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Snake Lovers Outstanding Site Award

Snake Lovers Award of Excellence

About ReptiCare Services and its Founder

Hello and welcome to ReptiCare Services. This site is dedicated to bringing reptile owners and the general public the most current information available from the Veterinary and Herpetological communities regarding the care of captive reptiles. This site has been providing information for the past year that is only just now being presented on AOL and other sites and was the first on the internet to provide this information to the general public and we look forward to being ahead of everyone else in providing you with the most current information available. This site is frequently adding new information and updating old information so be sure and bookmark us now and return for updates and new information. What you will NOT find at this site is the same old out dated information. You will find serious current information on a wide range of reptile related topics that is presented in a non-bias, straight forward and very honest manner. It is not our goal to please our human visitors, but to educate them in order to provide our visitors with accurate information that will benefit the animals themselves, regardless of the views and opinions of their human counterparts. Proper education is vital to the captive survival of these amazing animals and that is our ultimate goal. If you are unable to find a specific topic please e-mail us with your request so that we may add it to this site for the benefit of all reptile enthusiasts. ReptiCare Services is run by Edward M. Craft, a professional Veterinary Assistant, a Hill's Veterinary Health Care Advisor, a permit holding Wildlife Rehaber with over 18 years of experience working with a wide range of reptile species and author of books and video tapes on the topic of reptiles. He is a member of the Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians, The Chicago Herpetological Society, The International Iguana Society, and The North Alabama Wildlife Rehabilitators. ReptiCare Services provides reptile care consultations to the veternary, zoo, and pet industries, we also offer lectures and educational programs to the general public and special interest groups. ReptiCare Services also supports a reptile rescue program for sick and homeless reptiles and always welcomes your questions, comments and suggestions.

Reptile Health Care and Training Seminars and Educational Lectures

ReptiCare Services offers training courses in Reptile Health Care Management that are designed to educate pet stores, veterinary staff and zoo personnel about the proper methods for handling, housing and preventing illnesses and injuries in reptiles. These courses are also designed to train staff on the proper methods for educating your clients in order to help build a strong relationship between your business and your clients. We offer a certificate of training to all employees that allows you to show your clients that you and your staff care enough to provide them with the best possible information and quality care available for their reptiles.

Our Educational Lectures are designed to help educate the general public as to the truths and myths surrounding reptiles and to teach the proper methods for caring for reptiles in captivity. This program is specifically designed for schools and other public organizations.

For more information on these programs you may e-mail us below or you may call us at: (256) 536-0999. A portion of the proceeds help to support our reptile rescue program. These programs allow you to educate yourself, while helping to save these amazing animals.



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All rights reserved by Edward M. Craft. Printed in the United States of America. Original Edition 1997