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Titanium starmines, when properly made, can hurl a curving trail of white titanium sparks and microstar effects (made by the bursting of large Ti particles) over 20 feet into the air. This is a relatively spectacular effect, considering that the device is quite small. To make one, you will need the following:

Titanium flake (mixed mesh)
3F black powder
Airfloat charcoal
Visco fuse
Film canister w/lid that has lip which grips outside of canister (VERY important!)

Information About Lid Types

I must point out that the clear Fugi FCs with the snap-on lid which grips on the INSIDE of the canister make for the most specacular FAILURES known to mankind. It makes the device function like a salute, not a starmine.


1. Cut a hole in the bottom side of the film cannister, insert the fuse, and seal with some hot glue and masking tape.
2. Weigh out 5g of 3Fg BP, and pour it into the bottom of the FC. Tap the FC a couple of times to settle the BP.
3. Weigh out 20g of titanium, 10g of 3Fg black powder. and 5g of chacoal, and diaper these components together until uniform.
4. Pour this Ti/BP/C mix into the film canister. Place the cap onto the film canister.
5. Transport the now-complete Ti starmine to the firing site and initiate.


Remember, the addition of titanium to any pyrotechnic composition increases the sensitivity to friction and shock somewhat, so be careful! Also, titanium sparks burn at a very high temperature, and can cause burns and blindness if they hit you. Have fun, but be careful!

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This page originaly authored by LHG