Andrew Law's Homepage
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Andrew Law's Homepage

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Hello everyone! Thanks for visiting my homepage. This is newly made, so please E-mail me any constructive comments on how this page can be improved.

Anyway, a bit about myself. I'm a 14 year old Singaporean from Victoria School. I have many hobbies,such as Tennis (my ECA), Cycling, Basketball and Blading. Other than outdoor sports, I also like to listen to music, play video games and also watch movies and cartoons, it may be childish, but who really cares?

Making friends around my age is another hobby of mine. If you are looking for a friend, just mail me at

The Other Cool Parts Of Moi Homepage

My personal page

My Marvin the Martian Page...I find him REALLY cute!

My Video Games Page

My page of fav links, check this out!

My Sonic The Hedgehog Page

Have you signed my yet?
Please note that this is a section
I'll put a dog pic here as well, once I find one
Do you have any good? If you do, then me

This page was created by Andrew Law. All materials found on this page are credited to their authors. If you want to have your link on my page, please mail me.