Writing Contests

This page is updated weekly. Check back often to see the latest listings or sign up for e-mail updates on the main page of this site. If know of a contest that needs to be added, please E-mail me.


Poetry Writing Contests
Fiction Writing Contests
Essay and Article Contests
Stage and Screen Contests
Contests With Multiple Categories

Poetry Writing Contests

JANUARY 15, 1999 deadline - Eternity Press' poetry contest in conjunction with "Alternatives I," Pulp Eternity's third issue.

Prizes: Grand Prize Winner: $50, publication in Pulp Eternity and 5 complimentary copies of the "Alternatives I" issue. Additional copies can be ordered for $2 each, no limit. Second Place: $25, publication in Pulp Eternity and 3 complimentary copies of the "Alternatives I" issue. Additional copies can be ordered for $2 each, no limit. Third Place: $5, publication in Pulp Eternity and 1 complimentary copy of the "Alternatives I" issue. Additional copies can be ordered for $2 each, no limit.

For complete guidelines, write to: Steve Algieri, Eternity Press Alternatives Poetry Contest, PO Box 930068, Norcross, GA 30003. Remember to include a SASE for written replies. Visit
http://www.pulpeternity.com for continued updates.

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FEBRUARY 20, 1999 deadline - Blue Mountain Arts Poetry Card Contest: "We're looking for original, unique poetry on such themes as love, friendship, family and achieving your dreams...in English language please." Multiple entries allowed. Visit their website for more information: http://www1.bluemountain.com/esub/contest1/

Fiction Writing Contests

JANUARY 16, 1999 deadline - Short Story Contest to launch new publisher. Required entry form and rules may be obtained by sending a #10 SASE to: Regency Press Contest, PO Box 18908, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118. Phone (216) 932.5319. Website:

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JANUARY 30-31, 1999 - 24-hour Short Story Contest - Entry fee: $5; one entry per person. Many prizes. Topic will be sent via e-mail at start-time to all entrants, For details: http://www.writersmarkets.com/index-wm.htm

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FEBRUARY 1, 1999 deadline - SECOND ANNUAL ROMANCE AND BEYOND CONTEST - Categories: Paranormal/Supernatural Romance (1,000 -10,000 words) Science Fiction/Futuristic Romance (1,000 -10,000 words) Fantasy/Fairy Tale Romance (1,000 -10,000 words) Short-Shorts (Stories which would fit in any of the above categories, but are less than 1,000 words, For details: http://members.aol.com/RBeyond/index9.html

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MARCH 1, 1999 deadline - AUTHORLINK! 1999 INTERNATIONAL NEW AUTHOR AWARDS COMPETITION - "Authorlink!, the award-winning online information service for editors, literary agents and writers, has launched its second annual 1999 International New Author Awards Competition, in association with the Harriette Austin Writers Conference, University of Georgia, in Athens, GA. Ten prominent editors and agents have been named to judge the finals this year, with several others yet to be announced.", For details: http://www.authorlink.com/contest_99.html

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FEBRUARY 14, 1999 - APRIL 1, 1999 - Hook in a Book Contest by Romance Writers of America, Australian Chapter. "This contest is open to unpublished romance writers. We are looking for ONE paragraph only; the first paragraph of a romance novel with your opening HOOK in it. We want to be snagged from that very first paragraph! Intrigue us; write a paragraph that grabs the reader and forces him/her to keep reading and wanting more." Website: http://members.tripod.com/OzRomance/contests.html

Essay and Article Contests

ONGOING - Borders.com invites you to review a book, music or video title. Each week, a winner will be selected. Prize is $100.00. For details:

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ONGOING - MovieThing.com - Write a movie review. Drawing every two weeks. Winner receives a free movie. Website: http://ecreations.com/reviewcontest/

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MARCH 1, 1999 deadline - CHRISTIAN READER would like to hear your stories of answered prayer. Tell us about a drama-in-real-life, a time of struggle or spiritual growth, a conversion or evangelizing experience when God responded to your prayer. Maybe you glimpsed God's divine sense of humor or realized an unusual answer to prayer--one you may not have even considered. Whether at home, at work, at church, or on the mission field--no matter where God's answer came. Prizes are as follows: First Prize $1,000, Second Prize $500, Third Prize $250. For more information, write to: 1999 Writing Contest, CHRISTIAN READER, 465 Gundersen Drive, Carol Stream, IL 60188. Or send e-mail to: CREditoria@aol.com.

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AUGUST 1, 1999 deadline - Alaska Home Contest - Submit an essay, 500 words or less on why you want a home in Alaska. Winner will receive a 2 bedroom, 2 bath house in Alaska. For details, please visit: http://www.mosquitonet.com/~momsplace/

Stage and Screen Contests

VARIOUS - MovieBytes - For a comprehensive listing of screenwriting contests, visit:

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JANUARY 31, 1999 deadline - This Pittsburgh-based competition offers a $1,000 Grand Prize. The early deadline is January 31st, with a $25 entry fee. If you miss that one, you can still enter until February 28th, but the entry fee goes up to $35. For more information, contact: Twisted Kittens Screeplay Competition, 216 Stamm Avenue #3, Pittsburgh, PA 15210, Email: mzthang@concentric.net

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JULY 1999, deadline - American Dreamer Script Acquisition Competition - Sponsored by Seattle-based American Dreamer Independent Filmworks, Inc., this contest offers a $5,000 "acquisition award." The entry fee is $50. Check their web site for details: http://ADfilmworks.com

Contests With Multiple Categories

February 28, 1999 deadline- Bigger Than Texas Writer's Contest -- First, Second, and Third place winners will be selected in the following categories: rhymed poem, unrhymed poem, children's story, inspirational, short story, reminiscence, article, and novel. For complete guidelines, write to: Bigger Than Texas Writers Contest, P.O. Box 6218, Corpus Christi, TX 78466-6218 or e-mail