Rachel Blanchard Filmography
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Rachel Blanchard Filmography

Rachel Blanchard Filmography

1. "Clueless" (1996) TV Series...Cher Horowitz

2. Iron Eagle IV (1995)...Kitty Shaw

3. Young Ivanhoe (1995) (TV)...Rowena

4. Are You Afraid of the Dark?" (1992) TV Series...Kristen(1992-1993)

5. On My Own (1992)...Tania

6. Clarence (1992) (TV)...Jill

7. "War of the Worlds" (1988) TV Series...Debi McCullough (age 11)
...aka "War of the Worlds: The Second Invasion" (1988)

8. Alex: The Life of a Child (1986) (TV)...Wendy