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One day I decided to write Taylor Hanson a letter, so I did and I included my phone number and picture. Tay called me about 4 days later and invited me to spend the three months I had out of school with his family in Tulsa. my parents said it was ok, so 3 days before I had to leave, Diana came down to meet my parents and me. She had brought the new baby, Zoe, along with her and I spent most of the time waiting to leave helping Diana with her. Then, finally, we were on the plane and ready to go! On our way to the plane, there was a stream of photographers chasing us. Diana said, "honey, if you're going to be staying with us for 3 months, you'll have to get used to this." Boy was she right. Coming off the plane it was even worse. Photographers were actually trying to jump over the ropes, blocking our path out of the airport. 3 security guards came out and we made it to the limo safely. When we got to the house, the first thing I heard was a man's voice saying "honey, is that you?" "Yeah" Diana answered. "Come down and meet Kristin." She led me down a hallway filled with pictures. She caught me looking at one and she said, "That's one of my favorites. This one was taken when Isaac was about 13, Taylor was 10, and Zac was 7 or 8.'' Just then I heard a screech of, "Mommy!" from Mackie. He ran into her arms and she gave him a big hug. Then, Jessica and Avery joined in on the fun. "Do you like Barbies? I like Barbies," Avery said. In fact, she had Malabu Barbie in her hands. Walker came in and he gave Diana a kiss. "Where are the boys?" she asked. "They're finishing some homework. They should be down any second now," he replied. Then, we heard voices coming down the hallway and an excited, "Hey, mom's home!" from Zac. She gave all three boys (Ike, Tay, and Zac) a hug and then she said, "Boys, I'd like you to meet our new roommate for the summer. Ike gave me a friendly shake and said, "hey, I'm Ike. It's nice to finally meet you." Zac said, "You have now entered the Zac Attack zone," in a silly voice. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Tay won't shut up about you. No offense ya know? He has the pic you sent him taped to the mirror in the bathroom." I laughed and Tay's eyes got really wide and he gave Zac a "I'm gonna kill you" look. Then he said, "Hey, I'm-" "Taylor. Yeah, I know," I interrupted him. Everyone laughed when we did that. I unpacked all my stuff and we went to an Italian restaurant. Tay sat next to me, but he never really said anything to me except, "Pass the breadsticks, please." Then next few days we developed a friendship. He took me on a tour of Tulsa and when we got home, we found Ike and Zac sitting on the couch watching Friends. "Another day in the life of Jennifer Aniston," i said. "yep, yep, yep," Zac answered. Tay and I started playing around and I said, "All you could need, Jennifer Aniston and some jellybeans." I laughed and then our eyes met. We leaned in to kiss and we had no idea Ike and Zac were watching us until they started cheering. We ended the kiss (why, oh, why) and blushed. "I need to finish my chores before mom has a cow," Tay said trying to find a quick excuse. he left and I heard snickers coming from Zac and Ike who had their faces buried in pillows, trying to hide the laughter. I ran over and tickled Zac until he rolled off the couch. After that, Tay and I began spending all our time together. One day, I said, "i can't believe I only have 3 more days left. It only seems like I've been here for a week when it's really been 3 months." Tay said,"Well, you don't have to leave." "I can't stay here," I said. "Why not?" he asked. "I have family and friends at home. I can't leave them. They mean too much to me." "I just don't understand," he said. "Why can't you stay here with me? Don't you love me?" "of course I do. It's just..." "It's just you don't want to be with me anymore." "No Tay. It's not like that." "Whatever." The conversation ended at that. Soon it was the day I had to leave. The whole family squeezed into the van and we were off to the airport. When we got there, I gave everyone hugs and said goodbye. When I started to say bye to Tay he said, "Just leave." My eyes started welling up with tears and I gave everyone one last wave. I looked at Tay and a tear rolled down my cheek. I turned and started heading down the runway A week or two after I got back home, I called Tay. Diana answered the phone. "Hey Diana. Is Tay there?" I asked. "he is, but he hasn't been feeling too well ever since you left. Can I give him a message for you?" she replied. "Tell him....tell him I'm coming home." I hung up withu\out saying goodbye. I picked up my bags and left for the airport. When the plane landed, Tay was there waiting for me. "How did you know I was gonna be here?" I asked him. "I just knew it in my heart," he answered. With that, we walked out hand in hand. Tell me what you think by e-mailing me at Thanks. Krystin Destin ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Hi My name is Cara, and here is a dream I had about Hanson. One day I was sitting all alone at my lunch table, because the people who I think were my friends really are not, and I was getting out my lunch and then right when I took out my lunch bag, I heard a fimiliar voice, and it said wait dont take out your lunch bag, because me and my brothers are going to treat you to the biggest lunch you ever had. I didnt know who it was for a second, and then I turned around and Taylor, Zac, and Issac were looking sweetley into my eyes. I screamed and screamed and hugged everyone of them even Ike, who Im not wild about. I put my bag away and some of the people were so jealous they started making fun of hanson, that I screamed at those mean people, and then ran off without hanson. I ran as fast I could, taylor, zac, and ike, caught up with me after 2 minutes, and taylor hugged me and said everything was ok. He held my hand, and we went to the Hanson truck with everyone. I met his mom, and sisters jessica, and avery, and mackie, and the little baby zoe. She was so cute. Taylor's mom drove down toward a little city called port charlotte and took me to my favirote restraunt called Chilis. I cried and thanked her. Taylor took my hand, and I didnt scream like I would have if like say I met them out a concert. A hostess took us to our booth. I sat down next to Taylor, and zac and ike, sat accross from me and taylor. We all started talking, and they knew who I was from previous emails, and letters and pictures etc. And they asked me about my life, and I like told them everything even the bad parts. And the good parts also. When I was done I was so embarrased from some of the things I said, that taylor knew I was upset, he took my chin and he frenched kissed me. And then he asked me to be *his* girl and I immediately said yes. Me and Taylor were so happy for years and years and years, that he decided to ask me to marry him. I said yes of course. And then I became Mrs Cara Ann elizabeth Taylor Hanson. I got along great with issac and zac and the 3 little sisters and little mackie, and taylors parents absouletley adored me. They would have me and taylor over for dinnner alot. Because me and taylor had a home of our own. It was the most pleasant dream I ever did had. If anyone wants to know the rest of my dream or just be penpals or whatever with me please feel free to email me at Hope to hear from you soon. ------- Cara Ann Englewood, FL E-mail: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I've had this sort of continuous dream that has been going on for a while. I'm pro figure skater on tour and ALL of my skating rountines are to Hanson. Here's how my dream started. I was skating to MMMBop with it on EXTREMLY loud. Then Tay and the gang walks through the rink door wondering who the imposter. It happily turns out that our tours go to the exact same places at around the same time. So they go on tour with us, live in the pro skater's bus (they have this bus with like a livingroom, kitchen, bunkbeds, etc. in it for when the pro figure skaters go on tour so they don't have to stop for a hotel.) etc. At every preformance that I do, they have a stage in the middle of the rink and they play the music live. Or if they aren't playing the music live Tay is ALWAYS off ice when I get off the ice. The dreams have sort of been like a TV show epidsoides, one day they become girlfriend/boyfriend (me and Tay of course), next day girl bangs her head against the boards of the rinks after sliding out of control after a jump and boy is the first to get to the girl, you get the drift. Anyway, I'm really glad that they have been sticking around for so long, cause they're great dreams if you get what I mean.... CHelly <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><<><><> Hi, Do you want to use my dream, actually it's more of a nightmare. I was asleep in my bed, and I woke up cause I was thirsty. I went downstairs and just got to the hall when the front door burst open. Hanson came in dressed as MIB's. They all had their hair tied back in really funny looking poneytails. Ike and Zac pulled a gun on me and then Taylor got out his rat's tail and strangled me with it! Claire :-) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Okay, my friend had this dream, not me, but it's really cool, and she hates Hanson so she'd never write in. We were driving to McDonalds (even though we are only 13). When we went inside, all the people working there had on ONLY their hats and aprons! All the guys cooking in the kitchen looked like JTT's, Devon Sawa's, and Leo Dicaprio's. Then my friend Christy went to the first cash register and it was Zac Hanson, And he said in a really wierd voice, tell me what you want. But she hates Hanson so she said Uh I'll just go over there, and she went to the next cash register and it was Rider Strong (she loves Rider). So she was then satisfied. Then i went to the cash register where Zac was ( I LOVE zac) and again he said in that really funny voice, tell me what you want. I was like lovin' him and i babbled, uh food, wait a meal? And then he leaned over and kissed me. Okay that's what she told me, and she is like one of my best friends, with a big imagination and i believe her!!! Cool Dream, huh? Okay N E one can e-mail me i am looking for an on line buddy. My addy is Bye!

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