mY pHrIeNdS
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mY pHrIeNdS

1. brown eyes-of course ya know she made my list, shes everyones friend.

2. Athena -Hey, shes pretty kewl.

3. Flak -My only friend who lives in TN. he should come back down to Greenville...

4. rainsquirt-he's the kewlest!, none better.#29

5. Heat -he helped me out a lot, if it wasnt for him this page would be twice as bad.

6. Daisey -shes hit on every guy on alaweb, but shes kewl.

7. Sweatheart-had to put her on here,shes groovy.

8. Purple Rose-Well Well well......

9. Ben(phish)- Hes a groovy phish phan, course hes on here.

if you didnt make the list, then you proabably don't deserve to be on it then, do you? If you think you belong, then email me and i might think about adding you.



2.Yellow Submarine!- Its real rare to see these two anymore, ever since Alachat changed alot of folks are hard to find... but these 2 are jerks, so watch out.

3.YOU!-(but only if you didnt sign my g_book or fill out my servey.=)


