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The Top 5 Friends List

Interesting Web Sights And Pics Of Me

My 1999 Pic
Tina's page! My sis!
The Official K-9 Companion Of Jenni Taylor!
ROLL TIDE Alabama Athletic Page
Warwick Castle (UK)
Stonehenge (UK)
Chesil Beach (UK)
Chatsworth House (UK)
Chips Computers (UK)
Mardi Gras History Lesson
Radio Margaritaville
I am an Ambassador to Makers Mark Bourbon
Brim Chippy (Brimington UK)

Hi, I am Jenni. I now live in Alabama. I am 36 years old, have long brown hair, big confederate blue eyes, and no sign of a tan. But that will come in time. I stand 5'7" tall. When I started this page I was 26 and in that time it has come a long way. Some of the pictures have been replaced, and the sky background has been updated to a more eye catching one. But some things never change, like my love of striking a pose. The BIG picture up top is me at 35 (in England). Let me bring you all up to speed. I took a trip to they UK and learned a lot. I went to Manchester, Bolsover Castle , Chatsworth, Warwick Castle, Stonehenge, York, Wehymouth, Portland, Portland Bill, Lime Regis,Chesil Beach, Star Wars Exhibition, London Eye, Herrod's, Buckingham Palace,Trafalga Square, Lester Square, Odeion Cinema, London Wall, Tower of London etc and so on. I got to see the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth. Queen Elizabeth was at Buckingham Palace when I went. We know this because the Union Jack was flying. I talked to some of the guards at the Tower of London. They are real sweethearts. When I told them "you British men sure know how to show a girl a good time" they replied "that is what we are here for love". I highly recommend British men to all women in search of fun and good looks in a man. The last night I was in England I stayed at the Buxton Palace. As we say back home "they really put on the dog". Tails are required by gents wishing to have dinner. Ladies are advised to dress in a dinner dress. The slippers waited for us with folded robes on the bed, and there was anything you could hope for at our finger tips. But the one thing we found we needed was not provided by the hotel. *each other* We had that the entire trip. :-) This summer (2008) I spent 6 more weeks in England. Ahh the life! Well I am so spoiled now that it is not funny! I became a shop a holic. My favorite store to catch a buy in is Evans. I think I have just about replaced all of my woolies that I had before with ones from Evans. Very cool. And with it being in Chesterfield makes it a short bus ride into town from Brimington which is perfect for me. I saw a few sights again: Hardwick Hall, Sherwood Forest and Robinhood's tree, Penryth Castle (Wales), Conafron Castle (Wales), Conway Castle (Wales), Althorp House (home of Diana Princess Of Wales as well as her resting place), Windsor Castle, The RMS Titanic Museum and I am sure there are others I am forgetting. I had a lovely time though and my mum and dad treated me like one of their own! Phil and I had a great time as usual. Well being the great boyfriend Phil surprised me a few weeks back with yet another trip to England. I stayed 3 weeks for his birthday celebration. We had such a wonderful time. We went back to Bolsover and even took a trip to Bath. Oh the Roman Baths are so beautiful as is the city. We took a carriage ride through the city, so romantic! We looked at Bolsover and thought about using it when we get married only it won't be big enough. I guess I will be the first woman I know of that could not get married in a castle because she did not have enough space for guests. However we looked at the church in Brimington and we will have plenty of room there. Plus it has this beautiful cathedral ceiling with arches and pipe organ! Oh it is what I have dreamed of all my life! I can't wait to get my ring in December! What I really can't wait for is to move to England. I got to meet Phil's sister and her boyfriend and his daughter. I like them. Good people. I also met his parents and grandad. I think grandad is cool! As for Phil's mother I think she is probably the sweetest woman I ever met. Phil's dad is a charmer. I see where Phil gets it. They have the best Fish and Chips I ever had. I have provided a link to their chip shop Brim Chippy. If you ever are in the neighborhood go in, the food is to die for. I learned to eat Mushy Peas, and drink hot tea too! I guess you could say I am living in the big time. ;-) Final thought: British men kiss better! ;-) Sorry if I took the mickey on you Southern guys but it is true. Credits: Photography by my wonderful father, and my sexy boyfriend Phil. More pics to come!

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The time here is CST. So you don't have to do the math here is a clock for you. Y'all be sweet and "Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez"! Graphics and layout by the Sexy Minx.