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WELCOME I'm the host of this web page Gary "TrunksDBGT" Caforio this page is dedicated to bringing you the best of Dragonball Z/GT and Flame of Recca. This was page began to be created on 3/9/99. Below you will see an update section for you frequent visitors look there to see what is new and for the new visitors be sure to check out everything. I hope you enjoy the page please e-mail me and tell me what you think.


4/28/99 If you are a frequent visitor you have seen that not many updates have accured lately thats because I am getting hosted and getting unlimited web space so even before I could finish this page I'm starting to make a new one but as soon as it is done I'll be sure to let everyone knoe......also at the top of my page is a link I'm not sponsored and by you clicking on it I wont make money but unstead if you click on it and sign up for the program you can earn up to $20 a month for surfing the web I received my first check not long ago so I know this program is not fake just go sign up and start making money until next time c-ya

4/16/99 Sorry for the lack of updates I have new page up its the game page. On the page I have all of the upcoming games that will be released on the N64 and PSX so check it out by clicking HERE thats it for now look forward for some updates soon.

3/17/99 I made a small list of some of the FanSubs that I'm going to distribute mostly Flame of Recca and Dragonball Z if you wanna check it out click here or under my main pages section and check the titles out also there is only one page that is linked to the list right now and thats the homepage so if you wanna go there the link is only on the homepage right now

3/15/99 Today is quite a HUGE update in my opinion I got up all of the characters descriptions for the Flame of Recca series make sure to check it out I spent quite a long time writing them up thats all for today.

3/14/99 Today I got up the Dragonball Z/GT Power Levels section it is a very interesting to see the power levels I recommend checking it out also I joined a Flame of Recca web Ring be sure to visit the other Flame of Recca pages.

3/12/99 I finished all of the SUB-PAGES under the Main Pages section check them out I did the Links page and have a few links up if you want me to add your E-Mail it to me and link me to your page and I'll do the same. I'll do the Dragonball Z section next and then move on to finish up the Flame of Recca section look forward to some updates.

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This The Original Flame of Recca Webring
site is owned by TrunksDBGT.
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Page Design made by Gary Caforio