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February 26th 2000

It has been a year since I lost Cody,
I think about him everyday
i think about the woman that put him in that pet store and let him die slowly
How I know in my heart she only cared about the money rather then Cody.
He sat at that pet store  for 5 months.
5 lonely months. She could have ran an add to sell him,
She claimed that she was movie on Base and could not have him.
If so, then why would she sell him prior to knowing she was moving.
Could this woman be so cold as to know he was dying and hoped that he would
die prior to his sale so she could sue the pet store over his death?
She feed him seeds. SEEDS!. Nothing but seeds. She told me where she went to
buy his toys. HA HA HA HA HA HA had a bell and a cotton candy toy in his cage.
two toys. When I brought him home I bought  new toys and he never played with them.
He never played at all, sat on top of his cage and attacked me whenever I wanted to touch him
I became scared of him BUT never gave up. He drew blood and I have scars of me sweet Cody
I gave him grapes. I was able to touch him. I remember the day I noticed he was sick.
I was beginning the remodeling
of the master bedroom and all that day I checked on him. he was sleeping.
on his perch all day long. I expressed my worry to everyone.
It was a Saturday. I took him to MY vet on Monday. He took
x-rays, blood and said it would be Wednesday  before I knew anything.
The x-rays showed a problem with his belly. I was thinking my diamond Cody
had eaten prior to getting sick.
I learned later it was :) BUT did not make him sick
By Thursday I got the results and he was deteriorating fast
I spent those days reading and staying by his side. Never leaving the house
On Thursday I searched for an AVIAN VET
I found on 70 miles away. By 6;30 pm I was on my way there
I got to the vet in Chesterfield buy 8:30. I was told by the gal on the phone
that the Dr wanted to leave early because he had just adopted a baby :)
But That night. he stayed with me til we figured out his problem. When the Dr
walked in he said " it looks like Psittacosis. But lest do test to make sure"
He took blood, did an exam. he said we need to keep him here for a while. He
should be ready to go home monday. Monday....
I waited as they prepared his hospital room and cody came to me and he licked my lips.
 Something he never did before. He said Good Bye to me :( He knew
At 2:15 on Friday I had called the vet a second time
checking on Cody. I was put on hold. 
The Doctor came on the Phone,
"Andrea, I have some bad news,  Cody passed away 5 minutes
before you called. He had a seizure and fell over. I did not want anyone to tell you but me,
I am sorry"  So, I made arrangements.
BUT I got the health department involved so Cody could not be cremated
I brought  Cody home in late March
He is now in a case with my Boo Boo Kitty. Home with Mamma.

I miss him. I miss him alot. The new things I would have learned from him
. The things I could have taught. All taken from me
I remember the first time he cat called me. Scared me. I had no
clue he did it. He would say "Hi Cody"
he was great. He is great.
I have not forgiven Jennifer Stacey for letting him get sick and
not giving him proper care.
I probably never will. I do not hate her
it is not her fault that she is stupid when it comes to caring for
animals and I personally pray she never has kids.

Cody, You are my sunshine. I love you baby boy.

Love Always,
Your mamma