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Palla Palla

Pallapalla is the most childish and cutest of the AQ. She likes to use her lemures to attack and to retrieve Dream Mirrors from people. Pallapalla likes to walk on the ball in the circus tent, and likes playing with everything. She also sleeps with stuffed animals. One noticeable thing about Pallapalla is that she speaks in third person. Instead of saying "I", she says "Parapara." If she is bored, she says "Parapara tsumanai". Why she speaks in third person, I don't know though, maybe to emphasize her childishness. Pallapalla wears a blue fuku (suit). She uses her blue billiard ball & cue stick for her attack, the Tama tsuki, which means ball hit. When she is in her civilian disguise, she wears a blue dress, similar in style to the other AQ. At the end of the Sailor Moon Supers anime series, she along with the other AQ, are changed into normal little girls. In the manga however, she becomes her true self, Sailor Pallas of the Asteroid Senshi, named after her guardian Asteroid Pallas. She has no individual attack, but she and the other Asteroid Senshi combine to use the Amazoness Jungle Arrow. Her Sailor Senshi equivelant is Sailor Mercury.

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