Saderah's Adventures Of Sinbad Page

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Saderah's Adventures Of Sinbad Page

Hi All and welcome to the second version of my AoS page! Since FortuneCity delited mine BY MISTAKE, I had no choice but to re-build it! You probably understand how mad I was, but Dim-Dim used to say: "Everything has its purpose" so I like to believe this change is for the best! :)

This page will (I hope) look lots like the one i used to have! (for those who've seen it) But I'll try to put more stuff! *YAY* Of course there'll be fanfics, tags, some pics (though I dont think i'll put up a galley) some stuff about me (since it's MY page!) and maybe something else, I dont know. Probably a guests book!


For those who don't know, a fanfic is a story base on characters of a TV show, book, movie, etc. It's pretty cool. You create the story as you want it to be! So it means YESS you can make the characters do whatever you want them to do! *g* *BG* Oh yeah and click here to read the disclaimer. *rolls eyes*


OK.. a tag is a fanfic written by many persons. Some body starts it, then tags someone else who continues it before he tags someone else as well. Each person writes about one paragraphe. Most of the tag you'll find here have been written on WBS Sinbad_Chat last summer. Even if now we don't really go to the chatroom anymore (now we got to the AoS chatroom at the BeSeen)some of us are still written tags on IM (Instant Messager, from AoL) And of course, they are all related to AoS!!


Hopeless Romantic And Damn Proud! *YAY* This was a camagne started by Torra and Selynne. Actually.. I think they just gave a name to that fact. Being HRADP (well, discovering i was) changed my life! Now I'm only thinking HR! *AHHHHHH* It makes things become so sweet and tender, and Awwwwww!! I just love it!



Lady Rumina


Ice Ruby

Lots more coming soon!


Here They Are

See how you can help to Save Sinbad and bring it back. There is 4 simple ways you can help, so PLEASE, take a look at it!!!

Now, how about to learn a bit about me? What? It is my page after all! If you think I'm weird, or sound.. i donno, not normal, well.. don't let me know k? I dont wanna know! *LOL*


Rumina & Sinbad HRADP Site

Rumina Committee's Page

The Ultimate List of Adventures of Sinbad Links

The Adventures Of Sinbad 2nd Season

Lady Rumina's Adventures Of Sinbad Site

The Sinbad and Bryn Page

Bryn Committee's Page

The Port of Mist

You're the
person to visite this site.. since i put up the counter ('99/06/03)

I know, I really need to fix that counter. It's very ugly and I do not like it. I will.. Soon.. Inch'Allah! *LOL*

Like you see, this page is still under major construction. If you have any fic (AoS of course) you want me to post here, just let me know ok! me Addy is:

or you can IM me at:


This page is supposed to be updated every day!