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The fake site's case could have been resolved without all the uproar that accompanied it, but it was meant to be like that, big and international. There is no harm in that because many lessons are learned from it. It was a test for a number of concepts and cultural relations between the other and us. It re-instated the concept of freedom and proper treatment of others without insult or injury to opponents who hold different views.
Freedom strugglers have triumphed in this case but at the expense of the understanding of the others who protested and demonstrated in outrage.  
We at Islam First admire and follow with respect the statement made by CAIR as this affair must be normalized by listening to the voice of mind and good sense. We believe that If everyone talks at once, truth will not prevail, what is obvious in this case is no one can be heard amongst this pandemonium and freedom as a value has won silently by proving that no one can own it or classify it and insult other on its name. Islam has also triumphed as a religion because it re-entered the limelight once more in an age characterized by a recession of the main religions. People began to ask and e-mail questions about the nature of Islam, the religion which has caused all this uproar. The question to be answered is; what could justify all this?
Ultimately, in the shadow of this case we can argue that all values are values to everyone and much can be done for freedom of expression by remedying inequalities, encouraging a tolerant culture and learning to respect each other. Truth can be served also by diversity. 
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