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For bringing me from diapers
to "undies" fully grown,
For helping me to understand
things both right and wrong.

For all the smiles and even frowns
you sometimes let me see,
For all my "ups" and my "downs"
that helped make a more "mature" me.

For every worry line I've caused
and every tear you've shed,
For knowing that "I Love You" so,
without it being said.

For the heritage of our family
and the carrying of it's name,
For the different traits you've given me
that cause "us" to be the "same".

For being there beside me
and keeping me in your care,
For loving me and guiding me
and knowing you'd be there.

For all these things and many more
I can never say enough,
To show how much you mean to me
And deeply need your love.

So, I'll close this poem with a line or two
that might help you to see,
"I hope one day I can give back to you,
all the special things you've given me.


