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FantomNut's Storm Page

Weather Elements


It can destroy in seconds what took years to build. It can rip houses from the ground. It can suck pavement from the road. It shapes the land. It cleans the air. It can be more powerful than an atomic bomb. It's WEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!
History: The real reason I made this site is because I like science. I had to pick a topic I knew a LOT about so I picked weather. To be more precise, severe weather. I was always interested in severe weather, and where I live played a big part in my curiosity about it. I have always been facinated with weather and have made this web page hoping I can show others the wonderful world of weather.
I serve an awesome God!
This page is an introduction to weather. If this site has sparked your interest of weather and you want to learn more, here are some tips for searching for other pages like this one:

By using different search engines, you can find a huge variety of weather web sites. Let's say you searched for "weather" on Angelfire. You would find this site and others like it. But if you searched on Geocities, you would find a totally different selection of weather sites.

Now, if you were to use the engines that search the whole WWW, like AOL, Lycos, Go, Snap, Yahoo or any other big name companies, you will find news stories and a larger variety of pages. If you want to search for weather pictures on the WWW, don't enter "weather pics", or anything like that. Just search for weather sites and download the images to disk.

If you have any other questions about weather, websurfing, or websites email me.

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