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A Prayer for Inner Healing

Lord Jesus Christ, I turn to you by faith, you who are the divine healer. I ask you to flood my soul with the all powerful light of your love and illuminate the darkness that hides there. Your desire is for your children to be well and for your joy to be in us and our love to be full.

Lord, I ask you to touch the areas of my life that have left unhealed scars on my soul. Let your love be a healing stream of living water to wash and bathe those scars so they may be healed.

Move into those areas of my life where unforgiveness creates a brokeness in relationships. Heal the hurts so that I can forgive and be forgiven. Help me to see the hurts of the other person and the love to understand and your power to forgive. Forgive me for any hurt which I have caused anyone. Help me to make my relationships right.

Move into any dark feeling of unforgiveness of myself. Help me to see myself as you see me, forgiven by your cross and healed by the power of your spirit. If my body is sick then I pray you flood me with the healing light of your spirit and restore me to wholeness as you are a God of wholeness.

Lord, I ask you to make me whole in mind, body and emotion, so I can be in touch with myself and in touch with you the God of all creation.

Touch my flesh, my heart and my soul and by faith I claim your healing power in my life. Now give me strength to hold on to you and this healing until I see the results in my life. It may take a day, a week or longer, but I believe you have touched me and made me well.

I rejoice and give you thanks and praise. Jesus, you are the light of the world and the healer of your children.

