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The Pokémon League

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Hello all, welcome to The Pokémon League! I'm the same old host with a brand new name. I've went from Oddjob to Spyduck. We've noticed lately that we've been forgetting to put pictures and backgrounds to our newer pages, so we're going to start that. I'll start putting backgrounds up as soon as possible, and more pics! Hopefully, you'll see an image gallery up soon! But for the moment, have fun, and rememeber, please buckle up at all times, for safety that a Rhydon doesn't smash you, a Jolteon doesn't zap you, or you're not run over by a Dragonite. Thx!
- Spyduck

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Pokemon Stats
Pokemon Story
Main Characters
Gym Leaders
Dream Teams
Pokemon Trading cards

Pocket Pikachu
The TV Show
Message Board
Pokemon Toys
Recommended Pokémon

Eevee Bros.

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E-mail Spyduck, e-mail Zapdos or, last but not least, e-mail Spyther

Meet Spyduck's Squirtle!

Click to Adopt a Pokemon!


Level: 100

Skills: Water Gun, Bubble,

Hydro Pump, Skull Bash

Adopt your own Pokémon at The Psychic Pokémon Connection