

The secret of a successful forty hour work week
is to work sixty hours

To be a success in anything,
be daring be first, then be different

It is better to light one small candle,
than to curse the darkness

To accomplish great things
we must not only dream
but also act,
not only believe but plan

Deliberate with caution,
but act with decisions
and yield with graciousness, or oppose with firmness

