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Drac's Domain

Drac's Domain

Çount Ålerius Ðracula

His Life:
In the year of 1436 there was born a vampire by the name of Alerius. There is not much to say about his younger years due to him not knowing of his mother or father. His younger years are not really remembered or known. After his first century of life he had some land on which he built a Castle that caught all people who pass in awe. Although the Castle in unique in its own mysterious way, many people are not seen playing or working around it. The Castle at times seem vacant but inspite of that some are seen in the night with the moons glow. About his early 4th century in life he went out in search for a desireble Guild to join. In he searches he came to one in which he became an Advisor. RBoJ, Rhydins Brotherhood of Justice. Through his time there he soon became the GC's personal Advisor. In his travels he came across a Guild to whom he was asked to be GC of, though he was quite weary at first he agreed to take the offer. In his time there he at first doubled the membership of TROOK, the Royal Order Of Kings. Then merging with that of SHIN trippled it. Though his great friends Raven Serephim, and Shinobi Serephim have long been gone he still holds a special place and meaning for them. When his first wife had been caught three times with other men, he had finally decided to divorce Mina Murray to whom he still loved even though she had commited the worst to him. In spite to fill his loss he went in search of another vast Guild to join. Eternal Empire is one that he came across, many scattering about to do their jobs. He was offered to be the Head Advisor and his experiance and knowledge showed him the way. He accepted the honor and now works with EE along with RBoJ, his two most loyal Guilds to whom he places in high aspects along with his own TROOK. Later in his mid 5th century of life which seems like forever to some, but not to him. He finally found another love to whom he himself thought could never be done. The former President of HCoR, Meresah Hertsbar. He often started dropping by to talk with her and soon sought to seek her hand in the gift of marriage. His love Meresah H. Dracula and he decided to adopt Jonah O'Leria and his siter Sabrina, due to the lost of their attempt of children who both died in pre-mature birth. Count Alerius Dracula, his wife Mere, and their adoptive Children and thier family all hold honorable titles within TROOK and live in Rhydin to work with others. Now that times are troubling to him and his family, he pushes that TROOK is not standing up to what it once was. Lately with that on his mind he has thought he should either find powerful leaders to which he can trust TROOK with or, two, merge it with one of his Guilds, to whom he is loyal to. So history goes on.....

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