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Pat,on guitar, and Andy,on drums, but where is John??

Hidy Ho, thanks for stopping by. Hopefully the fact that your here means that you've seen us and if that's true thanks for the support and keep on coming. July is going to be our most exciting month yet. We have the incredible oppertunity to open for Dash Rip Rock at the Ivory Tusk on July 11th. If you don't know who they are, you ought to. Come out to the Tusk on the 11th and see as one college coed put it "The most fun band in the world." We are also having a post Panic party at the Ivory Tusk on July 25th. So if you didn't get enough of Widespread on the 23rd and 24th come hang out at the Tusk with us on Saturday. Keep your eyes and ears open when you on the strip and look for our name. Oh yeah, and bring friends! We'll see y'all real soon!

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A special thanks to April, Andy's girlfriend, for designing our webpage!