The Butterfly Coven Home Page
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The Butterfly Coven Home Page

The Butterfly Coven's tradition is oriented around the home brewing of mead.
"We bust to improve our must!"
- Butterfly Coven trademark slogan

"It's mead you need to gratify your greed:
The must you trust to satisfy your lust!"
-From a song on the Meadmaker's album
Honey, Wine, and Thou, and Thou, and Thou...

Butterfly Coven Pages

Mead Page
Brenda's Page
Brewing Magic
Teleport to
Jerry's Grassy Meadow Page
at Tripod
The Meadmakers!
(Our Coven Band)
Teleport to
Jerry's Grassy Meadow Page
at Geocities

Jerry wrote some cute games,
and he's giving them away as freeware!

SLITHER A simple DOS text-based game about a Hero, sent by his King into a dungeon to kill dragons.
ARYAN 2 Savage Orcs have taken over the King's diamond mine, and the Hero must get rid of them!

Other Wicca Websites

Earth Wisdom
A Little Book of Shadows
The Witches Voice
The Witches Web
The Wiccan Rede

Heed ye Flower, Bush and Tree
By the Lady, blessed be
Where the rippling waters go
Cast a stone and truth you'll know

This Coven Circle site is owned by
The Butterfly Coven.

Want to join the Coven Circle?
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Butterfly Coven