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WELCOME!  Aromatherapy does not rely completely on our sense of smell. Essential oils enter our body through our lungs and pores. The circulatory system takes the oils to every part of our body, leaving behind benefits that remain after the smell is gone. Aromatherapy is the use of pure essential oils, fragrance oils and perfume oils, thought to enhance and improve the quality of one's body, mind, and spirit. Think about it, the very perfection of nature in very small drops of oil nurturing us through our bodies.  Nature makes her attempt to reach us through the elements of plant life.  We sometimes take it for granted as we walk hurriedly through the gardens of nature just to get somewhere.  Our air is not as pure as it used to be, we now must come closer than ever before to take in the benefits of mother nature's gifts of aroma.  If you have not tried the benefits of Aromatherapy, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON... there are so many!

We receive Aromas through thousands of olfactory nerves in our noses, which have tons of major, highly sensitive nerve cells. The nose contains nerve cells that regenerate every 30 to 40 days.  Certain aromatic molecules of essential oils and fragrances react with specific nerve receptors, that then trigger electrochemical impulses that are then sent directly to the brain. Aromas are then transmitted to the limbic system, the part of the brain which perceives and responds to memory, pleasure and emotions, (which can get some of us into trouble :)  All jokes aside.  Aromas set off the limbic system which in turn, releases brain affecting chemicals known as neuro-chemicals.

After the discovery of the receptor sites, John Hughes, at the laboratory of Hans Kosterlitz in Aberdeen, Scotland, reported the existence of an endogenous morphine-like substance which they later purified and named Enkephalin for "in the head." (read the article on,) The Discovery of Endorphins Enkephalin reduces pain and creates a feeling of well-being. Endorphins also reduce pain.  Serotonin helps relax and calm. The olfactory nerves are a direct extension of the brain's limbic system, recognition of smell is relayed immediately because of this. 

Cool thing our Nose is. That is why we always have heard, THE NOSE KNOWS. Recognition of taste, sound and touch is not as immediate as the old olfactory nerves in our noses. When a child reaches the age of one, they have a set of emotional responses that are linked directly with the sense of smell.

The ancient Egyptians, Babylonians , Chinese, Hebrews, Romans , East Indians and Arabs, were all aware of  benefits from Aromatherapy.  The most popular fragrance of Ancient Egypt is Kyphi, which contains calamus, cassia, cinnamon, citronella, juniper, myrrh, and peppermint. The Babylonians choose cedarwood for its fragrance.  Moses used an anointing oil containing myrrh, cinnamon, cassia, and calamus. Solomon is said to have preferred myrrh, lily, rose, lavender, calamus, cinnamon, and frankincense. Romans introduced the use of aromatics in scented baths, as a massage, and used the scents in their hair. Cleopatra had the sails of her ship soaked in perfume oils so everyone would know when she was coming.  The English joined in during the  17th century and the French in the early 20th century.
We Americans are just beginning to discover the many wonderful benefits of Aromatherapy.

PRECAUTIONS: Never use the oil undiluted unless directed by a licensed Physician. Lavender and tea tree may be exceptions.  Never take internally unless directed by a licensed Physician. One drop of essential oil is 10-1000 times stronger than one teaspoon of the herb, seed or plant from which it came. Never massage into or on a skin infection, inflammation, fractures or broken capillaries.   Do not use on infants younger than six months.  Pregnant women must not use, cedarwood, clary sage, geranium, jasmine, peppermint, pennyroyal, or rosemary--especially pennyroyal. Bergamot and some other citrus oils can leave brown spots on skin when exposed to long periods of sunlight. Never store essential oils in metal containers. Remember, when you smell essential oil straight, it will be powerful.  Trying it on a cotton cosmetic pad or unused coffee filter is best.  You can breath coffee beans between scents to clear your nose when it blows from smelling too many smells.

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