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21st Century Ministries Creative Services University of Metaphysics Doctoral Degree Order Books Metaphysical Holistic New Thought Religion Millenium Millennium New Age Pastoral Counseling God Prayer Twenty First Century twenty first century ministries creative services university of metaphysics religion god doctoral degree order books holistic new thought new age millenium millennium pastoral counseling prayer service religion order metaphysics earn degree school of metaphysics learn business holistic healing minister Minister become a church Church God faith teach Teach metaphysics metaphysical teachings read Read books Book Books

Welcome to the greatest way of living each day as we approach the 21st Century! This is your life where the journey will cause many of your dreams to become realities! Welcome to a way of living that can bring you more love, income, success, fulfillment, creativity, and awareness in your life! You are about to discover how to use the EXACT SAME POWER that was used by Christ and others down through the ages to whom so-called supernatural power was attributed. The decision you can make is going to influence your life for the better, more so than any other decision that you will ever make. WHY? Because "Practical Mysticism," is based on the use of the ABSOLUTE POWER available to the human being. The 20th Century has been an era of New Thought in America. A University of Chicago survey indicated that more than two-thirds of all Americans already believe in at least some aspect of what one writer calls, "New Thought-New Age." This wave of believing energy may be coalescing into a "millennial theology" that some think will be the religion of the third millennium.

Getting Started
You can become a student of "Practical Mysticism," in your home by enrolling in the University of Metaphysics Home Study Course. Earn your Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral degrees. Easily affordable tuition, and no previous educational requirements. Open to all faiths. Call and ask for your introduction package at 1-888-866-4685 extention 30. We will see that you receive free information about how to get started.

21st Century Ministries
As a young man in the turbulent 1960's, I began a career in religion. I received my BA in Philosophy/Religion. I set out to become a minister. I became a professional writer instead. Over the past 30 years, I have been a professional writer, that is, until I became a student of "Practical Mysticism." I enrolled at the University of Metaphysics and received every degree they offered. I now have a doctoral in metaphysics (Msc.D). What does this mean to you? You can, too. I will show you how to begin helping yourself and others learn to love easier, become more successful, be more aware of your surroundings, and become more creative in everyday living.

Defining Mysticism
Mysticism is a much abused word in today's world. It represents the highest quest of human growth and awarenes. Why "abused?" Because it has become a catchall word for everything from crystal-gazing to tea-leaf reading. It is none of these things. Properly defined, Mysticism is: (1) to discover your ultimate Self-Reality: i.e., the relationship of man-woman, mind and the Universe; (2) to discover the Supreme Universal Intelligence or God, that resides somewhere in the deeper levels of the human mind; (3) to make direct contact with this Supreme Universal Intelligence, Mind, or God; (4) to experience this Presence; i.e., to "know" that Universal Mind, or God exists that can be contacted; (5)to bring forth into the conscious mind and surface daily life, the CREATIVITY, ATTRIBUTES, AND POWER of the UNIVERSAL MIND, for the purpose of improving life, and/or for the practice of "Practical Mysticism," (6) to be intuitively guided in all one does in one's daily life through INTUITIVE ESP; (7) to synthesize the daily functional mind with CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE of the UNIVERSE and thus be able to CREATE one's LIFE as one desires.

How Mysticism is Practiced
The main practice in Mysticism is that of Meditation. For those new to the subject, this reference is to "Mystical Meditation," a type of meditation where one attempts to make DIRECT CONTACT with the INTELLIGENCE of the UNIVERSE, UNIVERSAL MIND, the MIND OF GOD, GOD-MIND, in a spiritual sense.

Want to Get Started?
You can get started now, right away, by calling 1-888-866-4685 extension 30. It's a free call. You will receive free information in the mail. If you decide this is what you really want, a sincere desire to serve God and others, then the door is open - "Ask and you shall receive." You can also read on and get started a little quicker. Reading material you will need can be ordered right now, even if you decide not to enroll in the school.


Recommended Reading
Special of the Month
Pastoral Counseling

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